From manuel.escrichevicente at Thu Sep 25 10:48:50 2014 From: manuel.escrichevicente at (MANUEL ESCRICHE VICENTE) Date: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 08:48:50 +0000 Subject: [Fiware-chapter-leaders] JIRA Trackers and Agile dynamic Message-ID: Dear Chapter Leaders, Let me inform you that I'm working on creating JIRA trackers for all technical chapters. I expect to have them all ready for sprint 4.1.1 starting on 1.October. I'm sending some invitations to join JIRA, please, accept them, they allow me to assign leaderships properly in JIRA, which normally easies default issues allocations. Let me remind you of inviting me to your sprint planning sessions, preferably on the one you wrap up the backlog for the sprint/release. Thanks for cooperation!! If anything please don't hesitate to let me know. Kind regards, Manuel ---------------------------- Manuel Escriche Vicente Agile Project Manager/Leader FI-WARE Initiative Telef?nica Digital Parque Tecnol?gico C/ Abraham Zacuto, 10 47151 - Boecillo Valladolid - Spain Tfno: +34.91.312.99.72 Fax: +34.983.36.75.64 ________________________________ Este mensaje y sus adjuntos se dirigen exclusivamente a su destinatario, puede contener informaci?n privilegiada o confidencial y es para uso exclusivo de la persona o entidad de destino. Si no es usted. el destinatario indicado, queda notificado de que la lectura, utilizaci?n, divulgaci?n y/o copia sin autorizaci?n puede estar prohibida en virtud de la legislaci?n vigente. Si ha recibido este mensaje por error, le rogamos que nos lo comunique inmediatamente por esta misma v?a y proceda a su destrucci?n. The information contained in this transmission is privileged and confidential information intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this transmission in error, do not read it. Please immediately reply to the sender that you have received this communication in error and then delete it. Esta mensagem e seus anexos se dirigem exclusivamente ao seu destinat?rio, pode conter informa??o privilegiada ou confidencial e ? para uso exclusivo da pessoa ou entidade de destino. Se n?o ? vossa senhoria o destinat?rio indicado, fica notificado de que a leitura, utiliza??o, divulga??o e/ou c?pia sem autoriza??o pode estar proibida em virtude da legisla??o vigente. Se recebeu esta mensagem por erro, rogamos-lhe que nos o comunique imediatamente por esta mesma via e proceda a sua destrui??o -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From GLIKSON at Thu Sep 25 13:32:23 2014 From: GLIKSON at (Alex Glikson) Date: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 14:32:23 +0300 Subject: [Fiware-chapter-leaders] JIRA Trackers and Agile dynamic In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: Dear Manuel, When can we expect the mailing lists for the individual chapters to be ready? It is difficult to communicate with partners and start the actual collaboration on the project without mailing lists. Thanks, Alex ==================================================================================== Alex Glikson Manager, Cloud Infrastructure Solutions, IBM Haifa Research Lab Email: glikson at | Phone: +972-4-8281085 | Mobile: +972-54-6466667 | Fax: +972-4-8296112 From: MANUEL ESCRICHE VICENTE To: "fiware-chapter-leaders at" Date: 25/09/2014 02:18 PM Subject: [Fiware-chapter-leaders] JIRA Trackers and Agile dynamic Sent by: fiware-chapter-leaders-bounces at Dear Chapter Leaders, Let me inform you that I?m working on creating JIRA trackers for all technical chapters. I expect to have them all ready for sprint 4.1.1 starting on 1.October. I?m sending some invitations to join JIRA, please, accept them, they allow me to assign leaderships properly in JIRA, which normally easies default issues allocations. Let me remind you of inviting me to your sprint planning sessions, preferably on the one you wrap up the backlog for the sprint/release. Thanks for cooperation!! If anything please don?t hesitate to let me know. Kind regards, Manuel ---------------------------- Manuel Escriche Vicente Agile Project Manager/Leader FI-WARE Initiative Telef?nica Digital Parque Tecnol?gico C/ Abraham Zacuto, 10 47151 - Boecillo Valladolid - Spain Tfno: +34.91.312.99.72 Fax: +34.983.36.75.64 Este mensaje y sus adjuntos se dirigen exclusivamente a su destinatario, puede contener informaci?n privilegiada o confidencial y es para uso exclusivo de la persona o entidad de destino. Si no es usted. el destinatario indicado, queda notificado de que la lectura, utilizaci?n, divulgaci?n y/o copia sin autorizaci?n puede estar prohibida en virtud de la legislaci?n vigente. Si ha recibido este mensaje por error, le rogamos que nos lo comunique inmediatamente por esta misma v?a y proceda a su destrucci?n. The information contained in this transmission is privileged and confidential information intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this transmission in error, do not read it. Please immediately reply to the sender that you have received this communication in error and then delete it. Esta mensagem e seus anexos se dirigem exclusivamente ao seu destinat?rio, pode conter informa??o privilegiada ou confidencial e ? para uso exclusivo da pessoa ou entidade de destino. Se n?o ? vossa senhoria o destinat?rio indicado, fica notificado de que a leitura, utiliza??o, divulga??o e/ou c?pia sem autoriza??o pode estar proibida em virtude da legisla??o vigente. Se recebeu esta mensagem por erro, rogamos-lhe que nos o comunique imediatamente por esta mesma via e proceda a sua destrui??o _______________________________________________ Fiware-chapter-leaders mailing list Fiware-chapter-leaders at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From manuel.escrichevicente at Thu Sep 25 14:24:17 2014 From: manuel.escrichevicente at (MANUEL ESCRICHE VICENTE) Date: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 12:24:17 +0000 Subject: [Fiware-chapter-leaders] JIRA Trackers and Agile dynamic In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <> Dear Alex, They have been requested to our support service days ago. We're expecting them to be available soon: today, tomorrow, ... I understand it. I'm sorry for not having them available yet. Kind regards, Manuel From: Alex Glikson [mailto:GLIKSON at] Sent: jueves, 25 de septiembre de 2014 13:32 To: MANUEL ESCRICHE VICENTE Cc: fiware-chapter-leaders at Subject: Re: [Fiware-chapter-leaders] JIRA Trackers and Agile dynamic Dear Manuel, When can we expect the mailing lists for the individual chapters to be ready? It is difficult to communicate with partners and start the actual collaboration on the project without mailing lists. Thanks, Alex ==================================================================================== Alex Glikson Manager, Cloud Infrastructure Solutions, IBM Haifa Research Lab Email: glikson at | Phone: +972-4-8281085 | Mobile: +972-54-6466667 | Fax: +972-4-8296112 From: MANUEL ESCRICHE VICENTE > To: "fiware-chapter-leaders at" > Date: 25/09/2014 02:18 PM Subject: [Fiware-chapter-leaders] JIRA Trackers and Agile dynamic Sent by: fiware-chapter-leaders-bounces at ________________________________ Dear Chapter Leaders, Let me inform you that I'm working on creating JIRA trackers for all technical chapters. I expect to have them all ready for sprint 4.1.1 starting on 1.October. I'm sending some invitations to join JIRA, please, accept them, they allow me to assign leaderships properly in JIRA, which normally easies default issues allocations. Let me remind you of inviting me to your sprint planning sessions, preferably on the one you wrap up the backlog for the sprint/release. Thanks for cooperation!! If anything please don't hesitate to let me know. Kind regards, Manuel ---------------------------- Manuel Escriche Vicente Agile Project Manager/Leader FI-WARE Initiative Telef?nica Digital Parque Tecnol?gico C/ Abraham Zacuto, 10 47151 - Boecillo Valladolid - Spain Tfno: +34.91.312.99.72 Fax: +34.983.36.75.64 ________________________________ Este mensaje y sus adjuntos se dirigen exclusivamente a su destinatario, puede contener informaci?n privilegiada o confidencial y es para uso exclusivo de la persona o entidad de destino. Si no es usted. el destinatario indicado, queda notificado de que la lectura, utilizaci?n, divulgaci?n y/o copia sin autorizaci?n puede estar prohibida en virtud de la legislaci?n vigente. Si ha recibido este mensaje por error, le rogamos que nos lo comunique inmediatamente por esta misma v?a y proceda a su destrucci?n. The information contained in this transmission is privileged and confidential information intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this transmission in error, do not read it. Please immediately reply to the sender that you have received this communication in error and then delete it. Esta mensagem e seus anexos se dirigem exclusivamente ao seu destinat?rio, pode conter informa??o privilegiada ou confidencial e ? para uso exclusivo da pessoa ou entidade de destino. Se n?o ? vossa senhoria o destinat?rio indicado, fica notificado de que a leitura, utiliza??o, divulga??o e/ou c?pia sem autoriza??o pode estar proibida em virtude da legisla??o vigente. Se recebeu esta mensagem por erro, rogamos-lhe que nos o comunique imediatamente por esta mesma via e proceda a sua destrui??o_______________________________________________ Fiware-chapter-leaders mailing list Fiware-chapter-leaders at ________________________________ Este mensaje y sus adjuntos se dirigen exclusivamente a su destinatario, puede contener informaci?n privilegiada o confidencial y es para uso exclusivo de la persona o entidad de destino. Si no es usted. el destinatario indicado, queda notificado de que la lectura, utilizaci?n, divulgaci?n y/o copia sin autorizaci?n puede estar prohibida en virtud de la legislaci?n vigente. Si ha recibido este mensaje por error, le rogamos que nos lo comunique inmediatamente por esta misma v?a y proceda a su destrucci?n. The information contained in this transmission is privileged and confidential information intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this transmission in error, do not read it. Please immediately reply to the sender that you have received this communication in error and then delete it. Esta mensagem e seus anexos se dirigem exclusivamente ao seu destinat?rio, pode conter informa??o privilegiada ou confidencial e ? para uso exclusivo da pessoa ou entidade de destino. Se n?o ? vossa senhoria o destinat?rio indicado, fica notificado de que a leitura, utiliza??o, divulga??o e/ou c?pia sem autoriza??o pode estar proibida em virtude da legisla??o vigente. Se recebeu esta mensagem por erro, rogamos-lhe que nos o comunique imediatamente por esta mesma via e proceda a sua destrui??o -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From miguel.carrillopacheco at Thu Sep 25 14:25:48 2014 From: miguel.carrillopacheco at (MIGUEL CARRILLO PACHECO) Date: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 14:25:48 +0200 Subject: [Fiware-chapter-leaders] JIRA Trackers and Agile dynamic In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <> Dear Alex, This was requested yesterday night. How long the support team will take, I do not know. I hope that not too long BR Miguel El 25/09/2014 13:32, Alex Glikson escribi?: Dear Manuel, When can we expect the mailing lists for the individual chapters to be ready? It is difficult to communicate with partners and start the actual collaboration on the project without mailing lists. Thanks, Alex ==================================================================================== Alex Glikson Manager, Cloud Infrastructure Solutions, IBM Haifa Research Lab Email: glikson at | Phone: +972-4-8281085 | Mobile: +972-54-6466667 | Fax: +972-4-8296112 From: MANUEL ESCRICHE VICENTE To: "fiware-chapter-leaders at" Date: 25/09/2014 02:18 PM Subject: [Fiware-chapter-leaders] JIRA Trackers and Agile dynamic Sent by: fiware-chapter-leaders-bounces at ________________________________ Dear Chapter Leaders, Let me inform you that I'm working on creating JIRA trackers for all technical chapters. I expect to have them all ready for sprint 4.1.1 starting on 1.October. I'm sending some invitations to join JIRA, please, accept them, they allow me to assign leaderships properly in JIRA, which normally easies default issues allocations. Let me remind you of inviting me to your sprint planning sessions, preferably on the one you wrap up the backlog for the sprint/release. Thanks for cooperation!! If anything please don't hesitate to let me know. Kind regards, Manuel ---------------------------- Manuel Escriche Vicente Agile Project Manager/Leader FI-WARE Initiative Telef?nica Digital Parque Tecnol?gico C/ Abraham Zacuto, 10 47151 - Boecillo Valladolid - Spain Tfno: +34.91.312.99.72 Fax: +34.983.36.75.64 ________________________________ Este mensaje y sus adjuntos se dirigen exclusivamente a su destinatario, puede contener informaci?n privilegiada o confidencial y es para uso exclusivo de la persona o entidad de destino. Si no es usted. el destinatario indicado, queda notificado de que la lectura, utilizaci?n, divulgaci?n y/o copia sin autorizaci?n puede estar prohibida en virtud de la legislaci?n vigente. Si ha recibido este mensaje por error, le rogamos que nos lo comunique inmediatamente por esta misma v?a y proceda a su destrucci?n. The information contained in this transmission is privileged and confidential information intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this transmission in error, do not read it. Please immediately reply to the sender that you have received this communication in error and then delete it. Esta mensagem e seus anexos se dirigem exclusivamente ao seu destinat?rio, pode conter informa??o privilegiada ou confidencial e ? para uso exclusivo da pessoa ou entidade de destino. Se n?o ? vossa senhoria o destinat?rio indicado, fica notificado de que a leitura, utiliza??o, divulga??o e/ou c?pia sem autoriza??o pode estar proibida em virtude da legisla??o vigente. Se recebeu esta mensagem por erro, rogamos-lhe que nos o comunique imediatamente por esta mesma via e proceda a sua destrui??o_______________________________________________ Fiware-chapter-leaders mailing list Fiware-chapter-leaders at _______________________________________________ Fiware-chapter-leaders mailing list Fiware-chapter-leaders at -- Please update your address book with my new e-mail address: miguel.carrillopacheco at ---------------------------------------------------------------------- _/ _/_/ Miguel Carrillo Pacheco _/ _/ _/ _/ Telef?nica Distrito Telef?nica _/ _/_/_/ _/ _/ Investigaci?n y Edifico Oeste 1, Planta 9 _/ _/ _/ _/ Desarrollo Ronda de la Comunicaci?n S/N _/ _/_/ 28050 Madrid (Spain) Tel: (+34) 91 483 26 77 e-mail: miguel.carrillopacheco at Follow FI-WARE on the net Website: Facebook: Twitter: LinkedIn: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________________________ Este mensaje y sus adjuntos se dirigen exclusivamente a su destinatario, puede contener informaci?n privilegiada o confidencial y es para uso exclusivo de la persona o entidad de destino. Si no es usted. el destinatario indicado, queda notificado de que la lectura, utilizaci?n, divulgaci?n y/o copia sin autorizaci?n puede estar prohibida en virtud de la legislaci?n vigente. Si ha recibido este mensaje por error, le rogamos que nos lo comunique inmediatamente por esta misma v?a y proceda a su destrucci?n. The information contained in this transmission is privileged and confidential information intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this transmission in error, do not read it. Please immediately reply to the sender that you have received this communication in error and then delete it. Esta mensagem e seus anexos se dirigem exclusivamente ao seu destinat?rio, pode conter informa??o privilegiada ou confidencial e ? para uso exclusivo da pessoa ou entidade de destino. Se n?o ? vossa senhoria o destinat?rio indicado, fica notificado de que a leitura, utiliza??o, divulga??o e/ou c?pia sem autoriza??o pode estar proibida em virtude da legisla??o vigente. Se recebeu esta mensagem por erro, rogamos-lhe que nos o comunique imediatamente por esta mesma via e proceda a sua destrui??o -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From juanjose.hierro at Mon Sep 29 01:41:55 2014 From: juanjose.hierro at (Juanjo Hierro) Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 01:41:55 +0200 Subject: [Fiware-chapter-leaders] New FIWARE mailing lists Message-ID: <> Dear all, Please read this (long) mail carefully. With the start of FIWARE Release 4, a number of mailing lists have been created to handle communication between FIWARE partners. The fiware at mailing list will continue being the list that will handle communication to all members of the FIWARE community (i.e., people involved in activities of the different FIWARE Architecture Chapters, other FIWARE Technical Chapters (FIWARE Ops, FIWARE Lab, FIWARE Catalogue/University) as well as activities of Working Groups). This mailing list has been initialized with the email address of all people that had registered to the FIWARE kick-off and a few more that were not registered but we know had to be in the mailing list. Miguel Carrillo will soon send you an email explaining how additional people from your organizations may get registered. Please don't get nervous and start sending us mails asking us to please add more people until you receive his instructions. The old-fiware at mailing list has been defined that keeps all previous members of the list fiware at It was necessary to keep this mailing list to handle communication with all people involved in the original FI-WARE project. Besides the fiware mailing list, the following operative mailing lists have been created: * fiware-chapter-leaders (FIWARE Chapter Leaders) - this mailing list includes the leaders of all FIWARE Technical Chapters: FIWARE Architecture Chapters and other FIWARE Technical Chapters (FIWARE Ops, FIWARE Lab, FIWARE Catalogue/University) - namely: * FIWARE Overall coordination: * Juanjo Hierro * MIGUEL CARRILLO PACHECO * MANUEL ESCRICHE VICENTE * FIWARE Architecture Chapters: * Cloud: Alex Glikson * Data & Media Context Management: SERGIO GARCIA GOMEZ * IoT Services Enablement: Thierry Nagellen * Advanced Web UI: Philipp Slusallek * Apps and Data Delivery: Alessandra Toninelli * Security: Pascal Bisson * I2ND: Garino Pierangelo * other FIWARE Technical Chapters: * FIWARE Ops: Alessandro Martellone * FIWARE Lab: Stefano De Panfilis * FIWARE Catalogue and University: Davide Dalle Carbonare * fiware-chapter-architects (FIWARE Chapter Architects): this mailing list includes the architects of all the FIWARE Architecture Chapters - namely: * FIWARE Overall coordination: * Juanjo Hierro * MIGUEL CARRILLO PACHECO * MANUEL ESCRICHE VICENTE * FIWARE Architecture Chapters: * Cloud: Alex Glikson * Data & Media Context Management: SERGIO GARCIA GOMEZ * IoT Services Enablement: CARLOS RALLI UCENDO * Advanced Web UI: Philipp Slusallek * Apps and Data Delivery: Javier Soriano * Security: Pascal Bisson * I2ND: Thomas Bohnert * fiware-wg-leaders (FIWARE Working Group Leaders) - this mailing list includes people in charge of tasks such as communication, collaboration, dissemination, exploitation, sustainability, namely: * FIWARE Overall coordination: * Juanjo Hierro * MIGUEL CARRILLO PACHECO * MANUEL ESCRICHE VICENTE * FIWARE Working Groups: * Collaboration: Nuria De-Lama Sanchez , Stefano De Panfilis * Communication: Pablo Honrubia * Exploitation: Juan Bare?o * Sustainability: Joel Riga , Thierry Nagellen The different fiware- mailing lists (e.g., fiware-cloud) will be maintained but the corresponding chapter leader is asked to update them to just keep those partners who continue actively involved in FIWARE activities after October 1st. Before that date, a clone of the current fiware- mailing list will be created to be named as old-fiware-. Rest of the lists continue as they are. The administrator of each list is in charge of carrying out the necessary revision to delete old partners if necessary. Besides this, and just for your info, a number of mailing lists have been created to handle external communication and also internal communication with respect to some issues. You can find a summary in the following Google shared spreadsheet: * I want to highlight that, as described in the Google shared spreadsheet, a number of mailing lists have been activated to handle request from third parties: fiware-general-help List enabling people to formulate general non-technical questions on FIWARE Chapter/WG leaders, Chapter Architects, Coaches, Miguel, Manuel fiware-tech-help List enabling people to formulate technical questions on FIWARE FIWARE experts for each GEri, Chapter Architects, Chapter leaders, Coaches, Miguel, Manuel fiware-lab-help List enabling people using the FIWARE Lab to request for support. Also used by members of the list to exchange emails. FIWARE Lab team, Miguel, Manuel fiware-ops-help List enabling people using the FIWARE Ops suite of tools (potential FIWARE providers) to request for support. Also used by members of the list to exchange emails. FIWARE Ops team, Alessandro Martellone, Miguel, Manuel fiware-acceleration-help List enabling people interested to ask about info on the FIWARE acceleration program Juanjo, Arian Zweggers, Peter Fatelning, representatives from FIWARE accelerator projects (to be checked by the EC) fiware-feedback List enabling people to provide general feedback on FIWARE, website, catalogue, university Chapter/WG leaders, Coaches, Miguel, Manuel Being responsive and able to handle requests properly is a collaborative effort. We count on you to contribute in handling any request where you can provide some help. Organizations that are owners of each of the FIWARE GEris currently on the FIWARE Catalogue should designate at least one person who MUST join the fiware-tech-help mailing list. In order to do so, please formulate a request to join using the mailing list form: In a following mail we will provide instructions on how to respond queries on the fiware-tech-help mailing list. Best regards, -- Juanjo ------------- Telefonica - Product Development and Innovation (PDI) website: email: juanjose.hierro at twitter: FI-WARE (European Future Internet Core Platform) Coordinator and Chief Architect You can follow FI-WARE at: website: facebook: twitter: linkedIn: ________________________________ Este mensaje y sus adjuntos se dirigen exclusivamente a su destinatario, puede contener informaci?n privilegiada o confidencial y es para uso exclusivo de la persona o entidad de destino. Si no es usted. el destinatario indicado, queda notificado de que la lectura, utilizaci?n, divulgaci?n y/o copia sin autorizaci?n puede estar prohibida en virtud de la legislaci?n vigente. Si ha recibido este mensaje por error, le rogamos que nos lo comunique inmediatamente por esta misma v?a y proceda a su destrucci?n. The information contained in this transmission is privileged and confidential information intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this transmission in error, do not read it. Please immediately reply to the sender that you have received this communication in error and then delete it. Esta mensagem e seus anexos se dirigem exclusivamente ao seu destinat?rio, pode conter informa??o privilegiada ou confidencial e ? para uso exclusivo da pessoa ou entidade de destino. Se n?o ? vossa senhoria o destinat?rio indicado, fica notificado de que a leitura, utiliza??o, divulga??o e/ou c?pia sem autoriza??o pode estar proibida em virtude da legisla??o vigente. Se recebeu esta mensagem por erro, rogamos-lhe que nos o comunique imediatamente por esta mesma via e proceda a sua destrui??o -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From juanjose.hierro at Mon Sep 29 02:03:19 2014 From: juanjose.hierro at (Juanjo Hierro) Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 02:03:19 +0200 Subject: [Fiware-chapter-leaders] URGENT: FIWARE coordination confcall - response to technical assessment by HLRS on FIWARE GEris in the Catalogue In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> Hi all, Starting today and as agreed during our Munich meeting, we will have a weekly coordination confcall involving FIWARE Chapter/WG leaders on Mondays from 14:30 until 16:00. In today's confcall, there is a hot topic to address that has to do with the response to a new technical assessment report produced by HLRS by request of the EC. Please find it attached to this mail. As you will see, the assessment cannot be more negative, mostly considering the crucial point at which we are. Almost no FIWARE GEri has passed the tests for the local installation of the software using available installation and admin guides. Please try to arrive with an analysis of the status of GEris in your chapter. Besides the implementation of immediate remediate action that can only be taken by each owner of FIWARE GEris, we would like to propose an overall 3% of cut on the budget/funding of partners to fund the subcontracting for aprox. 600 K? of some organization(s) that can handle the testing of manuals and tutorials linked to each GEri. Based on the experience from the previous phase (FI-WARE project) and the recent assessment nows look evident that we cannot continue like this, trusting on the internal QA procedures of partners as we had done in the past. Due to the inherent technical nature of the matter, FIWARE Architecture Chapter Leaders are also requested to join. Other topics will be covered if there is time during the allocated slot, from 14:30 to 16:00. Best regards, -- Juanjo -------- Original Message -------- Subject: FIWARE: Rubio report - IMMEDIATE ACTION REQUIRED Date: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 08:42:16 +0000 From: To: , CC: , , , , (with apologies for the long email. Please read all) Dear Juanjo, Stefano, We have received the FI-WARE Generic Enabler Assessment report by Daniel Rubio (attached). The report presents an assessment of the ease of getting started, i.e. downloading and installing the GEs or using FI-Lab, rather than an assessment of the actual functionality of the GEs. In other words, it assesses the FI-WARE GE implementations from a third party point of view; any phase 3 subgrantee could and would have similar experiences. Just like the previous report by Lutz Schubert one year ago and the Engineering report from April 2014, the Rubio report highlights several issues that question the readiness of FI-WARE GEis for take-up in the FI-PPP phase 3. A summary of the main Rubio findings is as follows: ? Documentation o The documentation is often not updated or refers to GEi versions that are no longer available. o The documentation fails, in most cases, in explaining how to install the dependencies and libraries or other software the GEi needs to work correctly. o There are big differences in documentation. Installation guides follow different writing styles and enter into different levels of detail. ? Installation o In many cases the download section or the download links in the installation documentation are broken so the software cannot be downloaded. In other cases, no stable version is offered and there is only the possibility to download a source code snapshot from the development repository. o No common installation approach is given. Some GEis come with a clean automatic installation procedure while others have a tedious long manual installation which is almost impossible to revert and that might break other software on the system. o Of those GEis that use scripts for installation, the scripts are often only working on very specific system configurations and are not able to automatically install the dependencies. o Many of the GEis require a very specific system to work, and are not able to install or run if it is slightly changed. Sometimes the required system is old and no longer supported with security updates. ? FI-Lab o Documentation is poor and needs an introduction presenting the aim and purpose of the platform, so that newcomers can clearly understand for what purpose they can use FI-Lab and what they can expect. o Several open source example applications must be included. They must be very well documented and the documentation needs to explain how to make these applications. Newcomers should be able to use these applications and compile them. These applications should be coded and documented by other people than the developers of the Generic Enablers. o A FI-Lab forum must be created with a wide community of users where everybody developing with FI-Lab can join and resolve problems, share experiences, improve applications, etc. People would be more inclined to use the forum than (for instance) the helpdesk if a large, responsive and knowledgeable community is active. o For each section, it should be possible for newcomers to understand their aim and capabilities via a ?quick start guide? or tutorial followed by a set of references for the user to continue learning how to use the platform. Most of the information is not organized and is difficult to find. o There is a need for more tutorials that build on each other to teach the users to build complex applications from scratch. o The documentation (and videos) should be maintained accordingly with the platform updates. Changes in the functionality or the user interface of the platform should be reflected in the documentation. Third parties are looking at FIWARE right now. They will encounter the same issues as Daniel Rubio. They will leave and never come back. Urgent action is necessary now. Therefore, the following is necessary: * Documentation: hire external professional documentation writers for making user-friendly installation (and user) guides. Such professionals must be present in the consortium's partners, but the people involved in the project will not have the authority to include them, certainly not on short notice. Therefore, subcontracting is the only option. * Documentation writers must be closely working with the developers to guarantee that the latest GEi versions are used. * For easy uptake the documentation needs to be complete and fully comprehensive; it should be clear, give a uniform level of detail within the same GEi and across all GEis, not skipping installation steps and making sure that it is updated accordingly to the software versions available for download. * Installation: hire external professional testers for testing the dependencies, libraries or other software the GEis need to work. They should work with the developers (who implicitly know dependencies), test/develop installation scripts, and support the documentation writers * Installations must be automated to a maximum degree, using the Operating System repositories for resolving dependencies, when possible, or giving extensions to repositories including in them all the necessary extra dependencies as this would lead to clean, fast and easy installations. The installation mechanisms, as well as the documentation, should be tested in clean environments to be able to correctly determine if the installation packages or scripts work correctly and resolve the installation of dependencies. * The GEis must be able to be integrated into existing frameworks, making them integrate as smoothly as possible and they must be configurable for a wide range of existing system setups. Users should not be forced to use a specific software platform, in particular when that platform is already obsolete and unsupported. * Fix the download section or the broken download links in the installation documentation. * Offer a stable version for download, not a source code snapshot from the development repository. * Create a FIWARE forum with a community of users of FIWARE where everybody developing and using FIWARE technologies can join and resolve problems, share GEis installation and configuration experiences, etc. The forum would also allow FI-WARE developers to identify where users have problems and take actions to solve them. This is part of FI-Core activities. * FI-Lab * The same as for documentation above applies to FI-Lab, and is especially relevant related to ?quick start guides?, tutorials, training guidance. The documentation (and videos) should be maintained accordingly with the platform updates. Changes in the functionality or the user interface of the platform should be reflected in the documentation. * Create several open source example applications. People will not start from scratch but will modify an example. These examples must be very well documented and the documentation needs to explain how to make these applications. Newcomers should be able to use these applications and compile them. * A FI-Lab forum must be created with a wide community of users where everybody developing with FI-Lab can join and resolve problems, share experiences, improve applications, etc. * Clean the Catalogue from GEis that require unsupported Operating Systems or port these GEis to newer OS versions. Maximum priority to solve the above problems must be given now, whatever resources are needed. In no other time in the life of the project have we been confronted with a higher need for immediate action. The credibility of FIWARE and the success of the whole FI-PPP phase 3 are at risk. Today more than 150 proposals are being submitted to the accelerators; they should not face the problems stated in the Rubio report. These issues must be solved with maximum urgency. We like to discuss this with you on Tuesday Sept 30, in the morning. Please let me know your availability. If necessary, please clear your agenda. Best regards, Arian ________________________________ Este mensaje y sus adjuntos se dirigen exclusivamente a su destinatario, puede contener informaci?n privilegiada o confidencial y es para uso exclusivo de la persona o entidad de destino. Si no es usted. el destinatario indicado, queda notificado de que la lectura, utilizaci?n, divulgaci?n y/o copia sin autorizaci?n puede estar prohibida en virtud de la legislaci?n vigente. Si ha recibido este mensaje por error, le rogamos que nos lo comunique inmediatamente por esta misma v?a y proceda a su destrucci?n. The information contained in this transmission is privileged and confidential information intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this transmission in error, do not read it. Please immediately reply to the sender that you have received this communication in error and then delete it. Esta mensagem e seus anexos se dirigem exclusivamente ao seu destinat?rio, pode conter informa??o privilegiada ou confidencial e ? para uso exclusivo da pessoa ou entidade de destino. Se n?o ? vossa senhoria o destinat?rio indicado, fica notificado de que a leitura, utiliza??o, divulga??o e/ou c?pia sem autoriza??o pode estar proibida em virtude da legisla??o vigente. Se recebeu esta mensagem por erro, rogamos-lhe que nos o comunique imediatamente por esta mesma via e proceda a sua destrui??o -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: report-10a.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 218579 bytes Desc: not available URL: From juanjose.hierro at Mon Sep 29 02:07:01 2014 From: juanjose.hierro at (JUAN JOSE HIERRO SUREDA) Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 00:07:01 +0000 Subject: [Fiware-chapter-leaders] FIWARE Coordination weekly confcall Message-ID: <> We'll use powwownow: + PIN: 050662 + Local dial-in phone numbers at: ________________________________ Este mensaje y sus adjuntos se dirigen exclusivamente a su destinatario, puede contener informaci?n privilegiada o confidencial y es para uso exclusivo de la persona o entidad de destino. Si no es usted. el destinatario indicado, queda notificado de que la lectura, utilizaci?n, divulgaci?n y/o copia sin autorizaci?n puede estar prohibida en virtud de la legislaci?n vigente. Si ha recibido este mensaje por error, le rogamos que nos lo comunique inmediatamente por esta misma v?a y proceda a su destrucci?n. The information contained in this transmission is privileged and confidential information intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this transmission in error, do not read it. Please immediately reply to the sender that you have received this communication in error and then delete it. Esta mensagem e seus anexos se dirigem exclusivamente ao seu destinat?rio, pode conter informa??o privilegiada ou confidencial e ? para uso exclusivo da pessoa ou entidade de destino. Se n?o ? vossa senhoria o destinat?rio indicado, fica notificado de que a leitura, utiliza??o, divulga??o e/ou c?pia sem autoriza??o pode estar proibida em virtude da legisla??o vigente. Se recebeu esta mensagem por erro, rogamos-lhe que nos o comunique imediatamente por esta mesma via e proceda a sua destrui??o -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: not available Type: text/calendar Size: 3806 bytes Desc: not available URL: From juanjose.hierro at Mon Sep 29 02:07:22 2014 From: juanjose.hierro at (JUAN JOSE HIERRO SUREDA) Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 00:07:22 +0000 Subject: [Fiware-chapter-leaders] FIWARE Coordination weekly confcall Message-ID: We'll use powwownow: + PIN: 050662 + Local dial-in phone numbers at: ________________________________ Este mensaje y sus adjuntos se dirigen exclusivamente a su destinatario, puede contener informaci?n privilegiada o confidencial y es para uso exclusivo de la persona o entidad de destino. Si no es usted. el destinatario indicado, queda notificado de que la lectura, utilizaci?n, divulgaci?n y/o copia sin autorizaci?n puede estar prohibida en virtud de la legislaci?n vigente. Si ha recibido este mensaje por error, le rogamos que nos lo comunique inmediatamente por esta misma v?a y proceda a su destrucci?n. The information contained in this transmission is privileged and confidential information intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this transmission in error, do not read it. Please immediately reply to the sender that you have received this communication in error and then delete it. Esta mensagem e seus anexos se dirigem exclusivamente ao seu destinat?rio, pode conter informa??o privilegiada ou confidencial e ? para uso exclusivo da pessoa ou entidade de destino. Se n?o ? vossa senhoria o destinat?rio indicado, fica notificado de que a leitura, utiliza??o, divulga??o e/ou c?pia sem autoriza??o pode estar proibida em virtude da legisla??o vigente. Se recebeu esta mensagem por erro, rogamos-lhe que nos o comunique imediatamente por esta mesma via e proceda a sua destrui??o -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: not available Type: text/calendar Size: 3853 bytes Desc: not available URL: From GLIKSON at Mon Sep 29 11:09:56 2014 From: GLIKSON at (Alex Glikson) Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 12:09:56 +0300 Subject: [Fiware-chapter-leaders] [Fiware-chapter-architects] URGENT: FIWARE coordination confcall - response to technical assessment by HLRS on FIWARE GEris in the Catalogue In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> Message-ID: Dear Juanjo, all, Towards the discussion this afternoon.. I would agree that quality is extremely important, given the expected wide usage during Phase 3. Speaking specifically of DCRM and Object Storage GEs, IBM would be interested to use a contractor for QA-related activities (we are doing it in several internal projects, and it works very well). Being a fundamental part of all the FIWARE Lab deployments, production-ready quality of the Cloud infrastructure is really crucial. In fact, this has been briefly discussed during the proposal writing phase, but never materialized till now (besides a place-holder in the proposal/DOW mentioning such an option). It seems also reasonable to diverge some of the funding to professional project-wide QA activities (FIWARE-wide CI infrastructure could be an example of such activities - not just validation of documentation). Regards, Alex ==================================================================================== Alex Glikson Manager, Cloud Infrastructure Solutions, IBM Haifa Research Lab Email: glikson at | Phone: +972-4-8281085 | Mobile: +972-54-6466667 | Fax: +972-4-8296112 From: Juanjo Hierro To: , Cc: fiware-wg-leaders at Date: 29/09/2014 03:03 AM Subject: [Fiware-chapter-architects] URGENT: FIWARE coordination confcall - response to technical assessment by HLRS on FIWARE GEris in the Catalogue Sent by: fiware-chapter-architects-bounces at Hi all, Starting today and as agreed during our Munich meeting, we will have a weekly coordination confcall involving FIWARE Chapter/WG leaders on Mondays from 14:30 until 16:00. In today's confcall, there is a hot topic to address that has to do with the response to a new technical assessment report produced by HLRS by request of the EC. Please find it attached to this mail. As you will see, the assessment cannot be more negative, mostly considering the crucial point at which we are. Almost no FIWARE GEri has passed the tests for the local installation of the software using available installation and admin guides. Please try to arrive with an analysis of the status of GEris in your chapter. Besides the implementation of immediate remediate action that can only be taken by each owner of FIWARE GEris, we would like to propose an overall 3% of cut on the budget/funding of partners to fund the subcontracting for aprox. 600 K? of some organization(s) that can handle the testing of manuals and tutorials linked to each GEri. Based on the experience from the previous phase (FI-WARE project) and the recent assessment nows look evident that we cannot continue like this, trusting on the internal QA procedures of partners as we had done in the past. Due to the inherent technical nature of the matter, FIWARE Architecture Chapter Leaders are also requested to join. Other topics will be covered if there is time during the allocated slot, from 14:30 to 16:00. Best regards, -- Juanjo -------- Original Message -------- Subject: FIWARE: Rubio report - IMMEDIATE ACTION REQUIRED Date: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 08:42:16 +0000 From: To: , CC: , , , , (with apologies for the long email. Please read all) Dear Juanjo, Stefano, We have received the FI-WARE Generic Enabler Assessment report by Daniel Rubio (attached). The report presents an assessment of the ease of getting started, i.e. downloading and installing the GEs or using FI-Lab, rather than an assessment of the actual functionality of the GEs. In other words, it assesses the FI-WARE GE implementations from a third party point of view; any phase 3 subgrantee could and would have similar experiences. Just like the previous report by Lutz Schubert one year ago and the Engineering report from April 2014, the Rubio report highlights several issues that question the readiness of FI-WARE GEis for take-up in the FI-PPP phase 3. A summary of the main Rubio findings is as follows: ? Documentation o The documentation is often not updated or refers to GEi versions that are no longer available. o The documentation fails, in most cases, in explaining how to install the dependencies and libraries or other software the GEi needs to work correctly. o There are big differences in documentation. Installation guides follow different writing styles and enter into different levels of detail. ? Installation o In many cases the download section or the download links in the installation documentation are broken so the software cannot be downloaded. In other cases, no stable version is offered and there is only the possibility to download a source code snapshot from the development repository. o No common installation approach is given. Some GEis come with a clean automatic installation procedure while others have a tedious long manual installation which is almost impossible to revert and that might break other software on the system. o Of those GEis that use scripts for installation, the scripts are often only working on very specific system configurations and are not able to automatically install the dependencies. o Many of the GEis require a very specific system to work, and are not able to install or run if it is slightly changed. Sometimes the required system is old and no longer supported with security updates. ? FI-Lab o Documentation is poor and needs an introduction presenting the aim and purpose of the platform, so that newcomers can clearly understand for what purpose they can use FI-Lab and what they can expect. o Several open source example applications must be included. They must be very well documented and the documentation needs to explain how to make these applications. Newcomers should be able to use these applications and compile them. These applications should be coded and documented by other people than the developers of the Generic Enablers. o A FI-Lab forum must be created with a wide community of users where everybody developing with FI-Lab can join and resolve problems, share experiences, improve applications, etc. People would be more inclined to use the forum than (for instance) the helpdesk if a large, responsive and knowledgeable community is active. o For each section, it should be possible for newcomers to understand their aim and capabilities via a ?quick start guide? or tutorial followed by a set of references for the user to continue learning how to use the platform. Most of the information is not organized and is difficult to find. o There is a need for more tutorials that build on each other to teach the users to build complex applications from scratch. o The documentation (and videos) should be maintained accordingly with the platform updates. Changes in the functionality or the user interface of the platform should be reflected in the documentation. Third parties are looking at FIWARE right now. They will encounter the same issues as Daniel Rubio. They will leave and never come back. Urgent action is necessary now. Therefore, the following is necessary: Documentation: hire external professional documentation writers for making user-friendly installation (and user) guides. Such professionals must be present in the consortium's partners, but the people involved in the project will not have the authority to include them, certainly not on short notice. Therefore, subcontracting is the only option. Documentation writers must be closely working with the developers to guarantee that the latest GEi versions are used. For easy uptake the documentation needs to be complete and fully comprehensive; it should be clear, give a uniform level of detail within the same GEi and across all GEis, not skipping installation steps and making sure that it is updated accordingly to the software versions available for download. Installation: hire external professional testers for testing the dependencies, libraries or other software the GEis need to work. They should work with the developers (who implicitly know dependencies), test/develop installation scripts, and support the documentation writers Installations must be automated to a maximum degree, using the Operating System repositories for resolving dependencies, when possible, or giving extensions to repositories including in them all the necessary extra dependencies as this would lead to clean, fast and easy installations. The installation mechanisms, as well as the documentation, should be tested in clean environments to be able to correctly determine if the installation packages or scripts work correctly and resolve the installation of dependencies. The GEis must be able to be integrated into existing frameworks, making them integrate as smoothly as possible and they must be configurable for a wide range of existing system setups. Users should not be forced to use a specific software platform, in particular when that platform is already obsolete and unsupported. Fix the download section or the broken download links in the installation documentation. Offer a stable version for download, not a source code snapshot from the development repository. Create a FIWARE forum with a community of users of FIWARE where everybody developing and using FIWARE technologies can join and resolve problems, share GEis installation and configuration experiences, etc. The forum would also allow FI-WARE developers to identify where users have problems and take actions to solve them. This is part of FI-Core activities. FI-Lab The same as for documentation above applies to FI-Lab, and is especially relevant related to ?quick start guides?, tutorials, training guidance. The documentation (and videos) should be maintained accordingly with the platform updates. Changes in the functionality or the user interface of the platform should be reflected in the documentation. Create several open source example applications. People will not start from scratch but will modify an example. These examples must be very well documented and the documentation needs to explain how to make these applications. Newcomers should be able to use these applications and compile them. A FI-Lab forum must be created with a wide community of users where everybody developing with FI-Lab can join and resolve problems, share experiences, improve applications, etc. Clean the Catalogue from GEis that require unsupported Operating Systems or port these GEis to newer OS versions. Maximum priority to solve the above problems must be given now, whatever resources are needed. In no other time in the life of the project have we been confronted with a higher need for immediate action. The credibility of FIWARE and the success of the whole FI-PPP phase 3 are at risk. Today more than 150 proposals are being submitted to the accelerators; they should not face the problems stated in the Rubio report. These issues must be solved with maximum urgency. We like to discuss this with you on Tuesday Sept 30, in the morning. Please let me know your availability. If necessary, please clear your agenda. Best regards, Arian Este mensaje y sus adjuntos se dirigen exclusivamente a su destinatario, puede contener informaci?n privilegiada o confidencial y es para uso exclusivo de la persona o entidad de destino. Si no es usted. el destinatario indicado, queda notificado de que la lectura, utilizaci?n, divulgaci?n y/o copia sin autorizaci?n puede estar prohibida en virtud de la legislaci?n vigente. Si ha recibido este mensaje por error, le rogamos que nos lo comunique inmediatamente por esta misma v?a y proceda a su destrucci?n. The information contained in this transmission is privileged and confidential information intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this transmission in error, do not read it. Please immediately reply to the sender that you have received this communication in error and then delete it. Esta mensagem e seus anexos se dirigem exclusivamente ao seu destinat?rio, pode conter informa??o privilegiada ou confidencial e ? para uso exclusivo da pessoa ou entidade de destino. Se n?o ? vossa senhoria o destinat?rio indicado, fica notificado de que a leitura, utiliza??o, divulga??o e/ou c?pia sem autoriza??o pode estar proibida em virtude da legisla??o vigente. Se recebeu esta mensagem por erro, rogamos-lhe que nos o comunique imediatamente por esta mesma via e proceda a sua destrui??o[attachment "report-10a.pdf" deleted by Alex Glikson/Haifa/IBM] _______________________________________________ Fiware-chapter-architects mailing list Fiware-chapter-architects at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From thierry.nagellen at Mon Sep 29 11:40:05 2014 From: thierry.nagellen at (thierry.nagellen at Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 09:40:05 +0000 Subject: [Fiware-chapter-leaders] [Fiware-wg-leaders] R: URGENT: FIWARE coordination confcall - response to technical assessment by HLRS on FIWARE GEris in the Catalogue In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> <> Message-ID: <9300_1411983606_542928F6_9300_1224_1_976A65C5A08ADF49B9A8523F7F81925C227421@PEXCVZYM13.corporate.adroot.infra.ftgroup> Hi all, We have to discuss this issue in details. Some points are related to FIWARE internal processes (software, docs & catalogue where we are less agile than for dev and backlog) and some other to potential external resources (test of what should be not a blueprint but a software fully packaged for different OS! We have now a picture of someone who does not want to use anything aaS but wants to install everything... and a good developer able to manage configuration for Tomcat or other tools is also a "good" SME Many different points especially if everybody imagines what are the expectations of a SME... Is there only one profile of a SME? or many profiles? Last workshop in Munich has shown that there are many profiles and some would expect more technical content while other would asked for "commercial" softwares. BR Thierry -----Message d'origine----- De?: fiware-wg-leaders-bounces at [mailto:fiware-wg-leaders-bounces at] De la part de depa at Envoy??: lundi 29 septembre 2014 06:34 ??: Juanjo Hierro; fiware-chapter-leaders-bounces at; fiware-chapter-leaders at; fiware-chapter-architects at Cc?: fiware-wg-leaders at Objet?: [Fiware-wg-leaders] R: [Fiware-chapter-leaders] URGENT: FIWARE coordination confcall - response to technical assessment by HLRS on FIWARE GEris in the Catalogue Dear Juanjo and all, As previously told you unfortunately today i cannot attend the meeting as involved in fiware talk and planning to the general directors of engineering. So today engineering will be represented by alessandra and davide. However, although i do agree with your analysis of the situation, to me a budget of 600k is nonsense. As engineering we did already this work in fiware rel.1 and although expensive it was certainly much cheaper. I think the same, and this already a lot, can be done for 100k max. Ciao Stefano Le mail ti raggiungono ovunque con BlackBerry? from Vodafone! -----Original Message----- From: Juanjo Hierro Sender: fiware-chapter-leaders-bounces at Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 02:03:19 To: ; Cc: Subject: [Fiware-chapter-leaders] URGENT: FIWARE coordination confcall - response to technical assessment by HLRS on FIWARE GEris in the Catalogue _______________________________________________ Fiware-chapter-leaders mailing list Fiware-chapter-leaders at _______________________________________________ Fiware-wg-leaders mailing list Fiware-wg-leaders at _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ce message et ses pieces jointes peuvent contenir des informations confidentielles ou privilegiees et ne doivent donc pas etre diffuses, exploites ou copies sans autorisation. Si vous avez recu ce message par erreur, veuillez le signaler a l'expediteur et le detruire ainsi que les pieces jointes. Les messages electroniques etant susceptibles d'alteration, Orange decline toute responsabilite si ce message a ete altere, deforme ou falsifie. Merci. This message and its attachments may contain confidential or privileged information that may be protected by law; they should not be distributed, used or copied without authorisation. If you have received this email in error, please notify the sender and delete this message and its attachments. As emails may be altered, Orange is not liable for messages that have been modified, changed or falsified. Thank you. From stefano.depanfilis at Mon Sep 29 12:46:58 2014 From: stefano.depanfilis at (stefano de panfilis) Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 12:46:58 +0200 Subject: [Fiware-chapter-leaders] [Fiware-wg-leaders] R: URGENT: FIWARE coordination confcall - response to technical assessment by HLRS on FIWARE GEris in the Catalogue In-Reply-To: <9300_1411983606_542928F6_9300_1224_1_976A65C5A08ADF49B9A8523F7F81925C227421@PEXCVZYM13.corporate.adroot.infra.ftgroup> References: <> <> <> <9300_1411983606_542928F6_9300_1224_1_976A65C5A08ADF49B9A8523F7F81925C227421@PEXCVZYM13.corporate.adroot.infra.ftgroup> Message-ID: dear thierry, very good points indeed! the very critical aspect is that the ec is pushing quite strongly the smes towards the direction of using fiware as an "owned" software, i.e. not as a service, which of course i definitively figth as being wrong, if not opposite to what intended by us, approach about the usage of fiware. nevertheless it is also true that the current status of fi-lab is not that strong and efficient despite the wonderfull effort provided by the colleagues of tid and (we have to be honest on this) and it is a clear and easy drawback that many smes will go for their own installations .... both aspects than require a clear improvement! honestly not sure giving this outside will solve the issue. i remind you that engineering did a first assessment in june 2013 and the results provided at that time were not considered. i think what we need is a change of pace from everybody! as said earlier this morning i cannot attend, however alessandra and davide will. ciao, stefano 2014-09-29 11:40 GMT+02:00 : > Hi all, > > We have to discuss this issue in details. Some points are related to > FIWARE internal processes (software, docs & catalogue where we are less > agile than for dev and backlog) and some other to potential external > resources (test of what should be not a blueprint but a software fully > packaged for different OS! We have now a picture of someone who does not > want to use anything aaS but wants to install everything... and a good > developer able to manage configuration for Tomcat or other tools is also a > "good" SME > > Many different points especially if everybody imagines what are the > expectations of a SME... Is there only one profile of a SME? or many > profiles? Last workshop in Munich has shown that there are many profiles > and some would expect more technical content while other would asked for > "commercial" softwares. > > BR > Thierry > > -----Message d'origine----- > De : fiware-wg-leaders-bounces at [mailto: > fiware-wg-leaders-bounces at] De la part de depa at > Envoy? : lundi 29 septembre 2014 06:34 > ? : Juanjo Hierro; fiware-chapter-leaders-bounces at; > fiware-chapter-leaders at; > fiware-chapter-architects at > Cc : fiware-wg-leaders at > Objet : [Fiware-wg-leaders] R: [Fiware-chapter-leaders] URGENT: FIWARE > coordination confcall - response to technical assessment by HLRS on FIWARE > GEris in the Catalogue > > Dear Juanjo and all, > > As previously told you unfortunately today i cannot attend the meeting as > involved in fiware talk and planning to the general directors of > engineering. > So today engineering will be represented by alessandra and davide. > > However, although i do agree with your analysis of the situation, to me a > budget of 600k is nonsense. As engineering we did already this work in > fiware rel.1 and although expensive it was certainly much cheaper. I think > the same, and this already a lot, can be done for 100k max. > > Ciao > Stefano > > Le mail ti raggiungono ovunque con BlackBerry? from Vodafone! > > -----Original Message----- > From: Juanjo Hierro > Sender: fiware-chapter-leaders-bounces at > Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 02:03:19 > To: ; < > fiware-chapter-architects at> > Cc: > Subject: [Fiware-chapter-leaders] URGENT: FIWARE coordination confcall - > response to technical assessment by HLRS on FIWARE GEris in the Catalogue > > _______________________________________________ > Fiware-chapter-leaders mailing list > Fiware-chapter-leaders at > > > _______________________________________________ > Fiware-wg-leaders mailing list > Fiware-wg-leaders at > > > > _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ > > Ce message et ses pieces jointes peuvent contenir des informations > confidentielles ou privilegiees et ne doivent donc > pas etre diffuses, exploites ou copies sans autorisation. Si vous avez > recu ce message par erreur, veuillez le signaler > a l'expediteur et le detruire ainsi que les pieces jointes. Les messages > electroniques etant susceptibles d'alteration, > Orange decline toute responsabilite si ce message a ete altere, deforme ou > falsifie. Merci. > > This message and its attachments may contain confidential or privileged > information that may be protected by law; > they should not be distributed, used or copied without authorisation. > If you have received this email in error, please notify the sender and > delete this message and its attachments. > As emails may be altered, Orange is not liable for messages that have been > modified, changed or falsified. > Thank you. > > > -- Stefano De Panfilis Chief Innovation Officer Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A. via Riccardo Morandi 32 00148 Roma Italy tel (direct): +39-068307-4295 tel (secr.): +39-068307-4513 fax: +39-068307-4200 cell: +39-335-7542-567 skype: depa01 twitter: @depa01 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From philipp.slusallek at Mon Sep 29 14:17:09 2014 From: philipp.slusallek at (Philipp Slusallek) Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 14:17:09 +0200 Subject: [Fiware-chapter-leaders] [Fiware-chapter-architects] R: URGENT: FIWARE coordination confcall - response to technical assessment by HLRS on FIWARE GEris in the Catalogue In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> <> Message-ID: <> Hi, I fully agree here. Also at least for some GEs in WebUI the analyses seem to be flawed. We have been analysing this in more detail today. Best, Philipp Am 29.09.2014 um 06:33 schrieb depa at > As previously told you unfortunately today i cannot attend the meeting as involved in fiware talk and planning to the general directors of engineering. > So today engineering will be represented by alessandra and davide. > > However, although i do agree with your analysis of the situation, to me a budget of 600k is nonsense. As engineering we did already this work in fiware rel.1 and although expensive it was certainly much cheaper. I think the same, and this already a lot, can be done for 100k max. > > Ciao > Stefano > > Le mail ti raggiungono ovunque con BlackBerry? from Vodafone! > > -----Original Message----- > From: Juanjo Hierro > Sender: fiware-chapter-leaders-bounces at > Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 02:03:19 > To: ; > Cc: > Subject: [Fiware-chapter-leaders] URGENT: FIWARE coordination confcall - > response to technical assessment by HLRS on FIWARE GEris in the Catalogue > > _______________________________________________ > Fiware-chapter-leaders mailing list > Fiware-chapter-leaders at > > > _______________________________________________ > Fiware-chapter-architects mailing list > Fiware-chapter-architects at > > -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deutsches Forschungszentrum f?r K?nstliche Intelligenz (DFKI) GmbH Trippstadter Strasse 122, D-67663 Kaiserslautern Gesch?ftsf?hrung: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Wolfgang Wahlster (Vorsitzender) Dr. Walter Olthoff Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Prof. Dr. h.c. Hans A. Aukes Sitz der Gesellschaft: Kaiserslautern (HRB 2313) USt-Id.Nr.: DE 148646973, Steuernummer: 19/673/0060/3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: philipp_slusallek.vcf Type: text/x-vcard Size: 441 bytes Desc: not available URL: From juanjose.hierro at Mon Sep 29 14:36:43 2014 From: juanjose.hierro at (Juanjo Hierro) Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 14:36:43 +0200 Subject: [Fiware-chapter-leaders] Minutes for the confcall today Message-ID: <> Cheers, -- Juanjo ------------- Telefonica - Product Development and Innovation (PDI) website: email: juanjose.hierro at twitter: FI-WARE (European Future Internet Core Platform) Coordinator and Chief Architect You can follow FI-WARE at: website: facebook: twitter: linkedIn: ________________________________ Este mensaje y sus adjuntos se dirigen exclusivamente a su destinatario, puede contener informaci?n privilegiada o confidencial y es para uso exclusivo de la persona o entidad de destino. Si no es usted. el destinatario indicado, queda notificado de que la lectura, utilizaci?n, divulgaci?n y/o copia sin autorizaci?n puede estar prohibida en virtud de la legislaci?n vigente. Si ha recibido este mensaje por error, le rogamos que nos lo comunique inmediatamente por esta misma v?a y proceda a su destrucci?n. The information contained in this transmission is privileged and confidential information intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this transmission in error, do not read it. Please immediately reply to the sender that you have received this communication in error and then delete it. Esta mensagem e seus anexos se dirigem exclusivamente ao seu destinat?rio, pode conter informa??o privilegiada ou confidencial e ? para uso exclusivo da pessoa ou entidade de destino. Se n?o ? vossa senhoria o destinat?rio indicado, fica notificado de que a leitura, utiliza??o, divulga??o e/ou c?pia sem autoriza??o pode estar proibida em virtude da legisla??o vigente. Se recebeu esta mensagem por erro, rogamos-lhe que nos o comunique imediatamente por esta mesma via e proceda a sua destrui??o -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From philipp.slusallek at Mon Sep 29 15:28:25 2014 From: philipp.slusallek at (Philipp Slusallek) Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 15:28:25 +0200 Subject: [Fiware-chapter-leaders] [Fiware-chapter-architects] URGENT: FIWARE coordination confcall - response to technical assessment by HLRS on FIWARE GEris in the Catalogue In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> Message-ID: <> Hi Juanjo, all, The analysis has been done rather shallow. All issues are mainly small issues. Some more detailed comments in general and on each of the GEs in the document below. Here is the analysis document for the WebUI chapter: Best, Philipp Am 29.09.2014 um 02:03 schrieb Juanjo Hierro: > Hi all, > > Starting today and as agreed during our Munich meeting, we will have a > weekly coordination confcall involving FIWARE Chapter/WG leaders on > Mondays from 14:30 until 16:00. > > In today's confcall, there is a hot topic to address that has to do > with the response to a new technical assessment report produced by HLRS > by request of the EC. Please find it attached to this mail. > > As you will see, the assessment cannot be more negative, mostly > considering the crucial point at which we are. Almost no FIWARE GEri > has passed the tests for the local installation of the software using > available installation and admin guides. > > Please try to arrive with an analysis of the status of GEris in your > chapter. > > Besides the implementation of immediate remediate action that can only > be taken by each owner of FIWARE GEris, we would like to propose an > overall 3% of cut on the budget/funding of partners to fund the > subcontracting for aprox. 600 K? of some organization(s) that can handle > the testing of manuals and tutorials linked to each GEri. Based on the > experience from the previous phase (FI-WARE project) and the recent > assessment nows look evident that we cannot continue like this, trusting > on the internal QA procedures of partners as we had done in the past. > > Due to the inherent technical nature of the matter, FIWARE Architecture > Chapter Leaders are also requested to join. > > Other topics will be covered if there is time during the allocated > slot, from 14:30 to 16:00. > > Best regards, > > -- Juanjo > > > -------- Original Message -------- > Subject: FIWARE: Rubio report - IMMEDIATE ACTION REQUIRED > Date: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 08:42:16 +0000 > From: > To: > , > > CC: , > , > , > , > > > > > (with apologies for the long email. Please read all) > > > Dear Juanjo, Stefano, > > We have received the FI-WARE Generic Enabler Assessment report by Daniel > Rubio (attached). The report presents an assessment of the ease of > getting started, i.e. downloading and installing the GEs or using > FI-Lab, rather than an assessment of the actual functionality of the > GEs. In other words, it assesses the FI-WARE GE implementations from a > third party point of view; any phase 3 subgrantee could and would have > similar experiences. > > Just like the previous report by Lutz Schubert one year ago and the > Engineering report from April 2014, the Rubio report highlights several > issues that question the readiness of FI-WARE GEis for take-up in the > FI-PPP phase 3. A summary of the main Rubio findings is as follows: > > > ? Documentation > > o The documentation is often not updated or refers to GEi versions > that are no longer available. > > o The documentation fails, in most cases, in explaining how to install > the dependencies and libraries or other software the GEi needs to work > correctly. > > o There are big differences in documentation. Installation guides > follow different writing styles and enter into different levels of detail. > > ? Installation > > o In many cases the download section or the download links in the > installation documentation are broken so the software cannot be > downloaded. In other cases, no stable version is offered and there is > only the possibility to download a source code snapshot from the > development repository. > > o No common installation approach is given. Some GEis come with a > clean automatic installation procedure while others have a tedious long > manual installation which is almost impossible to revert and that might > break other software on the system. > > o Of those GEis that use scripts for installation, the scripts are > often only working on very specific system configurations and are not > able to automatically install the dependencies. > > o Many of the GEis require a very specific system to work, and are not > able to install or run if it is slightly changed. Sometimes the required > system is old and no longer supported with security updates. > > ? FI-Lab > > o Documentation is poor and needs an introduction presenting the aim > and purpose of the platform, so that newcomers can clearly understand > for what purpose they can use FI-Lab and what they can expect. > > o Several open source example applications must be included. They must > be very well documented and the documentation needs to explain how to > make these applications. Newcomers should be able to use these > applications and compile them. These applications should be coded and > documented by other people than the developers of the Generic Enablers. > > o A FI-Lab forum must be created with a wide community of users where > everybody developing with FI-Lab can join and resolve problems, share > experiences, improve applications, etc. People would be more inclined to > use the forum than (for instance) the helpdesk if a large, responsive > and knowledgeable community is active. > > o For each section, it should be possible for newcomers to understand > their aim and capabilities via a ?quick start guide? or tutorial > followed by a set of references for the user to continue learning how to > use the platform. Most of the information is not organized and is > difficult to find. > > o There is a need for more tutorials that build on each other to teach > the users to build complex applications from scratch. > > o The documentation (and videos) should be maintained accordingly with > the platform updates. Changes in the functionality or the user interface > of the platform should be reflected in the documentation. > > Third parties are looking at FIWARE right now. They will encounter the > same issues as Daniel Rubio. They will leave and never come back. > > Urgent action is necessary now. > > Therefore, the following is necessary: > > > * Documentation: hire external professional documentation writers for > making user-friendly installation (and user) guides. Such professionals > must be present in the consortium's partners, but the people involved in > the project will not have the authority to include them, certainly not > on short notice. Therefore, subcontracting is the only option. > * Documentation writers must be closely working with the > developers to guarantee that the latest GEi versions are used. > * For easy uptake the documentation needs to be complete and fully > comprehensive; it should be clear, give a uniform level of detail within > the same GEi and across all GEis, not skipping installation steps and > making sure that it is updated accordingly to the software versions > available for download. > * Installation: hire external professional testers for testing the > dependencies, libraries or other software the GEis need to work. They > should work with the developers (who implicitly know dependencies), > test/develop installation scripts, and support the documentation writers > * Installations must be automated to a maximum degree, using the > Operating System repositories for resolving dependencies, when possible, > or giving extensions to repositories including in them all the necessary > extra dependencies as this would lead to clean, fast and easy > installations. The installation mechanisms, as well as the > documentation, should be tested in clean environments to be able to > correctly determine if the installation packages or scripts work > correctly and resolve the installation of dependencies. > * The GEis must be able to be integrated into existing frameworks, > making them integrate as smoothly as possible and they must be > configurable for a wide range of existing system setups. Users should > not be forced to use a specific software platform, in particular when > that platform is already obsolete and unsupported. > * Fix the download section or the broken download links in the > installation documentation. > * Offer a stable version for download, not a source code snapshot > from the development repository. > * Create a FIWARE forum with a community of users of FIWARE where > everybody developing and using FIWARE technologies can join and resolve > problems, share GEis installation and configuration experiences, etc. > The forum would also allow FI-WARE developers to identify where users > have problems and take actions to solve them. This is part of FI-Core > activities. > * FI-Lab > * The same as for documentation above applies to FI-Lab, and is > especially relevant related to ?quick start guides?, tutorials, training > guidance. The documentation (and videos) should be maintained > accordingly with the platform updates. Changes in the functionality or > the user interface of the platform should be reflected in the > documentation. > * Create several open source example applications. People will not > start from scratch but will modify an example. These examples must be > very well documented and the documentation needs to explain how to make > these applications. Newcomers should be able to use these applications > and compile them. > * A FI-Lab forum must be created with a wide community of users > where everybody developing with FI-Lab can join and resolve problems, > share experiences, improve applications, etc. > * Clean the Catalogue from GEis that require unsupported Operating > Systems or port these GEis to newer OS versions. > > > Maximum priority to solve the above problems must be given now, whatever > resources are needed. In no other time in the life of the project have > we been confronted with a higher need for immediate action. The > credibility of FIWARE and the success of the whole FI-PPP phase 3 are at > risk. Today more than 150 proposals are being submitted to the > accelerators; they should not face the problems stated in the Rubio report. > > These issues must be solved with maximum urgency. > > We like to discuss this with you on Tuesday Sept 30, in the morning. > Please let me know your availability. If necessary, please clear your > agenda. > > Best regards, > Arian > > > > ________________________________ > > Este mensaje y sus adjuntos se dirigen exclusivamente a su destinatario, > puede contener informaci?n privilegiada o confidencial y es para uso > exclusivo de la persona o entidad de destino. Si no es usted. el > destinatario indicado, queda notificado de que la lectura, utilizaci?n, > divulgaci?n y/o copia sin autorizaci?n puede estar prohibida en virtud > de la legislaci?n vigente. Si ha recibido este mensaje por error, le > rogamos que nos lo comunique inmediatamente por esta misma v?a y proceda > a su destrucci?n. > > The information contained in this transmission is privileged and > confidential information intended only for the use of the individual or > entity named above. If the reader of this message is not the intended > recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution > or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have > received this transmission in error, do not read it. Please immediately > reply to the sender that you have received this communication in error > and then delete it. > > Esta mensagem e seus anexos se dirigem exclusivamente ao seu > destinat?rio, pode conter informa??o privilegiada ou confidencial e ? > para uso exclusivo da pessoa ou entidade de destino. Se n?o ? vossa > senhoria o destinat?rio indicado, fica notificado de que a leitura, > utiliza??o, divulga??o e/ou c?pia sem autoriza??o pode estar proibida em > virtude da legisla??o vigente. Se recebeu esta mensagem por erro, > rogamos-lhe que nos o comunique imediatamente por esta mesma via e > proceda a sua destrui??o > > > > _______________________________________________ > Fiware-chapter-architects mailing list > Fiware-chapter-architects at > > -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deutsches Forschungszentrum f?r K?nstliche Intelligenz (DFKI) GmbH Trippstadter Strasse 122, D-67663 Kaiserslautern Gesch?ftsf?hrung: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Wolfgang Wahlster (Vorsitzender) Dr. Walter Olthoff Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Prof. Dr. h.c. Hans A. Aukes Sitz der Gesellschaft: Kaiserslautern (HRB 2313) USt-Id.Nr.: DE 148646973, Steuernummer: 19/673/0060/3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: philipp_slusallek.vcf Type: text/x-vcard Size: 441 bytes Desc: not available URL: From manuel.escrichevicente at Mon Sep 29 17:18:01 2014 From: manuel.escrichevicente at (MANUEL ESCRICHE VICENTE) Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 15:18:01 +0000 Subject: [Fiware-chapter-leaders] Update of FILAB monitoring report Message-ID: <> Dear Partners, Please, find updated and linked the FILAB monitoring report. If anything, please, don't hesitate to let me know. Kind regards, Manuel ---------------------------- Manuel Escriche Vicente Agile Project Manager/Leader FI-WARE Initiative Telef?nica Digital Parque Tecnol?gico C/ Abraham Zacuto, 10 47151 - Boecillo Valladolid - Spain Tfno: +34.91.312.99.72 Fax: +34.983.36.75.64 ________________________________ Este mensaje y sus adjuntos se dirigen exclusivamente a su destinatario, puede contener informaci?n privilegiada o confidencial y es para uso exclusivo de la persona o entidad de destino. Si no es usted. el destinatario indicado, queda notificado de que la lectura, utilizaci?n, divulgaci?n y/o copia sin autorizaci?n puede estar prohibida en virtud de la legislaci?n vigente. Si ha recibido este mensaje por error, le rogamos que nos lo comunique inmediatamente por esta misma v?a y proceda a su destrucci?n. The information contained in this transmission is privileged and confidential information intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this transmission in error, do not read it. Please immediately reply to the sender that you have received this communication in error and then delete it. Esta mensagem e seus anexos se dirigem exclusivamente ao seu destinat?rio, pode conter informa??o privilegiada ou confidencial e ? para uso exclusivo da pessoa ou entidade de destino. Se n?o ? vossa senhoria o destinat?rio indicado, fica notificado de que a leitura, utiliza??o, divulga??o e/ou c?pia sem autoriza??o pode estar proibida em virtude da legisla??o vigente. Se recebeu esta mensagem por erro, rogamos-lhe que nos o comunique imediatamente por esta mesma via e proceda a sua destrui??o -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From miguel.carrillopacheco at Mon Sep 29 18:57:57 2014 From: miguel.carrillopacheco at (MIGUEL CARRILLO PACHECO) Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 18:57:57 +0200 Subject: [Fiware-chapter-leaders] [Fiware-wg-leaders] [Fiware-chapter-architects] URGENT: FIWARE coordination confcall - response to technical assessment by HLRS on FIWARE GEris in the Catalogue In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> <> Message-ID: <> Dear all, dear Philipp, We have received several reports by email. Please follow the procedure agreed in the call: put it at the end of the minutes of meeting in the section of your chapter. We are simply unable to process so many messages and we ask this for something. I see that Philipp has correctly added this to the minutes of meeting but it will be much more readable/useable if he integrates it in the document instead. Can you please do so? Thanks Miguel El 29/09/2014 15:28, Philipp Slusallek escribi?: Hi Juanjo, all, The analysis has been done rather shallow. All issues are mainly small issues. Some more detailed comments in general and on each of the GEs in the document below. Here is the analysis document for the WebUI chapter: Best, Philipp Am 29.09.2014 um 02:03 schrieb Juanjo Hierro: Hi all, Starting today and as agreed during our Munich meeting, we will have a weekly coordination confcall involving FIWARE Chapter/WG leaders on Mondays from 14:30 until 16:00. In today's confcall, there is a hot topic to address that has to do with the response to a new technical assessment report produced by HLRS by request of the EC. Please find it attached to this mail. As you will see, the assessment cannot be more negative, mostly considering the crucial point at which we are. Almost no FIWARE GEri has passed the tests for the local installation of the software using available installation and admin guides. Please try to arrive with an analysis of the status of GEris in your chapter. Besides the implementation of immediate remediate action that can only be taken by each owner of FIWARE GEris, we would like to propose an overall 3% of cut on the budget/funding of partners to fund the subcontracting for aprox. 600 KEUR of some organization(s) that can handle the testing of manuals and tutorials linked to each GEri. Based on the experience from the previous phase (FI-WARE project) and the recent assessment nows look evident that we cannot continue like this, trusting on the internal QA procedures of partners as we had done in the past. Due to the inherent technical nature of the matter, FIWARE Architecture Chapter Leaders are also requested to join. Other topics will be covered if there is time during the allocated slot, from 14:30 to 16:00. Best regards, -- Juanjo -------- Original Message -------- Subject: FIWARE: Rubio report - IMMEDIATE ACTION REQUIRED Date: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 08:42:16 +0000 From: To: , CC: , , , , (with apologies for the long email. Please read all) Dear Juanjo, Stefano, We have received the FI-WARE Generic Enabler Assessment report by Daniel Rubio (attached). The report presents an assessment of the ease of getting started, i.e. downloading and installing the GEs or using FI-Lab, rather than an assessment of the actual functionality of the GEs. In other words, it assesses the FI-WARE GE implementations from a third party point of view; any phase 3 subgrantee could and would have similar experiences. Just like the previous report by Lutz Schubert one year ago and the Engineering report from April 2014, the Rubio report highlights several issues that question the readiness of FI-WARE GEis for take-up in the FI-PPP phase 3. A summary of the main Rubio findings is as follows: * Documentation o The documentation is often not updated or refers to GEi versions that are no longer available. o The documentation fails, in most cases, in explaining how to install the dependencies and libraries or other software the GEi needs to work correctly. o There are big differences in documentation. Installation guides follow different writing styles and enter into different levels of detail. * Installation o In many cases the download section or the download links in the installation documentation are broken so the software cannot be downloaded. In other cases, no stable version is offered and there is only the possibility to download a source code snapshot from the development repository. o No common installation approach is given. Some GEis come with a clean automatic installation procedure while others have a tedious long manual installation which is almost impossible to revert and that might break other software on the system. o Of those GEis that use scripts for installation, the scripts are often only working on very specific system configurations and are not able to automatically install the dependencies. o Many of the GEis require a very specific system to work, and are not able to install or run if it is slightly changed. Sometimes the required system is old and no longer supported with security updates. * FI-Lab o Documentation is poor and needs an introduction presenting the aim and purpose of the platform, so that newcomers can clearly understand for what purpose they can use FI-Lab and what they can expect. o Several open source example applications must be included. They must be very well documented and the documentation needs to explain how to make these applications. Newcomers should be able to use these applications and compile them. These applications should be coded and documented by other people than the developers of the Generic Enablers. o A FI-Lab forum must be created with a wide community of users where everybody developing with FI-Lab can join and resolve problems, share experiences, improve applications, etc. People would be more inclined to use the forum than (for instance) the helpdesk if a large, responsive and knowledgeable community is active. o For each section, it should be possible for newcomers to understand their aim and capabilities via a "quick start guide" or tutorial followed by a set of references for the user to continue learning how to use the platform. Most of the information is not organized and is difficult to find. o There is a need for more tutorials that build on each other to teach the users to build complex applications from scratch. o The documentation (and videos) should be maintained accordingly with the platform updates. Changes in the functionality or the user interface of the platform should be reflected in the documentation. Third parties are looking at FIWARE right now. They will encounter the same issues as Daniel Rubio. They will leave and never come back. Urgent action is necessary now. Therefore, the following is necessary: * Documentation: hire external professional documentation writers for making user-friendly installation (and user) guides. Such professionals must be present in the consortium's partners, but the people involved in the project will not have the authority to include them, certainly not on short notice. Therefore, subcontracting is the only option. * Documentation writers must be closely working with the developers to guarantee that the latest GEi versions are used. * For easy uptake the documentation needs to be complete and fully comprehensive; it should be clear, give a uniform level of detail within the same GEi and across all GEis, not skipping installation steps and making sure that it is updated accordingly to the software versions available for download. * Installation: hire external professional testers for testing the dependencies, libraries or other software the GEis need to work. They should work with the developers (who implicitly know dependencies), test/develop installation scripts, and support the documentation writers * Installations must be automated to a maximum degree, using the Operating System repositories for resolving dependencies, when possible, or giving extensions to repositories including in them all the necessary extra dependencies as this would lead to clean, fast and easy installations. The installation mechanisms, as well as the documentation, should be tested in clean environments to be able to correctly determine if the installation packages or scripts work correctly and resolve the installation of dependencies. * The GEis must be able to be integrated into existing frameworks, making them integrate as smoothly as possible and they must be configurable for a wide range of existing system setups. Users should not be forced to use a specific software platform, in particular when that platform is already obsolete and unsupported. * Fix the download section or the broken download links in the installation documentation. * Offer a stable version for download, not a source code snapshot from the development repository. * Create a FIWARE forum with a community of users of FIWARE where everybody developing and using FIWARE technologies can join and resolve problems, share GEis installation and configuration experiences, etc. The forum would also allow FI-WARE developers to identify where users have problems and take actions to solve them. This is part of FI-Core activities. * FI-Lab * The same as for documentation above applies to FI-Lab, and is especially relevant related to "quick start guides", tutorials, training guidance. The documentation (and videos) should be maintained accordingly with the platform updates. Changes in the functionality or the user interface of the platform should be reflected in the documentation. * Create several open source example applications. People will not start from scratch but will modify an example. These examples must be very well documented and the documentation needs to explain how to make these applications. Newcomers should be able to use these applications and compile them. * A FI-Lab forum must be created with a wide community of users where everybody developing with FI-Lab can join and resolve problems, share experiences, improve applications, etc. * Clean the Catalogue from GEis that require unsupported Operating Systems or port these GEis to newer OS versions. Maximum priority to solve the above problems must be given now, whatever resources are needed. In no other time in the life of the project have we been confronted with a higher need for immediate action. The credibility of FIWARE and the success of the whole FI-PPP phase 3 are at risk. Today more than 150 proposals are being submitted to the accelerators; they should not face the problems stated in the Rubio report. These issues must be solved with maximum urgency. We like to discuss this with you on Tuesday Sept 30, in the morning. Please let me know your availability. If necessary, please clear your agenda. Best regards, Arian ________________________________ Este mensaje y sus adjuntos se dirigen exclusivamente a su destinatario, puede contener informaci?n privilegiada o confidencial y es para uso exclusivo de la persona o entidad de destino. Si no es usted. el destinatario indicado, queda notificado de que la lectura, utilizaci?n, divulgaci?n y/o copia sin autorizaci?n puede estar prohibida en virtud de la legislaci?n vigente. Si ha recibido este mensaje por error, le rogamos que nos lo comunique inmediatamente por esta misma v?a y proceda a su destrucci?n. The information contained in this transmission is privileged and confidential information intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this transmission in error, do not read it. Please immediately reply to the sender that you have received this communication in error and then delete it. Esta mensagem e seus anexos se dirigem exclusivamente ao seu destinat?rio, pode conter informa??o privilegiada ou confidencial e ? para uso exclusivo da pessoa ou entidade de destino. Se n?o ? vossa senhoria o destinat?rio indicado, fica notificado de que a leitura, utiliza??o, divulga??o e/ou c?pia sem autoriza??o pode estar proibida em virtude da legisla??o vigente. Se recebeu esta mensagem por erro, rogamos-lhe que nos o comunique imediatamente por esta mesma via e proceda a sua destrui??o _______________________________________________ Fiware-chapter-architects mailing list Fiware-chapter-architects at _______________________________________________ Fiware-wg-leaders mailing list Fiware-wg-leaders at -- Please update your address book with my new e-mail address: miguel.carrillopacheco at ---------------------------------------------------------------------- _/ _/_/ Miguel Carrillo Pacheco _/ _/ _/ _/ Telef?nica Distrito Telef?nica _/ _/_/_/ _/ _/ Investigaci?n y Edifico Oeste 1, Planta 9 _/ _/ _/ _/ Desarrollo Ronda de la Comunicaci?n S/N _/ _/_/ 28050 Madrid (Spain) Tel: (+34) 91 483 26 77 e-mail: miguel.carrillopacheco at Follow FI-WARE on the net Website: Facebook: Twitter: LinkedIn: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________________________ Este mensaje y sus adjuntos se dirigen exclusivamente a su destinatario, puede contener informaci?n privilegiada o confidencial y es para uso exclusivo de la persona o entidad de destino. Si no es usted. el destinatario indicado, queda notificado de que la lectura, utilizaci?n, divulgaci?n y/o copia sin autorizaci?n puede estar prohibida en virtud de la legislaci?n vigente. Si ha recibido este mensaje por error, le rogamos que nos lo comunique inmediatamente por esta misma v?a y proceda a su destrucci?n. The information contained in this transmission is privileged and confidential information intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this transmission in error, do not read it. Please immediately reply to the sender that you have received this communication in error and then delete it. Esta mensagem e seus anexos se dirigem exclusivamente ao seu destinat?rio, pode conter informa??o privilegiada ou confidencial e ? para uso exclusivo da pessoa ou entidade de destino. Se n?o ? vossa senhoria o destinat?rio indicado, fica notificado de que a leitura, utiliza??o, divulga??o e/ou c?pia sem autoriza??o pode estar proibida em virtude da legisla??o vigente. Se recebeu esta mensagem por erro, rogamos-lhe que nos o comunique imediatamente por esta mesma via e proceda a sua destrui??o -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From philipp.slusallek at Tue Sep 30 05:43:47 2014 From: philipp.slusallek at (Philipp Slusallek) Date: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 05:43:47 +0200 Subject: [Fiware-chapter-leaders] [Fiware-wg-leaders] [Fiware-chapter-architects] URGENT: FIWARE coordination confcall - response to technical assessment by HLRS on FIWARE GEris in the Catalogue In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> <> <> Message-ID: <> Done, Philipp Am 29.09.2014 um 18:57 schrieb MIGUEL CARRILLO PACHECO: > Dear all, dear Philipp, > > We have received several reports by email. Please follow the procedure > agreed in the call: put it at the end of the minutes of meeting in the > section of your chapter. We are simply unable to process so many > messages and we ask this for something. > > I see that Philipp has correctly added this to the minutes of meeting > but it will be much more readable/useable if he integrates it in the > document instead. Can you please do so? > > Thanks > > Miguel > > > > > El 29/09/2014 15:28, Philipp Slusallek escribi?: > > Hi Juanjo, all, > > The analysis has been done rather shallow. All issues are mainly small > issues. Some more detailed comments in general and on each of the GEs in > the document below. > > Here is the analysis document for the WebUI chapter: > > > > > Best, > > Philipp > > > Am 29.09.2014 um 02:03 schrieb Juanjo Hierro: > > > Hi all, > > Starting today and as agreed during our Munich meeting, we will have a > weekly coordination confcall involving FIWARE Chapter/WG leaders on > Mondays from 14:30 until 16:00. > > In today's confcall, there is a hot topic to address that has to do > with the response to a new technical assessment report produced by HLRS > by request of the EC. Please find it attached to this mail. > > As you will see, the assessment cannot be more negative, mostly > considering the crucial point at which we are. Almost no FIWARE GEri > has passed the tests for the local installation of the software using > available installation and admin guides. > > Please try to arrive with an analysis of the status of GEris in your > chapter. > > Besides the implementation of immediate remediate action that can only > be taken by each owner of FIWARE GEris, we would like to propose an > overall 3% of cut on the budget/funding of partners to fund the > subcontracting for aprox. 600 KEUR of some organization(s) that can handle > the testing of manuals and tutorials linked to each GEri. Based on the > experience from the previous phase (FI-WARE project) and the recent > assessment nows look evident that we cannot continue like this, trusting > on the internal QA procedures of partners as we had done in the past. > > Due to the inherent technical nature of the matter, FIWARE Architecture > Chapter Leaders are also requested to join. > > Other topics will be covered if there is time during the allocated > slot, from 14:30 to 16:00. > > Best regards, > > -- Juanjo > > > -------- Original Message -------- > Subject: FIWARE: Rubio report - IMMEDIATE ACTION REQUIRED > Date: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 08:42:16 +0000 > From: > > > To: > , > > > > CC: > , > > , > > , > > , > > > > > > > (with apologies for the long email. Please read all) > > > Dear Juanjo, Stefano, > > We have received the FI-WARE Generic Enabler Assessment report by Daniel > Rubio (attached). The report presents an assessment of the ease of > getting started, i.e. downloading and installing the GEs or using > FI-Lab, rather than an assessment of the actual functionality of the > GEs. In other words, it assesses the FI-WARE GE implementations from a > third party point of view; any phase 3 subgrantee could and would have > similar experiences. > > Just like the previous report by Lutz Schubert one year ago and the > Engineering report from April 2014, the Rubio report highlights several > issues that question the readiness of FI-WARE GEis for take-up in the > FI-PPP phase 3. A summary of the main Rubio findings is as follows: > > > * Documentation > > o The documentation is often not updated or refers to GEi versions > that are no longer available. > > o The documentation fails, in most cases, in explaining how to install > the dependencies and libraries or other software the GEi needs to work > correctly. > > o There are big differences in documentation. Installation guides > follow different writing styles and enter into different levels of detail. > > * Installation > > o In many cases the download section or the download links in the > installation documentation are broken so the software cannot be > downloaded. In other cases, no stable version is offered and there is > only the possibility to download a source code snapshot from the > development repository. > > o No common installation approach is given. Some GEis come with a > clean automatic installation procedure while others have a tedious long > manual installation which is almost impossible to revert and that might > break other software on the system. > > o Of those GEis that use scripts for installation, the scripts are > often only working on very specific system configurations and are not > able to automatically install the dependencies. > > o Many of the GEis require a very specific system to work, and are not > able to install or run if it is slightly changed. Sometimes the required > system is old and no longer supported with security updates. > > * FI-Lab > > o Documentation is poor and needs an introduction presenting the aim > and purpose of the platform, so that newcomers can clearly understand > for what purpose they can use FI-Lab and what they can expect. > > o Several open source example applications must be included. They must > be very well documented and the documentation needs to explain how to > make these applications. Newcomers should be able to use these > applications and compile them. These applications should be coded and > documented by other people than the developers of the Generic Enablers. > > o A FI-Lab forum must be created with a wide community of users where > everybody developing with FI-Lab can join and resolve problems, share > experiences, improve applications, etc. People would be more inclined to > use the forum than (for instance) the helpdesk if a large, responsive > and knowledgeable community is active. > > o For each section, it should be possible for newcomers to understand > their aim and capabilities via a "quick start guide" or tutorial > followed by a set of references for the user to continue learning how to > use the platform. Most of the information is not organized and is > difficult to find. > > o There is a need for more tutorials that build on each other to teach > the users to build complex applications from scratch. > > o The documentation (and videos) should be maintained accordingly with > the platform updates. Changes in the functionality or the user interface > of the platform should be reflected in the documentation. > > Third parties are looking at FIWARE right now. They will encounter the > same issues as Daniel Rubio. They will leave and never come back. > > Urgent action is necessary now. > > Therefore, the following is necessary: > > > * Documentation: hire external professional documentation writers for > making user-friendly installation (and user) guides. Such professionals > must be present in the consortium's partners, but the people involved in > the project will not have the authority to include them, certainly not > on short notice. Therefore, subcontracting is the only option. > * Documentation writers must be closely working with the > developers to guarantee that the latest GEi versions are used. > * For easy uptake the documentation needs to be complete and fully > comprehensive; it should be clear, give a uniform level of detail within > the same GEi and across all GEis, not skipping installation steps and > making sure that it is updated accordingly to the software versions > available for download. > * Installation: hire external professional testers for testing the > dependencies, libraries or other software the GEis need to work. They > should work with the developers (who implicitly know dependencies), > test/develop installation scripts, and support the documentation writers > * Installations must be automated to a maximum degree, using the > Operating System repositories for resolving dependencies, when possible, > or giving extensions to repositories including in them all the necessary > extra dependencies as this would lead to clean, fast and easy > installations. The installation mechanisms, as well as the > documentation, should be tested in clean environments to be able to > correctly determine if the installation packages or scripts work > correctly and resolve the installation of dependencies. > * The GEis must be able to be integrated into existing frameworks, > making them integrate as smoothly as possible and they must be > configurable for a wide range of existing system setups. Users should > not be forced to use a specific software platform, in particular when > that platform is already obsolete and unsupported. > * Fix the download section or the broken download links in the > installation documentation. > * Offer a stable version for download, not a source code snapshot > from the development repository. > * Create a FIWARE forum with a community of users of FIWARE where > everybody developing and using FIWARE technologies can join and resolve > problems, share GEis installation and configuration experiences, etc. > The forum would also allow FI-WARE developers to identify where users > have problems and take actions to solve them. This is part of FI-Core > activities. > * FI-Lab > * The same as for documentation above applies to FI-Lab, and is > especially relevant related to "quick start guides", tutorials, training > guidance. The documentation (and videos) should be maintained > accordingly with the platform updates. Changes in the functionality or > the user interface of the platform should be reflected in the > documentation. > * Create several open source example applications. People will not > start from scratch but will modify an example. These examples must be > very well documented and the documentation needs to explain how to make > these applications. Newcomers should be able to use these applications > and compile them. > * A FI-Lab forum must be created with a wide community of users > where everybody developing with FI-Lab can join and resolve problems, > share experiences, improve applications, etc. > * Clean the Catalogue from GEis that require unsupported Operating > Systems or port these GEis to newer OS versions. > > > Maximum priority to solve the above problems must be given now, whatever > resources are needed. In no other time in the life of the project have > we been confronted with a higher need for immediate action. The > credibility of FIWARE and the success of the whole FI-PPP phase 3 are at > risk. Today more than 150 proposals are being submitted to the > accelerators; they should not face the problems stated in the Rubio report. > > These issues must be solved with maximum urgency. > > We like to discuss this with you on Tuesday Sept 30, in the morning. > Please let me know your availability. If necessary, please clear your > agenda. > > Best regards, > Arian > > > > ________________________________ > > Este mensaje y sus adjuntos se dirigen exclusivamente a su destinatario, > puede contener informaci?n privilegiada o confidencial y es para uso > exclusivo de la persona o entidad de destino. Si no es usted. el > destinatario indicado, queda notificado de que la lectura, utilizaci?n, > divulgaci?n y/o copia sin autorizaci?n puede estar prohibida en virtud > de la legislaci?n vigente. Si ha recibido este mensaje por error, le > rogamos que nos lo comunique inmediatamente por esta misma v?a y proceda > a su destrucci?n. > > The information contained in this transmission is privileged and > confidential information intended only for the use of the individual or > entity named above. If the reader of this message is not the intended > recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution > or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have > received this transmission in error, do not read it. Please immediately > reply to the sender that you have received this communication in error > and then delete it. > > Esta mensagem e seus anexos se dirigem exclusivamente ao seu > destinat?rio, pode conter informa??o privilegiada ou confidencial e ? > para uso exclusivo da pessoa ou entidade de destino. Se n?o ? vossa > senhoria o destinat?rio indicado, fica notificado de que a leitura, > utiliza??o, divulga??o e/ou c?pia sem autoriza??o pode estar proibida em > virtude da legisla??o vigente. Se recebeu esta mensagem por erro, > rogamos-lhe que nos o comunique imediatamente por esta mesma via e > proceda a sua destrui??o > > > > _______________________________________________ > Fiware-chapter-architects mailing list > Fiware-chapter-architects at > > > > > > > > > > > > _______________________________________________ > Fiware-wg-leaders mailing list > Fiware-wg-leaders at > > > > > > -- > > Please update your address book with my new e-mail address: > miguel.carrillopacheco at > > > ---------------------------------------------------------------------- > _/ _/_/ Miguel Carrillo Pacheco > _/ _/ _/ _/ Telef?nica Distrito Telef?nica > _/ _/_/_/ _/ _/ Investigaci?n y Edifico Oeste 1, Planta 9 > _/ _/ _/ _/ Desarrollo Ronda de la Comunicaci?n S/N > _/ _/_/ 28050 Madrid (Spain) > Tel: (+34) 91 483 26 77 > > e-mail: > miguel.carrillopacheco at > > > Follow FI-WARE on the net > > Website: > Facebook: > Twitter: > LinkedIn: > ---------------------------------------------------------------------- > > ________________________________ > > Este mensaje y sus adjuntos se dirigen exclusivamente a su destinatario, > puede contener informaci?n privilegiada o confidencial y es para uso > exclusivo de la persona o entidad de destino. Si no es usted. el > destinatario indicado, queda notificado de que la lectura, utilizaci?n, > divulgaci?n y/o copia sin autorizaci?n puede estar prohibida en virtud > de la legislaci?n vigente. Si ha recibido este mensaje por error, le > rogamos que nos lo comunique inmediatamente por esta misma v?a y proceda > a su destrucci?n. > > The information contained in this transmission is privileged and > confidential information intended only for the use of the individual or > entity named above. If the reader of this message is not the intended > recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution > or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have > received this transmission in error, do not read it. Please immediately > reply to the sender that you have received this communication in error > and then delete it. > > Esta mensagem e seus anexos se dirigem exclusivamente ao seu > destinat?rio, pode conter informa??o privilegiada ou confidencial e ? > para uso exclusivo da pessoa ou entidade de destino. Se n?o ? vossa > senhoria o destinat?rio indicado, fica notificado de que a leitura, > utiliza??o, divulga??o e/ou c?pia sem autoriza??o pode estar proibida em > virtude da legisla??o vigente. Se recebeu esta mensagem por erro, > rogamos-lhe que nos o comunique imediatamente por esta mesma via e > proceda a sua destrui??o > -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deutsches Forschungszentrum f?r K?nstliche Intelligenz (DFKI) GmbH Trippstadter Strasse 122, D-67663 Kaiserslautern Gesch?ftsf?hrung: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Wolfgang Wahlster (Vorsitzender) Dr. Walter Olthoff Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Prof. Dr. h.c. Hans A. Aukes Sitz der Gesellschaft: Kaiserslautern (HRB 2313) USt-Id.Nr.: DE 148646973, Steuernummer: 19/673/0060/3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: philipp_slusallek.vcf Type: text/x-vcard Size: 441 bytes Desc: not available URL: From manuel.escrichevicente at Tue Sep 30 11:47:21 2014 From: manuel.escrichevicente at (MANUEL ESCRICHE VICENTE) Date: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 09:47:21 +0000 Subject: [Fiware-chapter-leaders] Agile dynamic - Closing Major Release 3 - LAST CALL Message-ID: Dear Partners, As you know we're closing today 3rd Major Release, which means we close Minor Release 3.5 and Sprint 3.5.3. They frame the last development activity within FIWARE phase I project. Developments are continuing with 4th Major Release, Minor Release 4.1 and Sprint 4.1.1 within FIWARE phase II project (=FI-CORE). Please, proceed to updating their status: by closing, or dismissing all corresponding dealt with backlog items and, please proceed to fixing all corresponding issues since the backlog snapshot taken today at 18:00 CET time will be delivered to the EC. DASHBOARDS: APPS - Alessandra [cid:image002.jpg at 01CFDCA4.4583B340] CLOUD - Alex [cid:image010.jpg at 01CFDCA4.4583B340] DATA - Sergio [cid:image011.jpg at 01CFDCA4.4583B340] I2ND - PierAngelo [cid:image012.jpg at 01CFDCA4.4583B340] IOT - Thierry [cid:image014.jpg at 01CFDCA4.4583B340] MIWI - Christof [cid:image016.jpg at 01CFDCA4.4583B340] SECURITY - Pascal No activity scheduled or recorded [cid:image021.jpg at 01CFDCA4.4583B340] REVIEWS: Please, try fixing as many issues as possible. APPS - Alessandra [cid:image023.jpg at 01CFDCA4.4583B340] CLOUD - Alex [cid:image025.jpg at 01CFDCA4.4583B340] DATA - Sergio [cid:image027.jpg at 01CFDCA4.4583B340] I2ND - PierAngelo [cid:image039.jpg at 01CFDCA4.4583B340] IOT - Thierry [cid:image040.jpg at 01CFDCA4.4583B340] MIWI - Christof [cid:image041.jpg at 01CFDCA4.4583B340] SECURITY - Pascal [cid:image042.jpg at 01CFDCA4.4583B340] EFFORT: Please, inform my workmate Javier de Pedro of the resources spent during last term so that updated reports are possible. Leaders: Partners: Thanks for cooperation!! If anything, please, don't hesitate to let me know. Kind regards, Manuel ---------------------------- Manuel Escriche Vicente Agile Project Manager/Leader FI-WARE Initiative Telef?nica Digital Parque Tecnol?gico C/ Abraham Zacuto, 10 47151 - Boecillo Valladolid - Spain Tfno: +34.91.312.99.72 Fax: +34.983.36.75.64 ________________________________ Este mensaje y sus adjuntos se dirigen exclusivamente a su destinatario, puede contener informaci?n privilegiada o confidencial y es para uso exclusivo de la persona o entidad de destino. Si no es usted. el destinatario indicado, queda notificado de que la lectura, utilizaci?n, divulgaci?n y/o copia sin autorizaci?n puede estar prohibida en virtud de la legislaci?n vigente. Si ha recibido este mensaje por error, le rogamos que nos lo comunique inmediatamente por esta misma v?a y proceda a su destrucci?n. The information contained in this transmission is privileged and confidential information intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. 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