[Fiware-comms] MUY IMPORTANTE a tener en cuenta sobre cualquier comunicación alrededor de FI-WARE

Iris Rubio iris.rubio at futuranetworks.com
Mon Dec 9 10:47:31 CET 2013

Buenos dias Juanjo,

gracias por tus comentarios. A nivel de comunicacion solo me gustaria
aclarar que a estas alturas del calendario resulta practicamente imposible
controlar de que forma se hace mencion a FI-WARE. En su momento se
aprobaron unos textos que son los que se han mandado a todas partes.
En lo que se refiere a nuestras oficinas, por supuesto haremos todo lo que
este en nuestras manos para adaptar nuestros mensajes a lo que comentas.
Debo decir que la mayoria hablamos de plataforma, pero no esta mal hacer un
doble check...

un saludo y disculpad por las faltas de ortografia, pero escribo desde un
teclado extranjero.

un saludo y feliz semana,

Iris Rubio Pascual

Communication FI-WARE Challenges

skype: iritamasnou
www.fi-ware.eu  <http://www.fi-ware.eu>

2013/12/6 Juanjo Hierro <jhierro at tid.es>

>  También MUY IMPORTANTE de cara a comunicaciones sucesivas: hay que
> tratar de evitar hablar de FI-WARE como proyecto ("el proyecto FI-WARE
> ...") y referirnos al mismo como producto ("La plataforma FI-WARE
> proporciona" o, simplemente, "FI-WARE proporciona").   Por ejemplo:
>    - Ejemplo 1:
>       - hay que evitar decir: "El proyecto FI-WARE, liderado por
>       Telefónica I+D"
>       - y en cambio decir: "La plataforma FI-WARE, cuyo desarrollo está
>       liderado por Telefónica I+D" o "FI-WARE, cuyo desarrollo está liderado por
>       Telefónica I+D"
>        - Ejemplo 2:
>       - hay que evitar decir: "El proyecto FI-WARE tiene como objetivo
>       construir una plataforma que proporciona APIs abiertas ...
>       - y en cambio decir: "La plataforma FI-WARE proporciona APIs
>       abiertas ..." o "FI-WARE proporciona APIs abiertas ..."
>   La justificación de todo esto es que los proyectos dirigidos a
> evolucionar FI-WARE nacen y mueren, pero FI-WARE permanece como
> producto.    Desacoplando FI-WARE del concepto de proyecto, damos más
> imagen de madurez (producto ya disponible) y evitamos ataques
> malintencionados o dudas metafísicas del tipo "el futuro de FI-WARE es
> incierto porque es un proyecto, y como tal, tiene fecha fin a partir de la
> que todo son dudas".
>   Os reenvío (aunque tal vez ya lo habíais leido puesto que lo envié a
> todo el consorcio) mensaje que reenvié acerca de los mensajes que hay que
> transmitir de manera consistente en relación con las tres marcas que
> trabajamos: FI-WARE, FI-Ops y FI-Lab.
>    Saludos,
>  -- Juanjo
> -------------
> Product Development and Innovation (PDI) - Telefonica Digital
> website: www.tid.es
> email: jhierro at tid.es
> twitter: twitter.com/JuanjoHierro
> FI-WARE (European Future Internet Core Platform) Coordinator
> and Chief Architect
> FI-PPP Architecture Board chairman
> You can follow FI-WARE at:
>   website:  http://www.fi-ware.eu
>   facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/FI-WARE/251366491587242
>   twitter:  http://twitter.com/FIware
>   linkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/groups/FIWARE-4239932
> -------- Original Message --------  Subject: IMPORTANT message about
> joint messages from FI-WARE/XiFi and branding material  Date: Thu, 28 Nov
> 2013 12:14:11 +0100  From: Juanjo Hierro <jhierro at tid.es> <jhierro at tid.es>  To:
> ab at fi-ppp.eu <ab at fi-ppp.eu> <ab at fi-ppp.eu>, Sb at fi-ppp.eu <Sb at fi-ppp.eu><Sb at fi-ppp.eu>
> Dear colleagues,
>   As many of you should know, FI-WARE, FI-Ops and FI-Lab were present in
> the Smart City World Expo last week.   This event is the largets event
> dealing with Smart Cities worldwide.   FI-WARE and XiFi managed to
> arrange a nice stand of 30 sqm and there was rather good attendance and
> many cities show interest in the products and messages we brought and asked
> questions about how to join the ecosystem we aim to build.
>   Preparation of our joint presence at the event has been instrumental in
> reaching an agreement about messages we shall communicate to external
> audience.   This email tries to provide a summary of what was agreed.   I
> would like to ask all the FI-PPP partners to take this info into account
> and use consistently whenever we have to talk about the FI-PPP.   Of
> course, the Dissemination Working Group should take this as basis for the
> messages we should be able to communicate, creating some sort of
> "guidelines" for communication purpose.   Of course, they have to now work
> out how to add the messages dealing with explaing what is the role of UC
> projects and their relation to FI-Lab/FI-WARE/FI-Ops.   We believe it is
> extremely important to get these guidelines done and we would like to play
> an active role in reviewing them.
>   Now the summary:
>    - We agreed that in external events and when talking to external
>    audiences we should arrive with messages centered on products/brands
>    rather than projects.
>    - The two projects will focus their dissemination around three
>    products/results, with their corresponding branding (all aligned) and
>    messages/material will be coordinated through a Task Force involving key
>    partners from the two projects.   The three brands that we now have are:
>       - FI-WARE refers to the technology that application developers can
>       use to build Future Internet applications (i.e., target audience of FI-WARE
>       are application developers)
>       - FI-Ops refers to the tools that FI-WARE Instance providers can
>       use to operate FI-WARE Instances (i.e., target audience of FI-Ops are
>       Platform Providers)
>       - FI-Lab is the cornerstone element of the open innovation
>       ecosystem that we aim to build.  It is the meeting point that allow
>       application developers (with special attention to entrepreneurs) to meet
>       application sponsors (those who wanna invest on applications or acquire
>       them to run their business or offer those applications to their customers)
>       and viceversa.  It is a FI-WARE Instance deployed over a number of
>       datacenter nodes distributed and federated across Europe.  As such, is an
>       example where FI-WARE and FI-Ops are put at work:
>          - FI-WARE technologies are made available to application
>          developers in FI-LAB for experimentation/testing/trialing
>          - FI-Ops tools are being used by the organizations operating
>          FI-LAB nodes in order to run their operations effectively
>    - Both projects will have the right to use these brands as far as they
>    respect the above descriptions.   We created a flyer in record time that
>    nows incorporates description of the three brands.   See its design
>    attached.   The logo for FI-Ops will use a different color because
>    different target audience (Platform providers) but will overall align with
>    the other two (FI-WARE and FI-Lab) in terms of typography style, bringing
>    coherence to the whole set of brands.
>    - A link to info about FI-Ops has been added to the home page of
>    FI-Lab at http://lab.fi-ware.eu
>    - It was indeed agreed that, overall, the main goals of the XiFi
>    project can be stated as:
>       - Expanding FI-Lab across a network of datacenter nodes distributed
>       across Europe.
>       - Come up with a complete set of tools that conform the FI-Ops
>       suite that will ease operations in each of the datacenter nodes supporting
>       FI-Lab as well as operation of any FI-WARE instance
>       - help existing experimental facilities to extend FI-Lab
>   Just for your info, please find below some additional info specific to
> the Smart City World Expo:
>    - Some pictures can be downloaded from the following link in
>    dropbox:
>       - https://www.dropbox.com/sh/3ndve6fy46tqzu5/eO9CDL2FfO
>    - Aligned with the above, we agreed to deliver the following messages
>    to smart cities during the Smart City World Expo:
>       - FI-WARE and FI-Ops together bring the core enablers and operation
>       support tools of a target Smart City platform.
>       - FI-WARE technologies will ease development of:
>          - innovative solutions helping cities to manage their services
>          more efficiently (e.g., garbage collection, furniture maintenance, etc)
>          - innovative application/services that can be delivered to
>          citizens (e.g., application that ease car driving or usage of public
>          transport in the city)
>          - portals/platform for publication of Open APIs and Open Data
>          that developers can use to develop applications
>           - The FI-Ops suite of tools will ease operation of a Smart City
>       platform based on FI-WARE technologies
>       - Cities can connect to FI-Lab putting their open data at work
>       within that space:
>          - Entrepreneurs can use the open data available in FI-Lab to
>          build innovation solutions and application/services they can showcase to
>          cities
>          - Cities can make a deal with entrepreneurs showcasing the most
>          interesting solutions or application/services
>       - By connecting to FI-Lab, cities can benefit from the visibility
>       and promotion (marketing campaigns, success stories) planned for that
>       space.  Besides, solutions trialed on FI-Lab can be easily ported to
>       FI-WARE instances in production (the Smart City platforms).
>       - There is no open innovation ecosystem a single city can build on
>       their own: FI-Lab offers cities the opportunity to join forces and gain the
>       necessary scale and level of awareness among the wide community of
>       developers
>    - The messages we delivered are summarized in the presentation I made
>    which you can download from the following dropbox link.  I officially
>    announced during it that Trento and Torino has officially joined FI-Lab
>    (joining to Málaga, Sevilla, Santander and Zaragoza in Spain):
>     -
>       https://www.dropbox.com/s/czy66znhd884ajr/FI-PPP%20and%20FI-WARE%20for%20Smart%20Cities%20Short%20Overview%2013-11-20.pptx
>    - You can download a summary of the specific marketing material that
>    Ogilvy produced for the stand.  I would highlight the two infographics
>    produced as well as the flyer:
>       - logos for the three brands:
>       https://www.dropbox.com/s/6yb1aek72gsm0b6/FI-family_logos.pdf
>       - Infographic about FI-LAB for Smart Cities:
>       http://www.slideshare.net/FI-WARE/hq-fiware-and-filab-in-a-nutshell-infographic
>       - Infographic about FI-WARE and FI-LAB:
>       http://www.slideshare.net/FI-WARE/filab-for-smart
>    -  XiFi produced some additional material they adapted in "fast-track"
>    mode prior to the conference.   I would kindly ask them to distribute a
>    copy of them.
>    - I had the opportunity to chat with Colette Maloney and clarify her
>    that FI-WARE/FI-Lab should not be taken as regular "EU FP7 research"
>    projects but indeed something much closer to the market.  I put the example
>    that cities are already considering its adoption in some countries
>    (currently Spain and Italy but looking for further extensions).   We asked
>    her to have a more formal meeting as soon as possible.
>    - We made contacts with several cities that looked interested in what
>    we were doing and for which further opportunities about connection to
>    FI-Lab will be explored.
>   Overall, I believe it was a rather positive experience and another sign
> that this is the kind of events we have to attend rather that the "business
> as usual" kind of events we are used to in EU funded projects.   Sure we
> may have a rather significant presence next year since we will be able to
> provide some more concrete results.
>   The information above has been shared with the EC.
>   Don't hesitate to ask any questions you may have.
>   Best regards,
> -- Juanjo
> -------------
> Product Development and Innovation (PDI) - Telefonica Digital
> website: www.tid.es
> email: jhierro at tid.es
> twitter: twitter.com/JuanjoHierro
> FI-WARE (European Future Internet Core Platform) Coordinator
> and Chief Architect
> FI-PPP Architecture Board chairman
> You can follow FI-WARE at:
>   website:  http://www.fi-ware.eu
>   facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/FI-WARE/251366491587242
>   twitter:  http://twitter.com/FIware
>   linkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/groups/FIWARE-4239932
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