Please see Phillip's review and make changes where necessary. ----- Forwarded by Kenneth Nagin/Haifa/IBM on 04/09/2016 11:28 AM ----- From: MIGUEL CARRILLO PACHECO <miguel.carrillopacheco at> To: Kenneth Nagin/Haifa/IBM at IBMIL Date: 02/09/2016 02:26 PM Subject: Fwd: Review of Cloud Chapter: API Specifications and Apiary Projects hi Kenneth, Please distribute Regards, Miguel -------- Mensaje reenviado -------- Asunto: Review of Cloud Chapter: API Specifications and Apiary Projects Fecha: Mon, 29 Aug 2016 09:48:52 +0200 De: Torsten Spieldenner <torsten.spieldenner at> Para: MIGUEL CARRILLO PACHECO <miguel.carrillopacheco at> CC: Philipp Slusallek <philipp.slusallek at> Good morning, please find my review for the Cloud Chapter API Specifications below. Overall, the existing documentation was detailed and easy to follow, with only two exceptions: Cloud Service Interface that does not provide any API specification, and Cloud Object Storage that does provide a rather short documentation that is moreover hosted directly on GitHub. One general thing that I noticed across the whole chapter was that the specifications are often hosted on different platforms than the ones requested in FIWARE, or don't seem to be created using Apiary. Docker and IaaS are hosted in their own locations, using an individual style and layout each. Following comments on each of the GE API specifications: Docker: Thorough documentation of the API. Diagram that shows the container states that can be accessed and changed via the API is detailed and helpful. The specification is embedded into the public Docker documentation and is not provided as Apiary documentation. In the summary sheet, the links to the Apiary project and actual specification point to the same resource. IaaS: The link given in the Open Specs document is pointing to a collection of Open Stack API specifications for various versions. It also lists documentation for deprecated and experimental versions which is very helpful for users that are working on these states of the software. Each of the specification clearly describes the URLs, HTTP Methods, parameters, and results for every possible request. One confusing thing is that being taken to the documentation from the GE called "IaaS", the user is taken to a website that seems to use a different nomenclature. The APIs listed in the menu are for example called Bare Metal, Block Storage, Clustering, Identy, and others, and also in the introduction section, there is no direct connection established to what exactly is encompassed in the IaaS Generic Enabler. The documentation is embedded into the OpenStack documentation and does not provide an Apiary source. In the summary sheet, the links to the Apiary project and actual specification point to the same resource. Cloud Object Storage: The link given in the summary page points directly to the GitHub sources, and not to a compiled website that is hosted on GitHub pages. The documentation seems brief, yet exhaustive. It deals with retrieving existing storlets, updating existing ones, and creating new storlets. Links to other sources of documentation (e.g. "Storlet writing and deploying guide") also point directly to the GitHub resources, instead of a compiled page One link reference in the documentation is broken: Cloud Service Interface: Does not provide an API specification Cloud Application Management (Murano): Very thorough documentation that clarifies HTTP response codes, headers, and used terms directly at the beginning Each request is explained with a throrough example for parameters and responses The Specification is hosted on ReadTheDocs and does not provide an Apiary source Policy Manager API Specification: Points to a documentation on ReadTheDocs. It lists detailed examples for requests and responses, and explains well how to use the documented API. Apiary Project: Points to a detailed Apiary created specification that explains all listed operations in detail. Best Regards, Torsten -- Torsten Spieldenner, M.Sc. 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