[Fiware-coaches] fyi RV: List of SMEs

Franck Le Gall franck.le-gall at eglobalmark.com
Mon Aug 10 23:46:42 CEST 2015

Dear Angeles,

Thank you for the help.

All SMEs have now been contacted.

I encourage all coaches  to individually follow their SMEs (through at least an e.mail) to check invitation to fill the survey has been received and will be treated appropriately.

Kind regards

De : fiware-coaches-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org [mailto:fiware-coaches-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org] De la part de Angeles Tejado
Envoyé : dimanche 9 août 2015 23:33
À : fiware-coaches at lists.fi-ware.org
Objet : [Fiware-coaches] fyi RV: List of SMEs
Importance : Haute

Angeles Tejado
FIWARE Press Office
OgilvyOne Worldwide Madrid
Office: +34-91-4512179
Cell: +34-608508873
E-mail: angeles.tejado at ogilvy.com<mailto:angeles.tejado at ogilvy.com>

De: Angeles Tejado
Enviado: domingo, 9 de agosto de 2015 23:31
Para: Franck Le Gall
Asunto: Re: [Fiware-coaches] List of SMEs

Dear Franck,

Here you are (attached file with just the accelerators  you asked for).

Anyway, here is the shared doc with updated info from most of the accelerators.

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1fkXSaSyFE3WNg_HJFQlllYjqJ0TN2Jv_5IeZxyocxak/edit#gid=0 There're some open calls pending to close that will be updated during Q4...

Don't hesitate to contact me for any query.


Angeles Tejado
FIWARE Press Office
OgilvyOne Worldwide Madrid
Office: +34-91-4512179
Cell: +34-608508873
E-mail: angeles.tejado at ogilvy.com<mailto:angeles.tejado at ogilvy.com>

De: Franck Le Gall <franck.le-gall at eglobalmark.com<mailto:franck.le-gall at eglobalmark.com>>
Enviado: domingo, 9 de agosto de 2015 22:26
Para: Angeles Tejado
Asunto: RE: [Fiware-coaches] List of SMEs

Dear Angeles,

It would be good if you have the information to complete the attached file.

The accelerators from which I still need information are:

*         Fabulous

*         Finodex

*         Fractals

*         FI-Adopt

*         Smart Agrifood 2

*         Finish

*         SOUL-FI

All others have already been covered and their SMEs contacted.

Many thanks


De : Juanjo Hierro [mailto:juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com]
Envoyé : dimanche 9 août 2015 16:15
À : Franck Le Gall <franck.le-gall at eglobalmark.com<mailto:franck.le-gall at eglobalmark.com>>; fiware-coaches at lists.fi-ware.org<mailto:fiware-coaches at lists.fi-ware.org>; 'Angeles Tejado' <angeles.tejado at ogilvy.com<mailto:angeles.tejado at ogilvy.com>>
Cc : MIGUEL CARRILLO PACHECO <miguel.carrillopacheco at telefonica.com<mailto:miguel.carrillopacheco at telefonica.com>>; Juanjo Hierro <juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com<mailto:juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com>>
Objet : Re: [Fiware-coaches] List of SMEs

Dear all,

  The Ogilvy team has the list of contacts for almost all SMEs (maybe all) so they can send it to us.

  I copy Angeles so that she can send that info to this list (or at least to Franck.

  Angeles is not in the fiware-coaches mailing list, therefore her message will be moderated, but as soon as that happens, either Stefano, Miguel or myself will moderate here message so that it goes through.

  Please, Franck, let us know when the invitations are sent.


-- Juanjo


Coordinator and Chief Architect, FIWARE platform

CTO Industrial IoT, Telefónica

email: juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com<mailto:juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com>

twitter: @JuanjoHierro

You can follow FIWARE at:

  website:  http://www.fiware.org

  twitter:  @FIWARE

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On 04/08/15 14:46, Franck Le Gall wrote:

Dear coaches,

As you can see from the Juanjo's message on Basecamp, the FIWARE usage assessment survey is going to be launched soon.

To get your SMEs managed from the central FIWARE survey system, I need each coach to fill the attached file and send it back to me.

This is to help you to gather data from your SMEs. However, if you prefer to managed the survey process on your own, I can provide you access to the survey tool and make a copy of the survey that would be dedicated to your accelerator and under your control.

Many thanks


Franck Le Gall

Easy Global Market, COO

1047 Route des Dolines

06901 Sophia-Antiplois Cedex

Mob : +33 | Skype : flegall

FI-STAR <http://www.fi-star.eu/> | Smart-Action<http://www.smart-action.eu/>  | ECIAO<http://www.euchina-fire.eu/> | FIWARE<http://www.fiware.org/> | FESTIVAL<http://www.festival-project.eu/> | U-TEST <http://www.u-test.eu/> | FIESTA <http://www.fiesta-iot.eu/> | PROTEUS<http://www.proteus-sensor.eu/>



Fiware-coaches mailing list

Fiware-coaches at lists.fi-ware.org<mailto:Fiware-coaches at lists.fi-ware.org>



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