[Fiware-chapter-architects] Final versión of the FI-Core report

MIGUEL CARRILLO PACHECO miguel.carrillopacheco at telefonica.com
Thu Sep 21 16:00:36 CEST 2017

Dear all,

We needed to produce a new version of the report adding the part of Orange that they contributed at the end of August. After informal discussions with the EC we have a new version that in my opinion is suitable for delivery.

I circulate it to fulfil the formal requirement of sharing it with the whole consortium but as far I can see, the impact is negligible on other partners than Orange, who substantially improve their position now.

Given the size of the doc, I have to share it via link. This is the final one we will submit:

·         https://www.dropbox.com/s/f3tsdqksqbmdmml/D.41.2.2%20FI-CORE%20Periodic%20Report%20Y2_20170921%28clean%29.pdf?dl=0

If you want to see a version tracking changes with respect to the previous one, you can take this one:

·         https://www.dropbox.com/s/u4x0xer7juep9zq/D.41.2.2%20FI-CORE%20Periodic%20Report%20Y2_20170921.doc?dl=0

This is very mature so I am assuming that there are no comments. I circulate it just in case there is a really critical one to the new additions(the rest has been circulated in the past). Minor ones are not applicable at this stage. We are aware that  there are partners under financial strain and  they want to get the funds asap.

We will officially submit this to the EC via NEF on Monday, first thing in the morning.

Please note that fiware at lists.fiware.org<mailto:fiware at lists.fiware.org> remains the official list of FI-Core until this is completely closed and it is the responsibility of each partner to keep it up to date with the right contacts. Just in case, I would advise those receiving this message to ensure that it  reaches the concerned people internally in case there have been organizational changes in a given partner.

Best regards,



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