[Fiware-coaches] fi-lab problematics

consoft-fiwarecoach at consoft.it consoft-fiwarecoach at consoft.it
Wed Dec 10 12:31:20 CET 2014

Dear all,

Good morning; I'm Marco Terrinoni, FIWARE Coach from Consoft, I'm following the accelerators from CEED Tech project.

First of all let me thank you for all the useful information regarding the proposed evaluations methods and the minutes from the previous calls.

I would like to expose a couple of problems I'm facing regarding the usage of FI-Lab and the various GEs on it, exposed by people from CEED Tech project.
The first is related to the "Terms and Conditions"  of FI-Lab: as we know, the platform can be used only for non-commercial purposes, which is a little bit controversial if we think about the nature of the Acceleration Programme.
The second is still related to  FI-Lab but more in terms of availability and usability of the platform: people from CEED Tech denounces a kind of "buggy" status of FI-Lab and GEs in the catalogue, and they say that they are skeptics in exposing such FIWARE technologies. Here's a section of the e-mail I just received this morning:

                "I completely understand that the use of these tools needs to be advertised (that is the whole point of this programme), but what is important to understand is that we are in the business of supporting young enterprises. Therefore we cannot suggest faulty technologies to them. They should be spending their time on developing their business [...] not developing FIWARE or trying to get it to work. FIWARE should be the tool that it is advertised to be [...] useful. If the GEs turn out to be ridden with bugs then this needs to be reported and fixed before they can be deployed within business situations."

In particular: after a FIWARE workshop occurred in Budapest a week ago, the general feedback they have is that "the whole platform is still very much under construction"; in addition they ask if is possible to have a list of GEs that is fully developed (better functionalities with less bugs).
Of course I'm trying to mitigate such situation but I would like to have some feedbacks from you.
What can we do, as coaches, in this kind of situation? Is there an "official suggestion" to give to accelerators in order to promote FIWARE Technologies (e.g., FI-Lab, GEs)?
Next week I will have a webinar about general aspects of FIWARE and related potentials, and I'm sure a lot of questions regarding those aspects will be asked.

Concluding, back to evaluation: from CEED Tech they told me that the evaluation proposals seems to be too much restrictive for their environment, suggesting to be more "flexible" (e.g., the limitation to one single GE is acceptable without any problem). Next Friday I will have a call with CEED Tech evaluators, in which evaluation methods will be discussed; except for the rule of FIWARE technology usage (enablers), do we have any other "unbreakable" constraint?

Thanks a lot for your attention.

Best regards,
Marco Terrinoni

Marco Terrinoni
Consoft Sistemi s.p.a.
BU Application
Via Pio VII 127 - 10127 - Torino
Tel (+39) 011 3161571
Fax (+39) 011 3161583

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