[Fiware-cloud] Slides for TSC meeting - Cloud Portal Evolution

Álvaro Alonso aalonsog at dit.upm.es
Mon Jan 16 10:57:39 CET 2017

Hi Kenneth, 

Option 3 does’t imply changes in the current architecture so I think no illustration is needed. 

Regarding Keystone, it is not clear that we will actually perform that switch in the future, so I would not anticipate nothing. 


> El 16 ene 2017, a las 10:20, Kenneth Nagin <NAGIN at il.ibm.com> escribió:
> Much better.
> Slide 9  illustrates option 3.   Could you create a similar one for option 2.  
> You should also say that there is a plan to port keyrock to keystone in the future.
> You might concider reshuffling the presentation order so that option 2 is the last option to be presented.   
> Best Regards,
> Kenneth Nagin
> Ph: +972-4-8296227
> Cell: 054-6976227
> Fx: +972-4- 8296114
> http://researcher.ibm.com/view.php?person=il-NAGIN <http://researcher.ibm.com/view.php?person=il-NAGIN>
> From:        Álvaro Alonso <aalonsog at dit.upm.es <mailto:aalonsog at dit.upm.es>>
> To:        Kenneth Nagin/Haifa/IBM at IBMIL
> Cc:        fiware-cloud at lists.fi-ware.org <mailto:fiware-cloud at lists.fi-ware.org>, Joaquin DIT Salvachua <jsalvachua at dit.upm.es <mailto:jsalvachua at dit.upm.es>>, Federico Fernández <fefernandez at dit.upm.es <mailto:fefernandez at dit.upm.es>>
> Date:        16/01/2017 10:26 AM
> Subject:        Re: [Fiware-cloud] Slides for TSC meeting - Cloud Portal Evolution
> Sorry, I forgot to attach the new version of the slides. 
> I’ve not introduced details because they are in the document.
> BR
> --
> Álvaro
> El 16 ene 2017, a las 9:20, Álvaro Alonso <aalonsog at dit.upm.es <mailto:aalonsog at dit.upm.es>> escribió:
> Perfect, so then I see it will be at 11.00 AM. I have other meeting at 12 so I’m ok with this. I hope we will finish in an hour
> BR
> --
> Álvaro
> El 16 ene 2017, a las 9:05, Kenneth Nagin <NAGIN at il.ibm.com <mailto:NAGIN at il.ibm.com>> escribió:
> I talked to Manuel last week about the presentation.  I suggested to the last half hour slot in the demo reviews.  He agreed but never sent out a notice or included it in the agenda:
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eDnVEboBUxL2AN7eRN8u4xf2AqQ5OZxhjrLtvzidswc/edit <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eDnVEboBUxL2AN7eRN8u4xf2AqQ5OZxhjrLtvzidswc/edit>
> I suggest just updating the above document to include links to the presentation, the document, and the media channel that you want to use.
> I also suggest posting the presentation and document in the google drive fro our chapter. 
> Best Regards,
> Kenneth Nagin
> Ph: +972-4-8296227
> Cell: 054-6976227
> Fx: +972-4- 8296114
> http://researcher.ibm.com/view.php?person=il-NAGIN <http://researcher.ibm.com/view.php?person=il-NAGIN>
> From:        Álvaro Alonso <aalonsog at dit.upm.es <mailto:aalonsog at dit.upm.es>>
> To:        Kenneth Nagin/Haifa/IBM at IBMIL
> Cc:        Federico Fernández <fefernandez at dit.upm.es <mailto:fefernandez at dit.upm.es>>, fiware-cloud at lists.fi-ware.org <mailto:fiware-cloud at lists.fi-ware.org>, Joaquin DIT Salvachua <jsalvachua at dit.upm.es <mailto:jsalvachua at dit.upm.es>>, Alex Glikson/Haifa/IBM at IBMIL
> Date:        16/01/2017 09:11 AM
> Subject:        Re: Slides for TSC meeting - Cloud Portal Evolution
> Hi Kennneth,
> ok, I'm going to add a set of slides explaining the concluisions we introduced in the document.
> Do you already know the scheduling of the TSC? When will we discuss this part?
> ---
> Álvaro
> El 15 ene 2017, a las 9:07, Kenneth Nagin <NAGIN at il.ibm.com <mailto:NAGIN at il.ibm.com>> escribió:
> Alvaro:
> The slide show does not contain our conclusions from the FIWARE Summit cloud meeting on the subject; namely that we choose option 2 with some modifications.  In fact you indicate that you now think that is a "lot  of development effort at the beginning".   After the meeting, I was under the impression that we significantly reduced the work effort by dropping features.  I thought that your presentation would focus on option 2 and its costs in terms of feature lose and work effort.  
> Best Regards,
> Kenneth Nagin
> Ph: +972-4-8296227
> Cell: 054-6976227
> Fx: +972-4- 8296114
> http://researcher.ibm.com/view.php?person=il-NAGIN <http://researcher.ibm.com/view.php?person=il-NAGIN>
> From:        Álvaro Alonso <aalonsog at dit.upm.es <mailto:aalonsog at dit.upm.es>>
> To:        Kenneth Nagin/Haifa/IBM at IBMIL
> Cc:        Joaquin DIT Salvachua <jsalvachua at dit.upm.es <mailto:jsalvachua at dit.upm.es>>, Federico Fernández <fefernandez at dit.upm.es <mailto:fefernandez at dit.upm.es>>, fiware-cloud at lists.fi-ware.org <mailto:fiware-cloud at lists.fi-ware.org>
> Date:        12/01/2017 05:07 PM
> Subject:        Slides for TSC meeting - Cloud Portal Evolution
> Hi Kenneth, all
> Attached the slides we have prepared summarizing the contents of the document (also attached).
> BR
> --
> Álvaro
> <FIWARE Cloud Portal Evolution v4.pdf>
> <Slides - FIWARE Cloud Portal Evolution v4.pdf>
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> <FIWARE Cloud Portal Evolution v4.pptx>

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