[Fiware-chapter-architects] Preliminary proposal for evolution of FIWARE APIs and data models, based on JSON-LD

Philipp Slusallek philipp.slusallek at dfki.de
Fri Jan 8 07:08:19 CET 2016

Hi Gilles, all,

This is very interesting, indeed!

My group at DFKI is working in a very similar direction as part of the
(large) German ARVIDA and GUIDED-AL projects.  We use a similar approach
there to do realtime communication for Virtual Technologies (VR/AR:
Tracking, 3D visualization, etc.) with some of the big players in
Germany (automotive, ship, aerospace). Depending on where FIWARE plan to
be going with this, we might have some interesting results that we could

We were, anyway, planning to use some of that technology as part of the
Sync GE (WebUI) anyway, so this is a really interesting coincidence that
you are thinking about a similar direction.

Were and how do you plan to have the discussion (on the fiware-ngsi
email list)? A kickoff call soon might also be a good idea to get a
better overview of where people are and where they would want to go.

Can you please put Rene Schubotz from my group (in CC) into the loop as
well, please.



Am 31.12.2015 um 12:06 schrieb gilles.privat at orange.com:
> Dear colleagues
> A discussion had been initiated a few months ago by Jose Manuel and
> Fermin on the Orion GitHub about the use of JSON-LD for the FIWARE API.
> We propose to extend this discussion in view of the planned
> re-standardization of the FIWARE API and data model.
> Attached is a draft position paper on how we could rethink the API and
> make it more appealing to developers, more generic and more evolvable by
> separating it completely from the data models, precisely by using  JSON-LD.
> This is just a basis for starting initiating a discussion, not a
> definite proposal.
> Cordially
> http://www.francetelecom.com/sirius/logos_mail/orange_logo.gif
> *Gilles Privat*
> Senior Scientist
> Orange Labs, Grenoble
> M2M, Internet of Things, Smart Cities
> gilles.privat at orange.com <mailto:gilles.privat at orange.com>
> office +33 4 38 42 86 16
> mobile +33 6 71 17 64 60
> Twitter @gilles_privat
> http://research.orange.com/en/page-author/gilles-privat/_
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> http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Gilles_Privat/
> 28 Chemin du Vieux Chêne
> BP 98 38243 Meylan, France
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Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz (DFKI) GmbH
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  Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Wolfgang Wahlster (Vorsitzender)
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