[Fiware-chapter-leaders] Fwd: FP7-ICT - 632893 FI-CORE - Remote review 1st Reporting Period

MIGUEL CARRILLO PACHECO miguel.carrillopacheco at telefonica.com
Fri Dec 18 19:19:35 CET 2015

Dear all,

The 1st yearly review is on! As you know, the period of M1-M13 (yes, 13 months) is under assessment. First of all, we are sharing with you the message sent by Ragnar, our PO, announcing the review.

This time it will be held remotely. It will be based on documented evidences, not on presentations, and it will end on January, 15. The review is already ongoing and they are expecting the report.

I know that it is a tricky time (most of you on holidays) but we must handle this. The steps I can foresee at this point are:

  *   Putting together all the reports ready on google docs and porting to word
  *   Finishing those in an immature state (sustainability and dissemination) and consolidating them as well
  *   The coordinator will assess the efforts reported per partner and chapter
  *   Circulating a draft internally in the consortium for comments
  *   Distributing an early draft shortly after to the EC. This report will be provisional and subject to changes
  *   Submitting a final report to the EC (a week before the end of the review, at the latest)

We need to look at the deliverables too. It is important to see how many we can deliver these days. Several Open specs seem very close to delivery.

We have circulated the links to contribute to the reports many times and the information is open for you. So you have had plenty of opportunity to assess most of the info that it will go in the first draft. Note that this time we will not cover the failure to provide information to the report, we have circulated the info and requested the inputs a few times already and those not contributing to a given part will have a negative mention in the report. I am very glad to say that these are a minority.

 Best regards,


-------- Mensaje reenviado --------
Asunto:         FP7-ICT - 632893 FI-CORE - Remote review 1st Reporting Period
Fecha:  Fri, 18 Dec 2015 16:53:16 +0000
De:     Ragnar.Bergstrom at ec.europa.eu<mailto:Ragnar.Bergstrom at ec.europa.eu>
Para:   juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com<mailto:juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com>
CC:     Maria.MOTA-VIEGAS at ec.europa.eu<mailto:Maria.MOTA-VIEGAS at ec.europa.eu>, CNECT-ICT-632893 at ec.europa.eu<mailto:CNECT-ICT-632893 at ec.europa.eu>, puja at giantswarm.io<mailto:puja at giantswarm.io>, Pieter.Ballon at vub.ac.be<mailto:Pieter.Ballon at vub.ac.be>, miguel.carrillopacheco at telefonica.com<mailto:miguel.carrillopacheco at telefonica.com>

Dear Juanjo,

In accordance with Article II.23 of the contract, and as agreed with you recently, I hereby confirm the Commission's decision to hold a remote review of the project FP7-ICT- 632893 FI-CORE 1st reporting period (1/9/2014-30/9/2015) without a meeting, starting on 10 December 2015 until 15 January 2016 to provide a consolidated review report.

As agreed with you, the Commission will be assisted by the following independent experts:

- Mr Puja Abbassi
- Mr Pieter Ballon

The objectives of the review are, in particular, to establish:
•       the degree of fulfilment of the project work plan for the relevant period and of the related deliverables;
•       the continued relevance of the objectives and breakthrough potential with respect to the scientific and industrial state of the art;
•       the resources planned and utilized in relation to the achieved progress, in a manner consistent with the principles of economy, efficiency and effectiveness;
•       the management procedures and methods of the project;
•       the beneficiaries' contributions and integration within the project;
•       the expected potential impact in scientific, technologic, economic, competitive and social terms (where relevant), and the plans for the use and dissemination of results.

In accordance with your contractual obligations, we kindly request that you submit to the experts the Deliverables of this reporting period. Please make them available via your website or a link from where they can be downloaded. Since all Deliverables for the 1st reporting period have not yet been submitted could you group the already available Deliverables in a 1st batch/folder and then group the remaining ones in 1 or 2 separate batches/folders? When it comes to the Periodic Report I expect the draft version you are currently preparing to be urgently finalised and provided to the experts.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind regards,

Ragnar Bergström
Head of Sector
DG for Communications Networks, Content and Technology
Unit E3 - Net Innovation
Office BU31 5/69, B-1049 Bruxelles
Tel: +32(0)
e-mail: ragnar.bergstrom at ec.europa.eu<mailto:ragnar.bergstrom at ec.europa.eu>

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