Dear all, I miss the press contact information at the end of the note. Each company includes its own one? Thanks De: Belén Kayser [mailto:belen.kayser at] Enviado el: lunes, 02 de marzo de 2015 23:12 Para: RAQUEL ROJO SANCHEZ CC: JUAN JOSE HIERRO SUREDA; fiware-comm-mwc at Asunto: Re: [Fiware-comm-mwc] R: Comms Plan - FIWARE announcement at 4YFN / Dear all, From my side I will print it in the morning and distribute it during the day at 4yfn. Let me know the time youre publishing. Best B. Belén Kayser Social Media & Press OgilvyOne Worldwide Madrid +34620639715 @missbkayser El 02/03/2015 23:01, "RAQUEL ROJO SANCHEZ" <raquel.rojosanchez at<mailto:raquel.rojosanchez at>> escribió: Dear all: We should agree the time to send the press release so all of us send it at the same time. We propose at 10:30 h. (CET). Yours sincerely Enviado desde mi móvil Huawei -------- Original Message -------- Subject:Re: [Fiware-comm-mwc] R: Comms Plan - FIWARE announcement at 4YFN / From:Juanjo Hierro To:fiware-comm-mwc at<mailto:To%3Afiware-comm-mwc at> CC: Hi, Please find enclosed a final clean version of the note with the logos included. I didn't see the logo by Orange sent on the list but we have used one that I believe it is correct. Please confirm. We are planning to print the note and hand it out to vicepresident Ansip in our meeting tomorrow. We assume the four companies will publish/distribute the note tomorrow. Best regards, -- Juanjo On 02/03/15 17:38, Lidia Fiorini wrote: Dear Belén, do you have a final draft with logos? Thanks for everything. Lidia [cid:image001.jpg at 01D05591.D89F1EB0] Lidia Fiorini Direzione Comunicazione e Immagine Aziendale lidia.fiorini at<mailto:lidia.fiorini at> Engineering Via San Martino della Battaglia, 56 - 00185 Roma Tel. +39-06.49201559<tel:%2B39-06.49201559> Mob. +39-346.7430556<tel:%2B39-346.7430556> Fax +39-06.49201330<tel:%2B39-06.49201330><> ________________________________ Da: fiware-comm-mwc-bounces at<mailto:fiware-comm-mwc-bounces at> [mailto:fiware-comm-mwc-bounces at] Per conto di Juanjo Hierro Inviato: 01 March 2015 12:43 A: Belén Kayser; fiware-comm-mwc at<mailto:fiware-comm-mwc at>; Miriam Bajo; Pablo Honrubia; JUAN JOSE HIERRO SUREDA; SLUPOWSKI Patrice IMT TECHNO Oggetto: Re: [Fiware-comm-mwc] Comms Plan - FIWARE announcement at 4YFN / Thanks Belén. The note you attach actually matches the original note distributed on February 20th adding the quotes shared during this last week. This was important because contents of the note distributed on February 20th had been negotiated by the top executives of the four companies. Thanks also for the clarification about the text you distributed on Friday. I understand now this was a note that Ogilvy was preparing as Press Office of FIWARE to be published after the announcement by the four companies, also including a summary of major FIWARE activities at the 4YFN event. I have found there was a missing carriage return between the first and second paragraph of the body of the clean version, also one extra-space in the subtitle. The .rtf file was not needed. I have attached to this mail both a revised clean version with these very minor editorial issues fixed and the version with changes highlighted (this one without changes with respect to what Belén has sent but for completeness). I would like to emphasize what Belén has mentioned in her message: the need that the four companies publish the note early in the morning of Tuesday, March 3. This is highly relevant to face our meeting with EC VicePresident Ansip. Best regards, -- Juanjo On 01/03/15 11:48, Belén Kayser wrote: Dear all, Good morning. I would like to confirm that the note with the proposed contents is ok for you. I only need to add your logos, so if you can send them to me it would be great. I would like to send you my apologies related with the last misunderstanding. OgilvyOne, as fiware press office, planned to publish a press release about his presence at 4YFN and the last news regarding fiware. This was the press release that I sent you yesterday. But this was not the press release I had to share with you, but the one approved and sent in this email that Juanjo Hierro supervised. Here you will find 2 versions: - The one with the changes (draft version with the proposals; I hope it were good attached; I do not have word office here so I hope the changes has not been missed) - The one 'clean' with the changes accepted, little corrections (only 2 linguistic changes) and ready to be distributed. (7Kb size) named _V2 I was told, it is expected that each of the four companies will publish the press release beginning of March 3. This is necessary because a meeting with Vicepresident of the EC Andrus Ansip is planned at 13:45, where the announcement made by the companies will be the hot topic. Therefore, it is crucial that the announcement has been published by then. Best wishes, Belén Belén Kayser Social Media & Communications OgilvyOne Worldwide Madrid Cell phone: +34 620 63 97 15 Office: +34 91 451 22 04<tel:%2B34%2091%20451%2022%2004> E-mail: belen.kayser at<mailto:belen.kayser at> Twitter: @missbkayser<> [] Privileged/Confidential Information may be contained in this message. If you are not the addressee indicated in this message, you should destroy this message. For more information on WPP's business ethical standards and corporate responsibility policies, please refer to WPP's website. [] Privileged/Confidential Information may be contained in this message. If you are not the addressee indicated in this message, you should destroy this message. For more information on WPP's business ethical standards and corporate responsibility policies, please refer to WPP's website. -- ______________________________________________________ Coordinator and Chief Architect, FIWARE platform CTO Industrial IoT, Telefónica email: juanjose.hierro at<mailto:juanjose.hierro at> twitter: @JuanjoHierro You can follow FIWARE at: website: twitter: @FIWARE facebook: linkedIn: ________________________________ Este mensaje y sus adjuntos se dirigen exclusivamente a su destinatario, puede contener información privilegiada o confidencial y es para uso exclusivo de la persona o entidad de destino. Si no es usted. el destinatario indicado, queda notificado de que la lectura, utilización, divulgación y/o copia sin autorización puede estar prohibida en virtud de la legislación vigente. Si ha recibido este mensaje por error, le rogamos que nos lo comunique inmediatamente por esta misma vía y proceda a su destrucción. 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