Hi, In order to take care of the new WebUI chapter (bullet 2 in the original email below), may I propose to make the following changes to the overall FIWARE Architecture Overview diagramm (in [2]): -- We move the small (light grey) "Middleware" box from the large "Advanced Middleware & WebUI" box to the I2ND box. -- We simply drop the "Advanced Middleware &" from the name of the "Advanced Middleware & WebUI" box (leaving Simple "WebUI"). Best, Philipp Am 11.02.2015 um 18:58 schrieb MIGUEL CARRILLO PACHECO: > Dear all, > > Yesterday I dispatched a few pending matters with Juanjo and he has > provided the guidelines for *D.1<y>.1.1 Contribution to FI-WARE > Reference Architecture (y = [2-8]) > > *The reference is the usual link (maintained by Juanjo but it seems that > you can edit it):* > * > > * *[1] > https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nl02hcZ79WC5i_sYbL1jV_aLyF1swcES0P4VQgP-csE/edit#gid=0* > > > And the starting place is this one, as you may imagine:* > * > > * *[2] http://wiki.fiware.org/FI-WARE_Architecture* > > Things to do:* > * > > * Each architect is expected to (radically) clean GEs that do not > apply any more and to create the structure for the new ones > * The GEs that have to be there are those that will be released in R4 > (and those delivered in the past that are in [1]) . So we need to > add robotics, Spago, CKAN... > * Part of the MIWI/I2ND GEs will need to be relocated. Pier/Thomas and > Philipp/Torsten, can you talk and organize between yourselves? > * TID will update the graph in the Architecture overview > * Each architect is expected to update his part in the Architecture > overview > * FIWARE Ops will not go here - Alessandro, forget about this > deliverable and wiki page! :) > * Davide/Pedro, please remove the "Comunity and Tools" part. Yes, even > the catalogue and the elearning part of the architecture. This means > removing the page (do not leave an orphan page) and also the link > from the architecture overview. Tools will no longer be in the > architecture. > * Each architect must review their "general" architecture page. This > means general update by the coordinator/architect of the initial > summary of each chapter plus updating the diagram and the > interdependencies > * Each GE owner has to update the architecture pages of his/her GE > > The "general" work in the chapter is expected to be done by the > architect and the "particular" work in each GE by the GE owner. The > chapter leader is expected to surveil the process, send reminders to the > architect if he fails to do his part and *_timely _*report to the > coordination if there are delays or if he detects inactivity on the > architect or the Ge owner side. Before you ask. Yes, it will affect your > karma positively or negatively (both GE owner and chapter leaders). > > The structure and approach is similar to the previous architecture - > Pier, happy? :) > > We will see if there are cross reviews later. In the mean time, start > doing this work and we expect to have it ready for the _*24th of > February*_. > > Best regards, > > Miguel > > -- > > Please update your address book with my new e-mail address: miguel.carrillopacheco at telefonica.com > > ---------------------------------------------------------------------- > _/ _/_/ Miguel Carrillo Pacheco > _/ _/ _/ _/ Telefónica Distrito Telefónica > _/ _/_/_/ _/ _/ Investigación y Edifico Oeste 1, Planta 9 > _/ _/ _/ _/ Desarrollo Ronda de la Comunicación S/N > _/ _/_/ 28050 Madrid (Spain) > Tel: (+34) 91 483 26 77 > > e-mail: miguel.carrillopacheco at telefonica.com > > Follow FIWARE on the net > > Website: http://www.fiware.org > Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eu.fiware > Twitter: http://twitter.com/Fiware > LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/FIWARE-4239932 > ---------------------------------------------------------------------- > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > > Este mensaje y sus adjuntos se dirigen exclusivamente a su destinatario, > puede contener información privilegiada o confidencial y es para uso > exclusivo de la persona o entidad de destino. Si no es usted. el > destinatario indicado, queda notificado de que la lectura, utilización, > divulgación y/o copia sin autorización puede estar prohibida en virtud > de la legislación vigente. Si ha recibido este mensaje por error, le > rogamos que nos lo comunique inmediatamente por esta misma vía y proceda > a su destrucción. > > The information contained in this transmission is privileged and > confidential information intended only for the use of the individual or > entity named above. If the reader of this message is not the intended > recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution > or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have > received this transmission in error, do not read it. 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Se recebeu esta mensagem por erro, > rogamos-lhe que nos o comunique imediatamente por esta mesma via e > proceda a sua destruição > > > _______________________________________________ > Fiware-chapter-architects mailing list > Fiware-chapter-architects at lists.fi-ware.org > https://lists.fi-ware.org/listinfo/fiware-chapter-architects > -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz (DFKI) GmbH Trippstadter Strasse 122, D-67663 Kaiserslautern Geschäftsführung: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Wolfgang Wahlster (Vorsitzender) Dr. Walter Olthoff Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Prof. Dr. h.c. Hans A. Aukes Sitz der Gesellschaft: Kaiserslautern (HRB 2313) USt-Id.Nr.: DE 148646973, Steuernummer: 19/673/0060/3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... 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