Dear Pier, Well, someone already volunteer to go there, but nothing it’s confirmed yet. Are you willing to go? Best Malena From: Garino Pierangelo [mailto:pierangelo.garino at] Sent: Friday, September 11, 2015 2:49 PM To: Donato Cohen, Malena Cc: fiware-chapter-leaders at; fiware-chapter-architects at; fiware-wg-leaders at Subject: R: [Fiware-speakers-req] Invitation to 6th FUSECO Forum 5 - 6 Nov in Berlin Hi Malena, I understood the event was already covered by a FIWARE speaker. Is this mail just a consequence of the fiware mailing lists being alive again, or do you still need to find a volunteer? BR Pier Da: fiware-chapter-leaders-bounces at<mailto:fiware-chapter-leaders-bounces at> [mailto:fiware-chapter-leaders-bounces at] Per conto di Donato Cohen, Malena Inviato: martedì 8 settembre 2015 10:28 A: fiware-chapter-leaders at<mailto:fiware-chapter-leaders at>; fiware-chapter-architects at<mailto:fiware-chapter-architects at>; fiware-wg-leaders at<mailto:fiware-wg-leaders at> Oggetto: [Fiware-chapter-leaders] [Fiware-speakers-req] Invitation to 6th FUSECO Forum 5 - 6 Nov in Berlin Hi all, We have this invitation: 6th FUSECO Forum In this year, the FOUSECO forum is going to address mainly the topic: „Digital Convergence and Seamless Connectivity for everyone and everything – Bringing 5G, SDN/NFV and M2M/IOT together“ FUSECO Website:<> In the M2M/IoT workshop on the 5th of Nov 2015, in Berlin they have two sessions as follows: Session 1: The M2M and IoT Platforms as key Enabler for Smart Solutions and Applications: This session will address the evolution of M2M towards the IoT and the related platforms and architecture. The workshop will address the challenges from business and technical perspectives of various vertical domains. M2M platform developers and service providers will present their view and experience from current development and deployment activities. Session 2: Innovative M2M/IoT solutions and applications: In this session, various vertical domains are presented and the related challenges are discussed with experts from different domains. Innovative applications, data analytic, and practical experience are the key message of this session. The speaker can register to all sessions and join the social event for free and we can provide your members 20% discount. Any volunteer? Please, let me know if anyone is interested, otherwise we’ll reject their invitation. Thanks so much, Regards, Malena This e-mail and the documents attached are confidential and intended solely for the addressee; it may also be privileged. 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