[Fiware-coaches] Process on Accelerator success stories?

Silvio Cretti silvio.cretti at create-net.org
Thu Aug 13 14:00:39 CEST 2015

Thanks Ilknur for this.
In fact it appears to be a mismatch somewhere. In my humble opinion it is
not only a matter of evaluating only the SMEs that have been selected by
the business evaluation process, it is also a matter of understanding if
the technical evaluation explained in point "a" of the Bodgan's email is
exactly the same he is referring to in point "b" (ie our survey). I am
saying this also because the form we, as coaches, should fill in is
requesting just some high level information (like the number of GEs) and
refers to some not-well-specified KPIs.
Basically the question is: how points "a" and "b" are related? Is it
expected that we use the results of "b" to complete the technical part of
"a" (I hope so of course)? If yes do we have to summarize the results of
the survey into few sentences in the form to fill? What about the final
result (technical excellence rating) ? How can we determine this?

Bottom line: are we all aligned :-)?
Best regards

On Thu, Aug 13, 2015 at 11:23 AM, Chulani, Ilknur <ilknur.chulani at atos.net>

> Dear Juanjo and coaches,
> I started receiving requests from my accelerators regarding the evaluation
> of SMEs for the success stories.  It seems the process followed is slightly
> different than what we discussed in the assessment survey telcos.
> With the assessment survey, we planned to evaluate all SMEs. Accelerators
> on the other hand seem to expect us to evaluate only the SMEs that are
> shortlisted in terms of business potential. I am attaching here the
> guidelines I found in the basecamp regarding the process accelerators are
> following and the template they have asked me to fill in for their
> shortlisted  SMEs.
> Could you kindly clarify what is the exact expectation from the coaches
> regarding this? Do we really need to evaluate all SEs or just the short
> listed one? We need to know this in order to avoid duplicating work.
> Thanks in advance & kind regards,
> ilknur
> *From:* Bogdan.CEOBANU at ec.europa.eu [mailto:Bogdan.CEOBANU at ec.europa.eu
> <Bogdan.CEOBANU at ec.europa.eu>]
> *Sent:* 11 August 2015 11:03
> *To:* gmaugis at images-et-reseaux.com; adrian.ferrero at fundingbox.com;
> satu.vainamo at cie.fi; pelsmaeker at digitalezorg.nl; sjaak.wolfert at wur.nl;
> isobel.fletcher at ebn.eu; oggemein at googlemail.com; sundmaeker at atb-bremen.de;
> chatzikostas at biosense.rs; Jesus.Villasante at ec.europa.eu; grete at civitta.ee;
> riivo.anton at civitta.ee; sean at frontierservices.eu; soulfi_contact at ipn.pt;
> Simona.Torre at buongiorno.com; miguelgarcia at zabala.es; BRodriguez at zabala.es;
> laura.kohler at etventure.com; christian.luedtke at etventure.com;
> ingrid.willems at iminds.be; BROECHLER Raimund; fbujan at carsa.es;
> Ragnar.Bergstrom at ec.europa.eu; Peter.Fatelnig at ec.europa.eu;
> Arian.ZWEGERS at ec.europa.eu; Maria-Concepcion.ANTON-GARCIA at ec.europa.eu;
> isobel.fletcher at ebn.eu; sean at frontierservices.eu;
> miguelangel.comin at econet-consultants.com; satu.vainamo at gmail.com;
> bert.vermeer at wur.nl; slourenco at ipn.pt; krijn.poppe at wur.nl;
> alex at peacefulfish.com; ilkka.lakaniemi at aalto.fi; pentti.launonen at aalto.fi;
> susanne.kuehrer at skinterconsulting.eu; Cristian.OLIMID at ec.europa.eu;
> belen.manchego at buongiorno.com; angeles.tejado at ogilvy.com;
> pablo.honrubia at ogilvy.com; javier.garrido at enel.com;
> sellares.gerard at gmail.com; bernardita at frontierservices.eu;
> Vanessa.VANHUMBEECK at ec.europa.eu
> *Subject:* RE: A16 FIWARE Accelerator Telco Monday 10 August 14:00 CET
> Dear Coordinators,
> Greatly appreciated for the commitment and energy that you have invested
> within this program. The first results are promising and together we can
> bring more value to the accelerator!
> Thanks to representatives from FIAdopt, Insense, FIC3, SoulFi, FICHE,
> FrontierCities, Creatifi,  EuropeanPioneers - Sussane,Xavier, Satu,
> RaImund, Bernadita, Johnny and Laura for joining todays call.
> *Topics discussed:*
> 1. *Business and technical aspects*
> a. In order to prepare the communication campaign please prepare your
> answers for the section 1 and 2 regarding the best performing companies –
> in the appraisal form by 17 August:
> https://basecamp.com/2125738/projects/6480330/messages/45492831 The form
> will be submitted to the technical coach who will fill in the section 3 on
> the technical aspects.
> This analysis will be done as follow-up of the workshop in Paris and
> different types stories (videos, infographics, blogs, etc) will be made for
> the companies that showcase best business results & technological
> performance. Keep in mind that stories will be generated through the
> following 12 months so if any of you company encounter a major milestone
> (ie: get follow-up investment, sign a major partnership, reaches 100k
> downloads or similar, etc you might share this later with Ogilvy ).
> b. Juanjo (FICORE) will share with all the companies the following survey
> also to know how the companies are using the enablers:
> https://basecamp.com/2125738/projects/6480330/messages/45686754
> This information collected by FICORE will be shared with the A16 and the
> EC in a "non-disclosure outside the programme" principle. The names of
> individual subgrantees will be anonymised.
> 2. *Community Building Action Plan*
> This planning was designed to increase the success level of the 770
> companies in the program. It is based on concrete figures at vertical /
> geography level (
> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/6rm5klz48e48jed/AACfIA5yBO4g-dONoDMA3yI1a?dl=0)
> and builds on a set of best practices (
> https://basecamp.com/2125738/projects/6480330/messages/45239986)
> showcased within respected accelerators.
> The focus within the next 12 months will fall under the following aspects
> based on the geography/vertical aspects:
> - editorial (building on success stories)
> - online community (slack/basecamp – all 770 founders will  invited )
> - events (to bring additional value added to the companies in 3 ways:
> connections, education, marketing )
> We should use at maximum the power of the network, the connections we have
> to increase the chances of success of the selected companies. This will
> raise the bar in terms of value added to the companies and will bring much
> more respect and reputation to your accelerator.
> In the next 12 months the companies you selected will be catapulted in the
> market in a very organic and systematic way, and we need your support for
> this. Each accelerator will lead events at vertical and geography level.
> In total there will be more than 45 of them. The draft planning at
> verticals/geography level (check the 3 tabs):
> https://www.dropbox.com/s/a53e5f5wirefu4m/2.communty-events.xlsx?dl=0
> *Next steps would be that leaders on verticals/geographies setup a
> skype/call and start preparing a plan of activities, including
> responsibilities, first events and ways how to bring as much value as
> possible to the participants. Results to be shared in Basecamp by the end
> of August.*
> Practical examples of events:  include facilitating meetings to key
> customers, access to the leading players in the industry, meetings with the
> key startup players in a particular geography, having vc's pitching to the
> startups, or teaching them about how to bring the companies to the next
> level.
> *We will have a new phone call on 7 September (14:00) to discuss the
> evolution of these plans.*
> For any questions don't hesitate to send us an email.
> Best regards,
> Bogdan on behalf of the Commission's FI team
> -----Original Appointment-----
> *From:* CEOBANU Bogdan (CNECT)
> *Sent:* Thursday, August 06, 2015 6:29 PM
> *To:* CEOBANU Bogdan (CNECT); 'Gaël MAUGIS'; '
> adrian.ferrero at fundingbox.com'; 'satu.vainamo at cie.fi'; 'Paul Pelsmaeker';
> 'Sjaak Wolfert –'; 'Isobel Fletcher –'; 'Olaf-Gerd Gemein''; 'Harald
> Sundmaeker'; 'Grigoris Chatzikostas'; VILLASANTE Jesus (CNECT); 'Grete
> Gutmann'; 'riivo.anton at civitta.ee'; ''sean at frontierservices.eu'; ''Nuno
> Varandas'; 'Simona Torre'; 'miguelgarcia at zabala.es'; 'Blanca Rodriguez';
> 'European Pioneers Laura Kohler'; 'Christian Luedtke'; '
> ingrid.willems at iminds.be'; 'BROECHLER Raimund'; 'Francisco Buján';
> ANTON GARCIA Maria Concepcion (CNECT); 'isobel.fletcher at ebn.eu'; '
> sean at frontierservices.eu'; 'miguelangel.comin at econet-consultants.com';
> 'Satu Väinämö'; Vermeer, Bert (bert.vermeer at wur.nl); 'Susana Lourenço';
> 'Krijn''; 'Alexander Berlin | peacefulfish'; 'Lakaniemi Ilkka'; 'Launonen
> Pentti'; Susanne Kuehrer (susanne.kuehrer at skinterconsulting.eu) (
> susanne.kuehrer at skinterconsulting.eu); OLIMID Cristian (CNECT); Maria
> Belen Manchego (belen.manchego at buongiorno.com); angeles.tejado at ogilvy.com;
> Pablo Honrubia <pablo.honrubia at ogilvy.com> (pablo.honrubia at ogilvy.com);
> 'Garrido Chamorro, Javier'
> *Cc:* Gerard Sellarès; 'bernardita at frontierservices.eu'; VANHUMBEECK
> Vanessa (CNECT)
> *Subject:* A16 FIWARE Accelerator Telco Monday 10 August 14:00 CET
> *When:* 10 August 2015 14:00-14:45 (UTC+01:00) Brussels, Copenhagen,
> Madrid, Paris.
> *Where:* +32 2 808 1363 Pin: 1329110 for international numbers:
> http://bit.ly/1qYC9iH
> Dear Coordinators,
> The coming three months will be critical for the success of the FIWARE
> accelerator. Since we want to ensure that your ideas and your initiatives
> get maximum priority, we would like to invite you to a 45’ phone call to
> exchange views about the next steps needed to ensure maximum results for
> the SME’s in the medium/long term. P
> Agenda:
> 1.      Business and technical aspects:
> Please read Pablo's message:
> https://basecamp.com/2125738/projects/6480330/messages/45492831 and
> provide inputs on the Business criteria by 15 of August
> Juanjo will share with all the companies the following survey also:
> https://basecamp.com/2125738/projects/6480330/messages/45686754
> 2.      Community Building Action Plan
> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/6rm5klz48e48jed/AACfIA5yBO4g-dONoDMA3yI1a?dl=0
> *Updated*: Planning of events per verticals/geography in the next 12
> months (check the 3 tabs):
> https://www.dropbox.com/s/a53e5f5wirefu4m/2.communty-events.xlsx?dl=0
> 3.      Announcements from the Accelerator coordinators
> 4.      Q&A
> Please accept the participation to this telco. If you are not available
> due to holidays please forward this invitation to your backup.
> The timing for the telco is:  Monday 10 August from 14:00-14:45 CET.
> The connection details are the following:
> +32 2 808 1363 Pin: 1329110 for international numbers:
> http://bit.ly/1qYC9iH
> Best regards,
> Bogdan on behalf of the Commission's FI team
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