[Fiware-chapter-architects] experience with the architecture deliverable

MIGUEL CARRILLO PACHECO miguel.carrillopacheco at telefonica.com
Tue Mar 3 11:57:56 CET 2015

Incidentally, I have been trying to reach Juanjo for days now. I was not sure if he wants to review a word file (as I assume) or how we will proceed. I will keep on trying.



El 03/03/2015 a las 10:57, MIGUEL CARRILLO PACHECO escribió:

We do have a problem.

1) I tend to  copy-paste the wiki pages directly on word. It does the trick and saving-opening-reformating as you did seems more cumbersome. Maybe I am wrong, I do not have time to test both methods.

2) @Philipp, you were offering the tools from another project. It is becoming urgent to see if it is suitable. Can you please look into it?

The tools from SAP are out of the question, unfortunately.

Bitergia have been overloaded from the start of the project. You do not see all the traffic of requests but I do. Also, we have asked for backups, monitorization, JIRA installations, forge migrations, evaluations of tools, lists management, ... They are doing a terrific job that people do not generally perceive as they do it silently.  Now the forge is causing trouble on top of which  they are migrating lists from fi-ware.org to fiware.org etc. There always seems to be something stopping us from starting with the deliverable creation tool!



El 02/03/2015 a las 23:56, Alex Glikson escribió:
Dear coordinator & partners,

I wanted to share my experience working on the architecture deliverable.
Maybe there is a better way to do it, but I found myself doing quite a lot of manual editing of the resulting Word document, to make it reasonably formatted for a formal deliverable. In particular, I had to do the following (this is a partial list):
1. Saved the individual wiki pages in mht format (web archive, single file), which can be then edited in Word (and saved in native docx format)
2. Removed 'garbage' text related to wiki info etc
3. Copied all the files into a single file
4. Added standard FIWARE title page and 'preface' pages (executive summary, change history, etc), header/footer, etc
5. Removed individual Legal Notice sections, added a single Legal Notice section under the 'preface' section (we did standardize on a single legal notice for all GEs)
6. Created 1st level headings for "Introduction" (the main Cloud architecture page) and for each GE, specifying the GE name (rather than the cryptic wiki page name)
7. Removed individual TOCs of each page, created the overall TOC (leaving only 2 levels)
8. Updated *all* the headings and levels of sub-section titles to reflect the new hierarchy, as well as to add sections numbering
9. Fixed all figure sizes, added figure captions, added table of figures
10. Did overall editing of the deliverable

..and I am surely missing some steps I applied.

I am curious to know whether others are going through a similar process, and maybe even achieved similar results in an easier way? After all, it might be desirable to have consistent outcomes (and we are already few days late). FYI, attaching the current draft (several inconsistencies and various content issues still to be fixed). Any thoughts/comments are welcome.


Alex Glikson
Manager, Cloud Infrastructure Solutions, IBM Haifa Research Lab
Email: glikson at il.ibm.com<mailto:glikson at il.ibm.com> | Phone: +972-4-8281085 | Mobile: +972-54-6466667 | Fax: +972-4-8296112

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                         e-mail: miguel.carrillopacheco at telefonica.com<mailto:miguel.carrillopacheco at telefonica.com>

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