[Fiware-coaches] Hamburg Kickoff

Olaf-Gerd Gemein oggemein at googlemail.com
Tue Feb 10 14:09:07 CET 2015

Dear Leandro,

thanks for your efforts to get the training prepared!
We in Hamburg are prepared and we get notice about your collaborative
support i the last weeks to get the things done. We are really thankful for

So, you ask for additional comments:

We are really happy that we can start with our teams, and we will host them
at this training and prepared all for their convenience.
Around 500 people getting ready to join us in Hamburg, and part of the
training is the TechCamp, where around 120 people are expected to

As agreed several times with all relevant stakeholders, FIWARE take care of
staffing the right experts and coaches, to train the most relevant topics.
But, as i see, besides your efforts, i looks like that you get not the
relevant support from your own group to perform the requested trainings.

This is, again, a serious issue. As in former discussions, it looks like,
that the capacity to train 1200 StartUps, is not yet established properly.
As in former discussions, we announced this will be a serious issue, when
we have to provide expertise and experiences, to get the technical
teammembers on the level to perform their tasks.

The Acceleration Programm has started here in Hamburg 10 days before, and
the StartUps take the obligation to perform according what they promised.

So, i hope that FIWARE still take their obligations to support the teams
with the relevant training blocks and that the requested experts will be
nominated soon.

Further, the deadline of 11.2., tomorrow, is relevant to stop all
activities, if we are not able to get the support from FIWARE.
I hope, this will not be the case.

I have add some of the leading stakeholders in cc,, to get this discussion
more transparent.



2015-02-10 13:40 GMT+01:00 Leandro Guillen <leandro.guillen at imdea.org>:

> Hi,
> This is what is needed for the kickoff in Hamburg in 10 days (!). SpeedUp
> Europe has gathered the results of the poll to know which GEs are most used
> and what training will be necessary.
> This is a tentative agenda for the training part:
>    - Saturday 21:
>       - 14:00 - 14:30. Introduction, community and tools.
>       - 14:30 - 15:30. Backend Lab. This is the FIWARE Lab, blueprints,
>       object storage, etc. *Expert needed*.
>       - 15:30 - 15:40. Break.
>       - 15:40 - 16:40. Security GEs: IdM, Authorization and PEP Proxy. *Expert
>       needed*.
>       - 16:40 - 17:00. Time for questions.
>    - Sunday 22:
>       - 10:00 - 11:00. Orion Context Broker. I (Leandro) can cover this.
>       - 11:00 - 12:00. Cosmos. *Expert needed*.
>       - 12:00 - 12:15. Break.
>       - 12:15 - 13:00. Map GEs: POI Data Provider and GIS Data Provider. *Expert
>       needed*.
>       - 13:00 - 13:45. Wirecloud. *Expert needed*.
>       - 13.45 - 14:00. Feedback.
> The idea is that each workshop follows a hands-on approach, asking
> participants to actually do things themselves with their computers. The
> venue will be ready for this.
> Now, so far there hasn’t been any news on who can cover these workshops. I
> am told from SpeedUp Europe that the event may need to be cancelled/moved
> if we don’t provide a response by Wednesday evening (Feb 11). I cc Olaf and
> Gernot in case they want to comment on anything.
> Regards,
> Leandro

Olaf-Gerd Gemein

Speed UP! Europe FIWARE Accelerator
Holtenauerstrasse 325
D-24106 Kiel

*businesscamps.de <http://businesscamps.de>*
*speedupeurope.eu <http://speedupeurope.eu>*


+49 (431) 220 26 47 - office
+49 (176) - 540 50 471 mobil
oggemein at googlemail.com - mail
olafgerd.gemein at businesscamps.de
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