[Fiware-chapter-leaders] [Fiware-chapter-architects] Fwd: RE: Review of the FI-CORE contract

Alex Glikson GLIKSON at il.ibm.com
Tue Jul 21 11:59:53 CEST 2015

Regarding Cloud --- in the FI-Core DoW we introduced a new GE called 
'Cross-Region Enablement'. This is the GE that Arian refers to. This GE 
didn't exist prior to FI-Core. Moreover, following discussions in the 
beginning of FI-Core (during the kick-off, to be more accurate), we 
decided not to pursue adding such GE, and put (more) emphasis on other 
GEs. Hope this clarifies.
Agree that we may need to seriously revisit the review agenda.


Alex Glikson
Manager, Cloud Infrastructure Solutions, IBM Haifa Research Lab; FIWARE 
Cloud Leader & Architect
Email: glikson at il.ibm.com | Phone: +972-4-8281085 | Mobile: 
+972-54-6466667 | Fax: +972-4-8296112

From:   BISSON Pascal <pascal.bisson at thalesgroup.com>
To:     Juanjo Hierro <juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com>
Cc:     "fiware-chapter-leaders at lists.fi-ware.org" 
<fiware-chapter-leaders at lists.fi-ware.org>, KELLER Sebastien 
<sebastien.keller at thalesgroup.com>, "Stephan Neuhaus 
\(stephan.neuhaus at zhaw.ch\)" <stephan.neuhaus at zhaw.ch>, 
"fiware-chapter-architects at lists.fi-ware.org" 
<fiware-chapter-architects at lists.fi-ware.org>, BETTAN Olivier 
<olivier.bettan at thalesgroup.com>
Date:   21/07/2015 12:49 PM
Subject:        Re: [Fiware-chapter-architects] [Fiware-chapter-leaders] 
Fwd: RE:        Review of the FI-CORE contract
Sent by:        fiware-chapter-architects-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org

Dear Juanjo,
I see in Arian?s email and his proposed changes a list of GEs candidates 
to be stopped. Therefore I can understand you request presentations for 
those specific GEs.
Now regarding the other GEs you mentioned for the Chapter I?m wondering 
how you did come up with them since there was no mentioning in Arian?s 
email. Could you please clarify ?
Regarding Security Chapter and If I could have anticipated for what 
concerns Privacy GE, I was not for Cyber Sec GE and Trustworthy GE.
Last but not least and if based on your demand we can prepare 
presentations elaborating on why activities  linked to these GEs have to 
be maintained let?s here (and especially the GE owners) decide on the 
strong cases even more than some of the strong case you propose are not 
properly in line with what the GE does/offers (this is especially true for 
what concerns Trustworthy Factory and the strong case you propose ).
Now and with all these GEs presentations I have doubts we would have time 
to get them all be presented ?
Hearing from you.
Best Regards
De : fiware-chapter-leaders-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org [
mailto:fiware-chapter-leaders-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org] De la part de 
Juanjo Hierro
Envoyé : vendredi 17 juillet 2015 14:07
À : MIGUEL CARRILLO PACHECO; fiware-chapter-leaders at lists.fi-ware.org; 
fiware-chapter-architects at lists.fi-ware.org; 
fiware-wg-leaders at lists.fi-ware.org; Chulani, Ilknur; Clara Maria Pezuela 
Robles; Malena Donato Cohen; Nuria De-Lama Sanchez; Pablo Honrubia
Objet : Re: [Fiware-chapter-leaders] Fwd: RE: Review of the FI-CORE 
Hi all,

  Sorry that I couldn't send you a message earlier but this message was 
received while I was in Washington.   I also asked for some clarifications 
before sending this message to you.

  As Miguel has anticipated, chapter leaders in which chapters there are 
FIWARE GEs for which stop of the development is requested should prepare a 
brief presentation (no more than 10 minutes per GE) where they explain 
where they are and why they believe it is worth keeping the activity.

  References to some of the FIWARE GEs that would be affected are more 
explicit, while others are not.   I foward here you the list of FIWARE 
GEis for which this exercise has to be carried out, based on conversations 
I have had with the EC.   I also provide some views on what you should 
focus your presentation on:
Cloud chapter: 
rather than focused on specific GEs, it is the activity regarding 
cross-region enablement what they propose to stop.   I don't understand 
pretty well what they are referring to, but since we were reshaping a lot 
of the activities in the Cloud chapter already, I would prepare a 
presentation where we elaborate on the replanning of activities in the 
chapter.   Altogether, the presentation shouldn't last more than 10 
Data/Media Context Management chapter: 
elaborate on why activities linked to the Event-driven orchestration GE 
have to be maintained (10 minutes)
elaborate on why activities linked to Metadata Store Management Platform, 
Data Aggregator and Semantic Annotation GEs have to be maintained 
(altogether, 10 minutes)
Advanced Web-based UI chapter: 
elaborate on why the UI chapter will not be longer an isolated chapter and 
will evolve to be strongly integrated with the rest of the FIWARE 
Reference Architecture through NGSI.   I would focus the presentation on 
the task force on POIs we are carrying out and the current vision about 
strongly integrating chapter enablers with GEs of the data chapter through 
NGSI. (10 minutes)
Apps/Service and Data Delivery: 
elaborate on why activities linked to SpagoBI have to be maintained (10 
Security chapter: 
elaborate on why activities linked to Cyber Security related GEs have to 
be maintained. (altogether, 10 minutes)
elaborate on why activities linked to Privacy GE have to be maintained. In 
particular, you have to come up with a strong case regarding how this GE 
could be integrated with the Identity, Authorization and Access Control 
framework currently in place. (10 minutes)
elaborate on why activities linked to Trustworthy GE have to be 
maintained.   In particular, you have to come up with a strong case 
regarding how this GE could be integrated with the Identity, Authorization 
and Access Control framework currently in place. (10 minutes) 
Advanced middleware and I2ND: 
elaborate on why activities linked to the KIARA GE have to be maintained 
(10 minutes) 
elaborate on why activities linked to robotics have to be maintained (10 
elaborate on why activities linked to SDN and interfaces to networks have 
to be maintained (10 minutes)

  Regarding the presentation, you should prepare a presentation with only 
3 slides:
what have been the results so far
why the activity should be kept, putting emphasis in what is the 
differential value that the results will bring to the FIWARE offering 
(competitive advantage compared to existing solutions), and what are the 
target goals in the remaining of FI-Core
what is the commitment to support the affected GEs in the market and 
whether there is any endorsement regarding usage/adoption 
  Note that based on the above, we would consume already 110 minutes, 
let's say 120 minutes.   Consequently, we should keep a slot in the agenda 
specifically devoted to this which last 2hours.
  Note also that we will have to be rather strict.   10 minutes will be 
absolute maximum.   Presentations will be cut when the time limit is 
  Feel free to invite to the owners of the specific GEs either to make the 
presentations themselves or provide the necessary support during the 
  You should inform all the FIWARE GE owners affected and communicate them 
that, depending on recommendations after the review, it may be decided 
that funding of their activities be discontinued starting formally August 
  Note that potential discontinuation in the funding of the activities may 
not have to do with quality of the work being carried out.  It is more a 
matter of re-prioritization of activities in the project, which require 
that some activities be reinforced or new activities be covered.   This 
means that funding has to be re-allocated.   Indeed, activities regarding 
some of the FIWARE GEs under question may continue if the corresponding 
GEri owner decides to do so on its own (regarding new GEs this would mean 
entering an incubation process following the FIWARE Community Governance 
Model).  It would be mostly a matter of whether they would get funded 
under FI-Core or not.
  The rest of points that the EC is asking us to elaborate about were (or 
can be) more or less covered in the already defined agenda for the review. 
 I'll come back to you along the weekend with specific comments in their 
  Best regards,
-- Juanjo
Coordinator and Chief Architect, FIWARE platform
CTO Industrial IoT, Telefónica
email: juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com
twitter: @JuanjoHierro
You can follow FIWARE at:
  website:  http://www.fiware.org
  twitter:  @FIWARE
  facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/FI-WARE/251366491587242
  linkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/groups/FIWARE-4239932
On 16/07/15 10:21, MIGUEL CARRILLO PACHECO wrote:
Dear all,

A new message from the PO that has a more thorough explanation of what 
they are expecting from the review.

I will be on holidays starting at the end of today and for the coming 
week. I expect that this message will be dealt with on Tuesday at 13:00 
CET. As I see this, all those in charge of the presentations should tweak 
them before Tuesday to comply with this.

In the meantime I've added this to the background info of our google doc 
with the review preparation: 

Best regards,


-------- Mensaje reenviado -------- 

RE: Review of the FI-CORE contract
Thu, 16 Jul 2015 07:47:53 +0000
Arian.ZWEGERS at ec.europa.eu
juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com, miguel.carrillopacheco at telefonica.com
Jesus.Villasante at ec.europa.eu, Peter.Fatelnig at ec.europa.eu, 
CNECT-ICT-632893 at ec.europa.eu

Dear Juanjo, Miguel,
As mentioned below, a review of the FI-Core activities is necessary to 
refocus the project on today?s priorities of the programme and to allow 
the project to stay relevant, efficient and effective. 
Therefore, the following elements should be covered in this review 
1.                   Problem Statement: what are the shortcomings the A16 
subgrantees and other customers have identified with respect to:
o   Competitive advantage of the FIWARE enablers as compared to other 
existing solutions
o   Quality of enablers (specifications, software, documentation, ?)
o   Support for the enablers
o   FIWARE Lab (design, capacity, usability, and customer support)
o   Sustainability (strategy)
2.                   Analysis: for each of the points above, why is it 
(perceived as) a problem? What are the causes?
3.                   Way forward: general directions and principles
4.                   Proposed changes to the existing workplan
Based on internal discussions and discussions with experts, we believe 
that the following points should be reviewed:
1.                   Way forward: general directions and principles
a.       Focus on a small number of enablers
·   Based on (the maturity of) FIWAREness: what does it mean to be a 
FIWARE enabler? What sets a FIWARE enabler apart from other solutions? Why 
should a certain component be called a "FIWARE enabler"?
·   Based on potential value for customers, i.e. subgrantees and other 
third parties, during the lifetime of the FI-PPP
b.      Increased usage of professional expertise, either from the 
consortium's companies (but outside their research departments) or outside 
the consortium
c.       Ongoing activities would strongly benefit from a change of 
2.                   Proposed changes:
a.       Usefulness of existing activities
·   Stop GEs that have ?low FIWAREness?, based on agreed definition of 
FIWAREness, e.g. NGSI-compliance.
·   Stop development of GEs that are considered less potentially valuable, 
resulting from the A16 input analysis
·   Stop development on new GEs:
·         Cross-region enablement
·         Event Driven Orchestration
·         I2ND
·         Open Data Support -/- Open Data Portal
·         Data Visualisation and Analysis
·   Stop enablers that are separate, i.e. standing on their own, without 
links to selected Enablers, and that are not integratable.
·   Stop the demos in WP1.1
·   Stop sponsoring 2 out of 6 Campus Party events
b.      Competitive advantage of the FIWARE enablers as compared to other 
existing solutions
·   Strengthen FIWAREness
·   Improve interoperability of Enablers with each other
c.       Quality of enablers
·   Implement a stress test focused on reliability and scalability
·   Extend friendly testing to all supported enablers
·   Implement a wide-ranging bounty program to improve quality
·   Implement a high-quality technical support to developers and 
accelerators based on a service-level agreement
d.      Support for the enablers
·   Improve support (e.g. helpdesk) related to enablers
·   Improve documentation
·   Give ?how-to? examples, improve usability of enablers
·   Improve training materials and tutorials, e.g. by involving two 
Mexican partners
e.      FIWARE Lab
·   Provide a reliable plan to ensure that no bottlenecks in networking 
and computing performance will occur
·   Provide attractive trial user places and allow a much wider 
participation of users outside Phase 3
·   Consider stopping the federation of nodes
·   Improve availability and usability of the Lab
·   Improve support related to the Lab based on a service-level agreement
·   Provide appropriate access to open data sources linked into FIWARE Lab 
(e.g. in collaboration with the Connecting Europe Facility)
f.        Sustainability (strategy)
·   Appoint an (external) community manager (team) to drive the building 
of the open source community
·   Set up a foundation before end 2015 and implement the transition of 
FIWARE in a foundation led initiative
·   Enlarge the industrial commitment with companies interested to become 
long-term partners in the FIWARE foundation and support the open source 
·   Get pre-commercial providers as new partners (part of the open 
·   Implement a FIWARE application store
·   Implement an outreach program for H2020 projects considering/using 
FIWARE, including support and training 
·   Improve dramatically social media outreach, move from communications 
to marketing, improve showcasing of success stories
g.       Other
·   Present a clear plan for the use of the resources dedicated to the 
open call (10% of the overall budget)
Best regards,
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2015 2:44 PM
To: 'juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com'
Subject: Review of the FI-CORE contract
Importance: High
Dear Juanjo,
Further to our conversation during the FIWARE Accelerator meeting in Paris 
on 12 June, I summarise below the main guidance for the upcoming review of 
the FI-CORE contract. 
To review the activities of FI-CORE is critically necessary in order to 
refocus the project on todays priorities of the FIWARE programme and to 
allow the project to stay relevant, efficient and effective. The outcome 
of this may lead to an amendment of the contract with a revised technical 
Considering the clear forward-looking objective of this ad-hoc review, it 
will deviate to some extent from the regular review process and focus less 
on progress achieved, checking deliverables and matching resources to 
plans (this will be done in the next annual review). Rather the specific 
topics for the review will concentrate on key project activities crucial 
for the success of the project and the FI-PPP Phase 3. The agenda of the 
ad-hoc review meeting and the conversation with the experts, the 
Commission services and the project team, will address:
·         Quality of the existing set of enablers. How best to reach a 
production level quality on all enablers on offer. Consider a 
'service-level agreement'-like support for developers for a high level 
technical support to developers and accelerators.
·         The capacity of the FIWARE Lab to satisfy the needs of the 
startups and SMEs in phase 3 and its evolution to pre-commercial services. 
Provide a reliable plan to ensure that the recent bottlenecks in 
networking and computing performance will not occur again. This may 
require a higher allocation of resources to this task. Provide appropriate 
access to open data sources linked into FIWARE Lab and the open access to 
this experimental sand-box environment by anybody (trial and community 
users). Present a clear plan for the use of the resources dedicated to the 
open call (10% of the overall budget). Notably in the context of increased 
communications and the support for pre-commercial FIWARE Labs.
·         Sustainability: Launching and supporting the open source 
community with sufficient support and resources to make it successful. The 
setup of a foundation before year end and the transition of FIWARE in a 
foundation led initiative. Enlarge the industrial commitment with 
companies interested to become long-term partners in the FIWARE foundation 
and support the open source community.
·         A communication strategy which focusses on communicating a 
product-like image of FIWARE, supports the open source community and 
launches a social media campaign to reach out world-wide.
The documentation necessary for this ad-hoc review should be short but 
convincing in order to provide a conclusive view of the changes required 
at this stage and to ensure that FI-CORE fulfils the strategic tasks 
necessary for the PPP phase 3. Please deliver input documents around those 
topics at least 10 days before the review takes place. 
I expect that FI-CORE as project will adhere to the new work plan as of 1 
July 2015. Therefore, please initiate the necessary instructions to the 
consortium partners to halt work in areas likely to be restructured. 
Finally, please make sure that this note reaches every beneficiary of the 
FI-CORE contract.
Kind regards,
Jesus Villasante
Head of Unit

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