[Fiware-comm-mwc] R: Comms Plan - FIWARE announcement at 4YFN /

Lidia Fiorini lidia.fiorini at eng.it
Mon Mar 2 12:35:12 CET 2015

Dear Belén,

in case you haven’t already received it from Concetta Lattanzio, please find
attached our logo.

Best regards,





Lidia Fiorini
Direzione Comunicazione e Immagine Aziendale
lidia.fiorini at eng.it

Via San Martino della Battaglia, 56 - 00185 Roma
Tel. +39-06.49201559
Mob. +39-346.7430556
Fax +39-06.49201330




Da: fiware-comm-mwc-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org
[mailto:fiware-comm-mwc-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org] Per conto di Crouch,
Inviato: 02 March 2015 10:27
A: Belén Kayser; fiware-comm-mwc at lists.fi-ware.org; cc: Miriam Bajo; Pablo
Oggetto: Re: [Fiware-comm-mwc] Comms Plan - FIWARE announcement at 4YFN /


Dear Belen,


Here is the link to the Atos logo:


Best regards




From: fiware-comm-mwc-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org
[mailto:fiware-comm-mwc-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org] On Behalf Of Belén Kayser
Sent: Sunday, March 01, 2015 10:48 AM
To: fiware-comm-mwc at lists.fi-ware.org; cc: Miriam Bajo; Pablo Honrubia; JUAN
Subject: [Fiware-comm-mwc] Comms Plan - FIWARE announcement at 4YFN /


Dear all,

Good morning. I would like to confirm that the note with the proposed
contents is ok for you. I only need to add your logos, so if you can send
them to me it would be great.

I would like to send you my apologies related with the last
misunderstanding. OgilvyOne, as fiware press office, planned to publish a
press release about his presence at 4YFN and the last news regarding fiware.
This was the press release that I sent you yesterday. But this was not the
press release I had to share with you, but the one approved and sent in this
email that Juanjo Hierro supervised.

Here you will find 2 versions:

- The one with the changes (draft version with the proposals; I hope it were
good attached; I do not have word office here so I hope the changes has not
been missed) 
- The one 'clean' with the changes accepted, little corrections (only 2
linguistic changes) and ready to be distributed. (7Kb size) named _V2

I was told, it is expected that each of the four companies will publish the
press release beginning of March 3. This is necessary because a meeting with
Vicepresident of the EC Andrus Ansip is planned at 13:45, where the
announcement made by the companies will be the hot topic.   Therefore, it is
crucial that the announcement has been published by then.

Best wishes,




Belén Kayser

Social Media & Communications

OgilvyOne Worldwide Madrid

Cell phone: +34 620 63 97 15

Office: +34 91 451 22 04

E-mail:  <mailto:belen.kayser at ogilvy.com> belen.kayser at ogilvy.com

Twitter:  <http://twitter.com/missbkayser> @missbkayser



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