[Fiware-collaboration-req] Explore regional entrepreneurial mindset & programs - today

Vesna from Podim Team vesna.postruznik at tovarnapodjemov.org
Thu Mar 25 11:35:30 CET 2021

Hi there,

today's the day of our Podim Satellite event #3: Encouraging an
entrepreneurial mindset in our region.

If you want to learn how to make the most of our regional startup
ecosystem and hear some first-hand experience & stories, join us today
at 18.50!

The event is going to be streamed onPodim's Facebook page
and on Der Brutkasten Facebook
page .

You can learn more about the event HERE

Our 3 guests can't wait to share their knowledge with you and we're
sure it's going to be a super interesting discussion.

See you then, 


Venture Factory, ©Tovarna podjemov, zavod,  Ulica škofa Maksimilijana Držečnika 6 , 2000 Maribor, Slovenia


Sent to fiware-collaboration-req at lists.fiware.org


Venture Factory, ©Tovarna podjemov, zavod,  Ulica škofa Maksimilijana Držečnika 6 , 2000 Maribor, Slovenia
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