[Fiware-collaboration-req] UMD17 - Urban Mobility Dialogue: Freshest Information

UMD17 - Bernd Stary mail at smartcity-dialogues.com
Thu Sep 7 18:47:09 CEST 2017

UMD17 - 2nd Information   2017, September 7th

1st International Urban Mobility Dialogue

1st–4th November 2017 • Berlin, Germany






Dear    Madam/Sir  , 


two days later than announced in the previous information mail about the 1st International Urban Mobility Dialogue (UMD17), we like to inform you about the latest progresses we've made together with the international mobility community.   





Why another mobility conference, you may wonder? 


The UMD17 is designed to be not just “another conference”, but rather a practical tool for exceptional minds who will work together in an open and collaborative atmosphere on discussing solutions for each participating city’s major mobility challenges in order to meet the needs of society at large and make next steps towards a sustainable and smart future mobility.




Held at the  Kalkscheune, the UMD17  starts with an amazing presentation about the History of Mobility in Berlin, a Parade of Cities and a World Café, followed by three days of high-end keynote lectures and intense Dialogue and Workshop activities guided by our experts, partners and professional moderators and a Fishbowl Discussion summarizing and closing the UMD17.


Try to move with the latest generation of Segway vehicles, feel the interior of a cable car, drive autonomously or ride an electro bike.


Additionally to the social events (Prosecco Reception, Sightseeing Night Tour by Pleasure Boat   and Workshop Banquet) a  special guest lecture about


"Future Mobility"


will   be presented on the evening of the first UMD17 day by an outstanding futurologist.


In the afternoons, we invite you to attend a series of dialogue sessions. Our coaches will bring you into discussion with other professionals in your field of expertise or interest, following real scenarios and problems raised by the cities in the room. 


Amongst many others let us announce the specified and exclusive   dialogue/workshop topics:

Problem based Innovation design! How cities become clients and facilitators of change! (presented by PCH INNOVATIONS)  

FIWARE enabling Cities: Mobility (presented by  FIWARE)  

How do US/International cities develop infrastructure to accommodate new multi-modal mobility options (presented by CBC)

Smart Mobility in Inner City Districts (presented by  eMo - Berlin Agency for Electromobility)

City Meeting of OASC (presented by  OASC - Open and Agile Smart Cities)

Mobility Concepts and Mobility as a service (presented by  Morgenstadt Global Initiative of the Fraunhofer Society)

Last Mile Solutions (presented by Segway Inc.)

along with some major (a bit provoking) questions we want to discuss with you within the  UMD17 in similar formats:

Where do we come from, where are we going? - Mobility Culture

How many kilometers a day? - Urban Planning and Commuting

Meeting Mobile Citizens? - Public Transportation

Just an App, or more? - Traffic Management & Safety

How should we move? - Future Mobility Solutions

The end of owning vehicles? - Shared Mobility

Brave new world? - Big Data in Mobility Business

Who drives policy makers? - Legal Economic Coordination of Mobility Development

Who do our streets belong to? - Smart Parking

Just sitting and waiting? - Supply Chain Logistics

Just a moral debate? - Autonomous Driving

Sustainability in mind? - Electro Mobility

>From mass transit to MaaS transit? - Mobility as a Service

Humans vs. Things? - IoT - Mobility Standards

Please have a look at the  UMD program, and find the presentations and dialogue/workshop sessions that interest you the most. As more bricks of the UMD17 will be added, we recommend checking the most up-to-date information at  www.smartcity-dialogues.com.




The keynote speaker and experts of the  UMD17 are specifically invited on the basis of their experience and skills in the topic they cover. Amongst others these are:


Doc. Prof. Esteve Almirall

Esade Business School, Spain

Stéphane Barbier

TRANSPOLIS Smart City Lab, France

Chris Barker

Technology Consultant, United States of America

Frank Beckmann

Smart Parking Consultant, Germany

Olaf-Gerd Gemein

FIWARE Foundation, Germany

Thomas Günther

Fraunhofer Institute FOKUS, Germany

Jan Gympel

Journalist, Urban Historian, Germany

Seppo Haataja

Director OASC Secretariat, Belgium

Frank Hansen

BMW Group, Germany

Christian Hochfeld

Agora Verkehrswende, Germany

Tony Ho

Segway Inc., United States

Emmanuel John

Transportation Growth Initiative, Nigeria

Dewan Masud Karim

Transportation Planner Toronto, Canada

Prof. Andreas Knie

InnoZ GmbH,


Martin Kracheel



Mauricio Leclerc Transportation Planning Portland,

United States

Juan José Mendez

Secretary of Transport Buenos Aires, Argentina

Dr. Michael Mischke

PCH Innovations GmbH Germany

Gunther Neidlein

FIBERIN, Germany

Miguel Olivares Coordinator Urban Mobility Santiago, Chile

Rene Peralta

San Diego State University, United States of America

Sandra Retzer

GIZ China, Beijing, China

Phillip Schmitz

Volkswagen Immobilien GmbH, Germany

Ariel Sella

Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel

Dan Sturges

Local Motors, USA

Mag. Dominic Weiss

TINA Vienna GmbH, Austria

Dr. Gabriele Wendorf

Centre for Technology and Society, Germany






It gives us great pleasure to announce, that the following cities have already confirmed their participation and are sending high-ranked representatives to present and discuss their city mobility situation and philosophy within the "Parade of Cities" on the first day of the  UMD17  and after:

Abuja, NIGERIA - Eng. Emmanuel John, Director of the “Transportation Growth Initiative”

Barcelona, SPAIN


Buenos Aires, ARGENTINE - Juan José  Mendez, Secretary of Transport


Portland, UNITED STATES - Mauricio Leclerc, Section Manager, Transportation Planning Division, PBOT City of Portland Bureau of Transportation

Sankt Petersburg, RUSSIA

Santiago de Chile, CHILE - Miguel Olivares, Coordinator of the Urban Mobility of the City of Santiago

Toronto, CANADA – Dewan Masud Karim, PTOE, Senior Transportation Planner at City of Toronto 

Vienna, AUSTRIA - Dominic Weiss, Head of the Vienna Smart City Agency "TINA Vienna GmbH"

Also inquired are:


American Canyon, UNITED STATES of AMERICA; Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS; Doha, QATAR; Istanbul, TURKEY; Las Vegas, UNITED STATES of AMERICA; London, UNITED KINGDOM; Moscow, RUSSIA;  Medellin, COLOMBIA; Rio de Janeiro, BRASIL; Riyadh, SAUDI ARABIA; Sao Paulo, BRASIL; Singapore, SINGAPORE; Tel Aviv-Jaffa, ISRAEL; Verona, ITALY; Vina del Mar, CHILE ... and more.




The UMD17 is held at the Kalkscheune in the heart of Berlin, next to the well-known Friedrichstraße.




The evening event takes place on the second day of the  UMD17, right after the Sightseeing Night Tour by Pleasure Boat at the picturesque Restaurant "Auster" in the Haus der Kulturen der Welt next to river Spree. 



Smart City Excursions to innovative projects in/around Berlin are offered on the afternoon of the third day of the UMD17. 

Excursion 1: InnoZ - Various start-up initiatives for future mobility concepts at the EUREF Campus.

Excursion 2: DAI Laboratory / Future Station "Südkreuz" - Innovative mobility, information and energy concepts for the cities of tomorrow.

Make your choice on registration.




To register for the Urban Mobility Dialogue 2017 please use our  online Conference Management Tool (ConfTool).



Early Registration

(till September, 30th)

Late Registration

(starting from October, 1st)


850 EURO

(1011,50 incl. VAT) 

980 EURO

(1166,20 incl. VAT) 

Regular (FIWARE / OASC Members)  (Registration Code required)

600 EURO

(714,00 incl. VAT)

690 EURO

(821,10 incl. VAT) 


400 EURO

(476,00 incl. VAT)

 450 EURO

(535,50 incl. VAT)

Companion (bring your spouse for the tour boat trip, the evening dinner and other social gatherings)

300 EURO

(357,00 incl. VAT) 

350 EURO

(416,50 incl. VAT) 


All fees are provided in EURO and exclude VAT. The current VAT rate (19%) will be added and is explicitly displayed on the invoice.


Press Accreditation is required for all media who wish to cover the UMD17. A Registration Code for media representatives is available on request.




We thank all partners, those who have already confirmed their support and those who will join us soon.




We offer different sponsorship packages to present your company to a wide international audience at the 1st International Urban Mobility Dialogue. In case of interest please contact us at  mail at smartcity-dialogues.com to discuss.


Follow-Up Information


To keep you informed, we will come back to you on September, 26th some days before the Early Bird registration expires.


We are looking forward to seeing you at the  UMD17 in Berlin and   would highly appreciate if you can distribute this information to your colleagues and within your professional catchment area. We kindly ask you to support us in making the   UMD17 a successful event and to start a series of Smart City Dialogues bringing us to joint solutions for our future.


Please follow us on Facebook    and/or retweet your ideas about the future of mobility at Twitter  .




   Yours sincerely


  Dr.-Ing. Bernd Stary  CEO academus GmbH

   Manager and Host of the 1st International Urban Mobility Dialogue




The UMD17 is organized by

and held under the patronage of

Senator Ms. Ramona Pop



academus GmbH (Berlin, Germany) organizes high level events for the international scientific community as well for civil society and government. For more than 15 years we have been providing symposiums, conferences, seminars and workshops on topics such as innovative materials (architectural and technical textile), architecture, geodesy, geoinformation technologies, medical technologies, the newly designed “smart city” concept, investment climate and more. We provide an international platform to guests and partners who would like to present their elaborations and share their know-how and their technologies. We develop appropriate concepts for those interested in a special project-related market presence or a suitable market entry. 

We bring ideas to one world.

This message was sent to you by mail at smartcity-dialogues.com

Unsubscribe    UMD17 Homepage    Register for the UMD17

1st International Urban Mobility Dialogue © 2017

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