[Fiware-collaboration-req] Stay updated about Parking & Mobility with our fortnightly collection of GMP Blogs

Shubhankar Gautam Shubhankar at getmyparking.com
Wed Oct 3 16:14:38 CEST 2018

Read our recent blogs on all things parking.

Stay updated about parking and mobility with our fortnightly collection of GMP blogs
How Self Driving Cars Will Affect the Parking Industry
Think of how convenient it would be if you could summon the car to pick you up without the hassle of navigating parking lots. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to experience effortless commute, be it to your workplace, restaurant, or the shopping mall, without having to look for parking?
Read Here (http://blog.getmyparking.com/2018/09/17/how-self-driving-cars-will-affect-the-parking-industry/)
Read our recent blogs on all things parking


GMP Co-founder Chirag Jain spoke to BBC in London
How Smart Parking Will Lead to Smarter Cities


How Smart Parking Solutions Can Transform Event Parking
Modern Car Parking Technologies: Changing the Face of Parking

** (http://www.getmyparking.com/)

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Get My Parking . Saket . New Delhi 110017 . India
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