Hola! Adjunto los ganadores de Smart Business. La lista del jurado y sus bios la tengo yo (no se perdió, Fermín!). Aquí va: *Jury of the Smart Cities Challenge* First phase: - Andreu Veá, Internet pioneer, entrepreneur and government advisor on telecom and smart-cities. - Philipp Slusallek, DFKI, FI-WARE Advanced Web-based User Interface Chapter Architect, - Stefano de Panfilis, FI-Lab leader - Luis López, URJC, FI-WARE Media Stream Processing Generic Enabler Final Fase: 1. ANDREU VEÀ is a well known Internet pioneer and entrepreneur in Spain. He founded the fourth Internet Service Provider company there in 1994 and later helped devise the Internet strategy of Retevision-Auna, a Spanish national telco-carrier. A telecom and electronics engineer, he wrote the first Ph.D dissertation (2002) focused on the Internet. Dr. Veà leads efforts to extend networking to small communities, and serves on the Telecom and Smart-Cities advisory committees of the Autonomous Government of Catalonia and the City of Barcelona. He has written several books, dozens of articles and has given more than 800 lectures, symposia and seminars on the Internet and its impact. Dr. Veà also serves as President of the Board at ISOC-ES. 2. ASIER ARRANZ is an entrepreneur in the emerging technologies area and R&D director at Campus Party. He launched his first startup in 2009, the first spin-off of the University of Deusto (Spain). With it he has got different awards from companies like Google, Nokia or Telefónica. He has developed human-computer interaction projects like a mind controlled robotic arm.In 2012 he has launched his second startup in parallel, it was accelerated by Wayra, seed capital of Telefónica. He has take part in different entrepreneural programs, he is organizer of the NASA Space Apps Challenge, TEDx Speaker and associated professor at IE Business School. 3. STEFANO DE PANFILIS is the Chief Innovation Officer at Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A. the leader company of Gruppo Engineering. He graduated cum laude in Mathematics from the University of Rome "La Sapienza". He have been involved in European funded R&D projects since 1994. He coordinated projects as DOOR (ESPRIT 4FP), the CBSEnet (IST-5FP Network of Excellence), CLARiFi (IST 5FP), QualiPSo (IST 6FP), an many Open Source and Open Construction Processes. In FI-WARE, he is FI-LAB Leader. He serves the Project Coordination Committee and, since April 2012, he is one of the two FI-WARE representatives in the FI-PPp Architecture Board. Since the beginning of 2012 he is in charge to coordinate the Trento Node technological projects achievements within the EIT ICT Labs. 4. FERMÍN GALÁN holds an M.Sc degree in telecommunications and a Ph.D in telematics from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. He is currently involved in the research activities at the Discover unit at Telefónica Digital, mainly in virtualization, cloud computing topics and M2M/IoT topics. He has authored more than 40 research publications, including 5 in JCR journals, and 1 international patent. In the FI-WARE project, his main responsabilities are related with the Orion Context Broker generic enabler, the FI-LAB context management platform and the architecture and coordination of the LiveDemo application. 5. FRANCISCO ROMERO holds a degree on Computer Science from UPM. He works in Telefónica I+D (R&D labs) researching on data processing, analysis and machine learning. Francisco joined Telefónica I+D in 2001, and in his firsts years in the company we was working in the Euro6IX (IST- 2001-32161) project, designing and implementing IPv6 traffic analysis tools from the security point of view. He was also involved in other European projects related to traffic engineering such as EuQoS until 2007, when he Cenit Segur@ project stated, a subsidized project by the Spanish Ministry of Industry focused on the network security. In the Segur@ project Francisco developed his skills on traffic processing and analysis, and started working with machine learning and big data tools. Nowadays, Francisco coordinates the integration of the COSMOS open source product as reference implementation of the BigData Generic Enabler in FI-WARE *Jury of the Smart Business & Industry Challenge* First Phase - Michiel Leenaars Director of Strategy at NLnet - Juanjo Hierro, Telefónica, FI-WARE Coordinator and Chief Architect - Carlos Ralli, Telefónica, FI-WARE IoT Chapter Architect - Thierry Nagellen, Orange, FI-WARE IoT Chapter leader - Fernando López, Telefónica, FI-WARE Cloud developer Final fase: 1. ANGEL HERNANDEZ is the R&D Project Manager of Ikergune, a research centre focused on Robotics and Biotechnology, where he leads the conception of new development lines synergising with the Automotive industry. Angel is also an experienced robotics advisor and Campusero who has assisted CP whilst discovering innovative projects and passionate people that love sharing their knowledge. He is an enthusiastic engineer that started making simple robots at the age of 11. Ángel won the second prize of the hackathon "Smart Cities using FI-WARE" held on October 16 and 18th 2013 in Santander (Spain). 2. CARLOS RALLI UCENDO holds a degree of Telecommunications Engineer from the UPM. As a senior researcher & project manager he played the role of scientific and financial coordinator in LONG (IST-1999-20393) FP5 project, focussed on building a distributed IPv6 EU Laboratory, and prime contractor in Euro6IX (IST- 2001-32161) project, the largest FP5 EU IPv6 industry-led initiative. Later on, he has been regularly playing key different roles in FP6 and FP7 research projects, including the FI-PPP. He was also assisting the European Commission as independent expert in FP6 and FP7 IST project reviews. Nowadays, his personal and professional research activities are focussed on building Internet-of-Things solutions plus discovering Internet6 forthcoming opportunities. He maintains his personal blog "The Internet6 playground", referenced by reputed experts in the field and occasionally contributes to RaspberryPi-based opensource initiatives. He is involved in the development of FI-WARE, playing the role of Architect in the IoT (Internet of Things) chapter. Carlos is an active speaker with more than 50 papers, presentations, key-note speeches and discussion panels in Asia-Pacific, Europe and Latin-America 3. FERNANDO LÓPEZ AGUILAR holds a degree of Computer Science from E.T.S Ingeniería Informática - University of Málaga. Since 2001, Fernando works in Telefónica I+D in projects involving NGN, advanced broadband communications, Mobile IP, and new mobile services. He has been involved in several CELTIC (ICARUS, LOOP), ITEA (MARTES) and FP7 projects (PEACE, SENSEI, IoT-A). He holds two International Awards, multiple publications, and one book chapter. He is an active reviewer in some important journals and congresses (IEEE, WMSCI'09, ICC'10, GC'10 - CQRM, Mobimedia'10 and MONA'11). Fernando coordinates the development of components contributed by Telefónica in the FI-WARE Cloud Chapter and also coordinates the tasks dealing with the FI-WARE Cloud portal definition. Besides, he also coordinates the team of Telefónica I+D involved in the XiFi project, which addresses the expansion of FI-Lab across multiple datacenters and the development of FI-Ops tools. 4. JAVIER LÓPEZ FERNÁNDEZ holds a degree of Telecommunications, Microelectronics and Software engineering in the UPM. He started working Lucent Technologies as development engineer, designing of components for elements of different transmission technologies: SDH, PDH, ISDN, PON, ETHERNET, ADSL, etc. After that he moved to Motorola as Senior System engineer, where his team intended to create a new generation of tools for network management to proactively detect and fix network faults providing an easy mechanism to insert new knowledge. Then, he was contracted by Solaiemes as CTO, where he was responsible to enforce company's technology strategy and to manage partner relationships. Recently, he have co-founded two companies: Naevatec and Kurento. He works as associate professor in Rey Juan Carlos University and is project member of FI-WARE. 5. JUANJO HIERRO currently is the CTO of Industry IoT at Telefónica I+D (R&D Labs). He obtained a degree in Computer Science in 1990 from the Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (UPM). He leads several R&D&i activities at Telefónica I+D and currently plays the role of coordinator and Chief Architect of FI-WARE. He has also supervised the launch of FI-Lab, the live instance of FI-WARE around which the creation of an open innovation ecosystem around FI-WARE technologies is being fostered. He has participated as invited expert in several workshops and working groups setup by the European Commission on technological objectives of the EU Research Framework Program. He is also member of several Advisory Councils (IMDEA Software Institute of Madrid, Spanish node of ICT Labs, several EU R&D projects, ...). El 1 de febrero de 2014, 13:30, Fermín Galán Márquez <fermin at tid.es>escribió: > Hola, > > Te paso un par de fotos con las actas del jurado de SmartCities (en el que > yo tomé parte), con la lista de ganadores y puntuaciones. Los originales en > papel los llevo a la ceremonia de entrega de premios de esta tarde y os los > doy. > > Pongo en CC a Juanjo y Iris, que están en otro thread en el que se está > hablando de lo mismo. > > Con respecto al perfil, ya lo envié en su día, pero debió perderse en el > fragor de la batalla :). Lo vuelvo a enviar más abajo y pongo en CC al > resto de miembros de mi jurado para que, si tienen oportunidad (no sé si > tenemos ya mucho margen de tiempo), lo manden también: > > Versión larga: > > *Fermín Galán Márquez holds an M.Sc degree in telecommunications (2002) > and a Ph.D in telematics (2010) from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.* > *He is currently involved in the research activities at the Discover unit > at Telefónica Digital, mainly in virtualization, cloud computing topics and > M2M/IoT topics. Before joining Telefónica in October 2007, he worked at the > Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC), Agora Systems > and Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas Telemáticos (DIT) at Universidad > Politécnica de Madrid (UPM). In all those positions, he has developed R&D > related tasks. Since 2001, he has been participating in several UE and > Spanish public-funded research projects, including MIRA, Euro6IX, DAIDALOS, > SAMURAI, NOBELII, RESPLANDOR, RESERVOIR and NUBA.* > > *In addition, he has been involved in standardization activities in the > Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF) standardization body, in > particular in the System Virtualization Partitioning and Clustering Working > Group (SVPC) and the Cloud Management Working Group (CMWG) and is one of > the contributors to the OVF 2.0 standard. He has authored more than 40 > research publications, including 5 in JCR journals, and 1 international > patent.* > > *In the FI-WARE platform, his main responsibilities are related with the > Orion Context Broker generic enabler, the FI-LAB context management > platform and the architecture and coordination of the FI-WARE LiveDemo > application. He is also an active supporter in events and hackathons > representing FI-WARE, both in the Spanish and the international scopes > (Campus Party London 2013 & Brasil 2014, Santander hackathon October 2013, > etc.).* > > Versión corta: > > *Fermín Galán **holds an M.Sc degree in telecommunications and a Ph.D in > telematics from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. He is currently involved > in the research activities at the Discover unit at Telefónica Digital, > mainly in virtualization, cloud computing topics and M2M/IoT topics. He has > authored more than 40 research publications, including 5 in JCR journals, > and 1 international patent. In the FI-WARE platform, his main > responsabilities are related with the Orion Context Broker generic enabler, > the FI-LAB context management platform and the architecture and > coordination of the FI-WARE LiveDemo application.* > > Un saludo, > > ------ > Fermín > > El 01/02/2014 7:00, Margarita Tremblay escribió: > > Hola, > > Cuando os sea posible, mejor si es mañana por la mañana, puede alguien > decirnos a Domingo y a mí quiénes son los ganadores? Si vamos a > entrevistarles tenemos que estudiarnos un poco quiénes son etc. Esta noche > Juanjo me ha mencionado algunos, pero tener un listado más oficial nos > ayudaría mucho para trabajar mañana. > > También creemos que sería interesante publicar un breve perfil sobre > cada miembro del jurado. Creo que es lo suyo en este tipo de competición. > Con tantos documentos e emails en los últimos meses no sé si me ha llegado > alguna vez una lista (nombre y apellido simplemente) de quién es el jurado. > > Muchas gracias :) > > *Margarita Tremblay* > > FI-WARE Community Manager > OgilvyOne worldwide, Madrid > Office: +34 914 512 270 > Cell: +34 638 015 664 > margarita.tremblay at ogilvy.com <miriam.bajo at ogilvy.com> > > > 2014-01-31 Margarita Tremblay <margarita.tremblay at ogilvy.com>: > >> Depende. No quiero que me pase como en otras ocasiones, en las que un >> ganador Lituano se tuvo que cojer un vuelo 5 minutos después de la >> ceremonia de premios y perdimos la oportunidad de entrevistarle. O como en >> Londres, que precisamente esos detalles nos impidieron entrevistar a >> algunos de los ganadores. >> >> Después de ganar un premio solo quieres celebrar y descansar. Tenemos >> que saber si no vamos a poder entrevistar a alguno después de la ceremonia. >> Si se da el caso, lo secuestramos y lo llevamos a una habitación de hotel >> donde no lo vea nadie. Por eso digo "en secreto" :) >> >> *Margarita Tremblay* >> >> FI-WARE Community Manager >> OgilvyOne worldwide, Madrid >> Office: +34 914 512 270 >> Cell: +34 638 015 664 >> margarita.tremblay at ogilvy.com <miriam.bajo at ogilvy.com> >> >> >> 2014-01-31 Raúl Sánchez <raul.sanchez at futuranetworks.com>: >> >> No creo que sea oportuno hacer ninguna entrevista antes del anuncio >>> publico >>> >>> >>> Enviado desde mi smartphone BlackBerry 10. >>> *De: *Margarita Tremblay >>> *Enviado: *viernes, 31 de enero de 2014 21:17 >>> *Para: *Esther Paniagua >>> *CC: *FERMIN GALAN MARQUEZ; fiware-comms at lists.fi-ware.eu >>> *Asunto: *Re: [Fiware-comms]FI-WARE: INFORMACIÓN A LOS PARTICIPANTES >>> SOBRE SIGUIENTES PASOS >>> >>> Hola Esther, >>> >>> Genial!! Pon a Domingo y a mí en copia porque vamos a querer >>> entrevistarles y necesitamos esa información para quedar con ellos en >>> "secreto" ;) >>> >>> Gracias!! >>> >>> *Margarita Tremblay* >>> >>> FI-WARE Community Manager >>> OgilvyOne worldwide, Madrid >>> Office: +34 914 512 270 >>> Cell: +34 638 015 664 >>> margarita.tremblay at ogilvy.com <miriam.bajo at ogilvy.com> >>> >>> >>> 2014-01-31 Esther Paniagua <esther.paniagua at futuranetworks.com>: >>> >>>> Hola, >>>> Voy a escribir a los ganadores un email confidencial para que sepan que >>>> son ganadores (aunque no la categoría). >>>> Por otra parte, voy a mandar un email a las listas para explicarles que >>>> la ceremonia de entrega será mañana a las 8:15 PM en el palco principal. >>>> Regards! >>>> >>>> Esther Paniagua >>>> Campus Labs Manager >>>> Futura Networks & Campus Party >>>> www.campus-party.org >>>> >>>> >>>> El 31 de enero de 2014, 23:57, JUAN JOSE HIERRO SUREDA <jhierro at tid.es>escribió: >>>> >>>> >>>>> Esther tiene toda la info. Entiendo q puede encargarse de enviar el >>>>> mail. >>>>> >>>>> Pediría al equipo de Ogilvy q organice las entrevistas a los que van >>>>> a ser premiados, aunque se decida no comunicar que premio. >>>>> >>>>> Raúl: creo q sería importante q movierais con la gente de Globo que >>>>> acudan a la ceremonia soplándoles que uno de los primeros premios se lo va >>>>> a llevar un equipo Brasileño. >>>>> >>>>> Juanjo from iPhone >>>>> >>>>> El 31/01/2014, a las 20:40, "Raúl Sánchez" < >>>>> raul.sanchez at futuranetworks.com> escribió: >>>>> >>>>> Hola! >>>>> >>>>> Creo que tendríais porfa que enviar cuanto antes a los participantes >>>>> qué es lo que pasará hasta mañana. Debería informarse que la entrega de >>>>> premios será a las 20:15 en el Main Stage (Palco Geral). Hasta entonces no >>>>> se hará público. Después se hará difusión a través de una nota de prensa y >>>>> otros medios de difusión digitales. >>>>> >>>>> Los participantes que no puedan estar a esa hora deberán informar de >>>>> ello a la organización y al jurado. >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> *Raúl Sánchez* >>>>> *Director* >>>>> *Corporate & Government Affairs* >>>>> Futura Networks & Campus Party >>>>> >>>>> www.campus-party.org >>>>> >>>>> Madrid, Spain >>>>> +34-659311383 >>>>> >>>>> *The information in this e-mail (including attachments) is >>>>> confidential and may be legally privileged. If you are not an intended >>>>> recipient, please immediately inform the sender and delete this e-mail and >>>>> any attachments. Futura Networks and Asociación E3 Futura do their part to >>>>> protect our world: please consider the environment before printing this >>>>> message.* >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> ------------------------------ >>>>> >>>>> Este mensaje se dirige exclusivamente a su destinatario. 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For more information on WPP's business ethical standards >>> and corporate responsibility policies, please refer to WPP's website. >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> _______________________________________________ >>> Fiware-comms mailing list >>> Fiware-comms at lists.fi-ware.eu >>> https://lists.fi-ware.eu/listinfo/fiware-comms >>> >>> >> > > > Privileged/Confidential Information may be contained in this message. If > you are not the addressee indicated in this message, you should destroy > this message. For more information on WPP's business ethical standards > and corporate responsibility policies, please refer to WPP's website. > > > > > > > > ------------------------------ > > Este mensaje se dirige exclusivamente a su destinatario. Puede consultar > nuestra política de envío y recepción de correo electrónico en el enlace > situado más abajo. > This message is intended exclusively for its addressee. 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