[Fiware-cloud] Flavor metadata in images

Álvaro Alonso aalonsog at dit.upm.es
Tue Jun 9 12:46:12 CEST 2015

Ok, I will check that metadata param. 

Many thanks

> El 09 Jun 2015, a las 09:33, Federico Michele Facca <federico.facca at create-net.org> escribió:
> btw, horizon works like that. when you select an image (given that you set the metadata), only compatible flavours are displayed.
> On Tue, Jun 9, 2015 at 9:23 AM, Alex Glikson <GLIKSON at il.ibm.com <mailto:GLIKSON at il.ibm.com>> wrote:
> Please, check feasibility of using min_disk property before we make the final decision. 
> Thanks, 
> Alex 
> From:        Kenneth Nagin/Haifa/IBM at IBMIL 
> To:        Álvaro Alonso <aalonsog at dit.upm.es <mailto:aalonsog at dit.upm.es>> 
> Cc:        fiware-cloud at lists.fi-ware.org <mailto:fiware-cloud at lists.fi-ware.org> 
> Date:        09/06/2015 08:49 AM 
> Subject:        Re: [Fiware-cloud] Flavor metadata in images 
> Sent by:        fiware-cloud-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org <mailto:fiware-cloud-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org> 
> I agree with your decision. 
> Best Regards, 
> Kenneth Nagin
> Ph: +972-4-8296227 <tel:%2B972-4-8296227>
> Cell: 054-6976227
> Fx: +972-4- 8296114 <tel:%2B972-4-%208296114> 
> http://researcher.ibm.com/view.php?person=il-NAGIN <http://researcher.ibm.com/view.php?person=il-NAGIN> 
> From:        Álvaro Alonso <aalonsog at dit.upm.es <mailto:aalonsog at dit.upm.es>> 
> To:        Ezra Silvera/Haifa/IBM at IBMIL 
> Cc:        fiware-cloud at lists.fi-ware.org <mailto:fiware-cloud at lists.fi-ware.org> 
> Date:        08/06/2015 05:56 PM 
> Subject:        Re: [Fiware-cloud] Flavor metadata in images 
> Sent by:        fiware-cloud-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org <mailto:fiware-cloud-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org> 
> Yes, of course. But for the installation it will require the same. So at least, the VM would be able to be launched. 
> Anyway this is a requirement from a user, we have to decide if it make sense or not. In my opinion the current behaviour is ok because the user will get an error saying that the specified flavour is not enough and he can try again with another one. 
> So if everybody agree, we can dismiss this feature. 
> BR 
> -- 
> Álvaro 
> El 08 Jun 2015, a las 16:44, Ezra Silvera <EZRA at il.ibm.com <mailto:EZRA at il.ibm.com>> escribió: 
> Also as Alex indicated resources depend on the workload and not just the image. For example, mysql vm may require different memory size depending on the target usage and load
> -Ezra Silvera 
> Álvaro Alonso --- Re: [Fiware-cloud] Flavor metadata in images --- 
> מאת:	"Álvaro Alonso" <aalonsog at dit.upm.es <mailto:aalonsog at dit.upm.es>>
> אל:	"Ezra Silvera" <EZRA at il.ibm.com <mailto:EZRA at il.ibm.com>>
> עותק:	"" <fiware-cloud at lists.fi-ware.org <mailto:fiware-cloud at lists.fi-ware.org>>
> תאריך:	יום ב׳, 8 ביונ 2015 16:39
> נושא:	Re: [Fiware-cloud] Flavor metadata in images
> Alex, the solution there is to include in images info regarding capacity (in terms of CPU, mem, disk and not directly a flavour) and then select the flavours that fit that requirements. 
> The problem comes when a user tries to launch an image that needs, for instance, 1GB of disk to install the SO using a flavour of 500 MB. 
> BR 
> -- 
> Álvaro 
> El 08 Jun 2015, a las 14:34, Ezra Silvera <EZRA at il.ibm.com <mailto:EZRA at il.ibm.com>> escribió: 
> Hi, 
> I'm not sure it is aligned or make sense in terms of OpenStack. The separation between flavors and images was done by design In OpenStack so that you decouple between image and the required resources. I agree it would be nice to show only the flavors that can be used but this should be decoupled from the image (i.e., if you have max 200GB free mem on all hosts don't show flavors with mem > 200MB). 
> Note that if we add such link it will need to be maintained through out flavor life cycle (create, delete, etc..) . Also this will require someone who add an image (or someone who define a flavor) to go through ALL images/flavors to validate for these matches. 
> Thanks
> Ezra Silvera 
> From:        Álvaro Alonso <aalonsog at dit.upm.es <mailto:aalonsog at dit.upm.es>> 
> To:        fiware-cloud at lists.fi-ware.org <mailto:fiware-cloud at lists.fi-ware.org> 
> Date:        08/06/2015 02:41 PM 
> Subject:        [Fiware-cloud] Flavor metadata in images 
> Sent by:        fiware-cloud-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org <mailto:fiware-cloud-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org> 
> Hi Kenneth, Alex. 
> one the features planned for the Cloud Portal is to, when deploying a VM, only show to the users the flavours that has enough capacity to host the specific image. 
> https://jira.fiware.org/browse/CLD-299 <https://jira.fiware.org/browse/CLD-299> 
> In order to support that, all images should include a metadata field with the info about the flavour they need. I don’t know if it make sense to really support this feature because I’m aware the work load including this field in every images would suppose. 
> What do you think? 
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