[Fiware-collaboration-request] TM Forum wishing to explore working with FI-Ware

Kenneth Dilbeck kdilbeck at tmforum.org
Thu Feb 12 15:10:30 CET 2015


Would it be possible to schedule a conference call on either Monday or Tuesday next week at 3:00 PM CET?  We would like to discuss our plans and see how best align our work. Joann O'Brien is coordinating the Hackathon from the TM Forum side and is more familiar with the business plans. If you let me know it this is possible or if there is an alternative time on Monday or Tuesday that would be appreciated. (I am located in CST, US).


Ken Dilbeck

From: Donato Cohen, Malena [mailto:malena.donato at atos.net]
Sent: Monday, February 09, 2015 9:04 AM
To: Kenneth Dilbeck; fiware-collaboration-req at lists.fi-ware.org; De Lama Sanchez, Nuria
Subject: RE: Re: [Fiware-collaboration-request] TM Forum wishing to explore working with FI-Ware

Dear Ken,

Thank you for your proposal. Your proposal to participate in TM Forum sounds very interesting to us.

Sorry for not answering before, but we were discussing internally how to proceed.

Now, the persons to discuss collaboration activities are Nuria de Lama (in cc) and me. And to be honest our approach is positive, we would like to organize our attendance & FIWARE participation in the TM Forum.

We have some questions on our side. Could you please specify what type of collaboration do you envisage? We understand that you may need some representative from FIWARE to be at the event. Were you thinking in just a presentation? Or you would like to include in your in offering the FIWARE technologies so GEs can be used in your hackathon for developers to test and promote/use Fiware in deeper sense? We would like to know what type of audience you are expecting, how many days, or if you were thinking in a workshop, or exactly how do you see FIWARE in your event (a what level of engagement, I mean).

Please, let us know your first thoughts on this matter.

We are also available for a call if you need.

Thanks again, and best regards,


Malena Donato
Project Manager
Research & Innovation

Albarracín, 25
280037 - Madrid

T. +34 91 214 8166
Skype: maledonato

malena.donato at atos.net<mailto:malena.donato at atos.net>

-------- Mensaje reenviado --------

Re: [Fiware-collaboration-request] TM Forum wishing to explore working with FI-Ware


Sun, 8 Feb 2015 16:02:06 +0000


Kenneth Dilbeck <kdilbeck at tmforum.org><mailto:kdilbeck at tmforum.org>


fiware-collaboration-req at lists.fi-ware.org<mailto:fiware-collaboration-req at lists.fi-ware.org> <fiware-collaboration-req at lists.fi-ware.org><mailto:fiware-collaboration-req at lists.fi-ware.org>


I have not heard back from you on this request, that I am aware of. The Hackathon team is very interested in getting this dialog going.

Could you please provide me the right contact point?



From: Kenneth Dilbeck
Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2015 12:50 PM
To: 'fiware-collaboration-req at lists.fi-ware.org<mailto:fiware-collaboration-req at lists.fi-ware.org>'
Subject: TM Forum wishing to explore working with FI-Ware


TM Forum is a global non-profit forum focused on addressing management challenges across the enterprise. http://www.tmforum.org/browse.aspx

We are currently in the early planning stages of a Hackathon to take place in Nice, France in early June of 2015. Current plan is a focus in the Smart City problem space. I would like to open a dialog to explore how we can engage FI-Ware in this event.

Who would be the best contact to start such a discussion with?


Kenneth Dilbeck
VP Collaboration R&D
TM Forum
+1 817 715 8033
kdilbeck at tmforum.org<mailto:kdilbeck at tmforum.org>



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