Thank you Pier, ... still on time :) If it's too long we try to shorten it and ask you for a check. Ciao, Davide 2015-03-16 15:16 GMT+01:00 Garino Pierangelo < pierangelo.garino at>: > Dear Davide, > > > > You’re right I’m late to reply to your request. Here you can find the text > I propose to use for the I2ND chapter, which tries to include all the main > functionalities we have in it: > > *Build communication-efficient distributed applications, exploit advanced > network capabilities and easily manage robotic devices.* > > > > Hope it is not too long. > > > > BR > > Pier > > > > > > > > *Da:* fiware-chapter-leaders-bounces at [mailto: > fiware-chapter-leaders-bounces at] *Per conto di *Davide > Dalle Carbonare > *Inviato:* lunedì 16 marzo 2015 14:33 > *A:* MIGUEL CARRILLO PACHECO > *Cc:* fiware-chapter-leaders at; Malena Donato Cohen; > Chulani, Ilknur; fiware-chapter-architects at; Stefan > Lemme; fiware-wg-leaders at > *Oggetto:* Re: [Fiware-chapter-leaders] Coordination confcall cancelled > > > > Dear Miguel, > > I wanted to take advantage from this coordination call to notify all > about the upcoming update of the Catalogue, planned for tomorrow. > > > > I still miss a couple of inputs from: > > - Ogilvy on how to communicate about this update to people outside the > project, mainly because the update will imply one day of Catalogue > unavailability. > > - Pier on the short description of the I2ND chapter (minor issue ... all > the texts can be updated subsequently). > > > > Should you have any last minute comment, please let me know as soon as > possible ... as already circulated for the Demo Sessions, here is the > version in the test environment (it's not updated > in terms of contents, you have to consider only texts, features and look & > feel). > > > > I kindly ask you all to notify us using *fiware-catalogue at > <fiware-catalogue at>* of any bug or problem you may find, > this is a major updated and for sure there will be something to fix. > > > > Given said that, we proceed with the update ... > > > > BR > > Davide > > > > > > 2015-03-16 10:51 GMT+01:00 MIGUEL CARRILLO PACHECO < > miguel.carrillopacheco at>: > > Dear all, > > We have many people in CEBIT on top of which we desperately need to put > time in the reporting. > > The meeting for today is therefore cancelled. Feel free to let us know > if there's something that is particularly urgent. > > Regards, > > > Miguel > > -- > > Please update your address book with my new e-mail address: > miguel.carrillopacheco at > > ---------------------------------------------------------------------- > _/ _/_/ Miguel Carrillo Pacheco > _/ _/ _/ _/ Telefónica Distrito Telefónica > _/ _/_/_/ _/ _/ Investigación y Edifico Oeste 1, Planta 9 > _/ _/ _/ _/ Desarrollo Ronda de la Comunicación S/N > _/ _/_/ 28050 Madrid (Spain) > Tel: (+34) 91 483 26 77 > > e-mail: miguel.carrillopacheco at > > Follow FIWARE on the net > > Website: > Facebook: > Twitter: > LinkedIn: > ---------------------------------------------------------------------- > > > ________________________________ > > Este mensaje y sus adjuntos se dirigen exclusivamente a su destinatario, > puede contener información privilegiada o confidencial y es para uso > exclusivo de la persona o entidad de destino. 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Qualora abbiate ricevuto questo documento per errore siete > cortesemente pregati di darne immediata comunicazione al mittente e di > provvedere alla sua distruzione, Grazie. > > *This e-mail and any attachments** is **confidential and may contain > privileged information intended for the addressee(s) only. Dissemination, > copying, printing or use by anybody else is unauthorised. If you are not > the intended recipient, please delete this message and any attachments and > advise the sender by return e-mail, Thanks.* > *[image: rispetta l'ambiente]Rispetta l'ambiente. Non stampare questa mail > se non è necessario.* > > -- Davide Dalle Carbonare IT Solution Architect Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A. @davdalle <> | linkedin <> | <> -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <>
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