[Fiware-comms] Mail de los rusos ... no tiene desperdicio

Fatima Ruiz-Clavijo fatima.rclavijo at futuranetworks.com
Tue Feb 4 14:46:03 CET 2014

si salir de Rusia supieron hacerlo, viven en La Manga del Mar Menor ;)

2014-02-04 FERNANDO LOPEZ AGUILAR <fla at tid.es>:

>  Ya, a mí lo único que me preocupa es que este personaje está escribiendo
> estas cosas en las cuentas de twitter y g+ dándole máxima difusión al tema.
> Es cierto que es una minoría muy pequeña pero generan mucho ruido. Del
> resto del equipo sólo he recibido gracias y demás pero no se ven respuestas
> en twitter sobre el tema (o no las he buscado).
>  De todas formas telita con los pollos estos. Muchas de las quejas las
> podrían haber resuelto usando un simple google maps o preguntando que vamos
> parece que es la primera vez que salen de Rusia (y no lo es).
>  Saludos,
> Fernando López Aguilar
> Cloud Computing
> fla at tid dot es
> +34 914 832 729
> Telefónica I+D (R&D)
> Ronda de la Comunicación s/n
> Distrito C, Edificio Oeste 1, Planta 9
> 28043 Madrid, Spain
>   Follow FI-WARE on the net
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>  El 04/02/2014, a las 11:59, Paco Ragageles <paco at ragageles.com> escribió:
>  Desde mi punto de vista a este tipo de elementos tan desequilibrados lo
> mejor es no darles "aire"
> Debemos desactivar su capacidad de generar ruido dentro de la comisión
> siendo los primeros en hablar de este problema para que si hacen lo que sea
> estén pre avisados en Bruselas.
> Pero lo que veáis me parecerá bien :)
> _____
> Internet no es una red de ordenadores
> Internet es una red de personas
> Paco Ragageles Martins (Inventor)
> paco at ragageles.com
> Skype: djcien
> Twitter: @pacoragageles
> Para llamarme por Telefono pon esta url
> www.jajah.com/PACORAGAGELES
> ------------------------
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> ruega notificar inmediatamente esta circunstancia mediante reenvío a la
> dirección electrónica del remitente y su eliminación.
> El 04/02/2014, a las 11:55, Raúl Sánchez <raul.sanchez at futuranetworks.com>
> escribió:
>  ¡Hola Juanjo!
> Más allá de los personajes en cuestión... y del dolor de cabeza que nos
> han dado antes, durante y ... después... Sugiero hablemos sobre la
> respuesta consensuada a este mensaje, de momento por email ya que ha sido
> su canal. En mi opinión hay varias opciones:
> 1) Responder simplemente de forma muy aséptica dándoles las gracias por su
> feedback y tomando nota de sus comentarios para seguir mejorando.
> 2) Responder a las acusaciones que están haciendo tanto a TID como a la
> atención recibida en Campus de forma "polite" y aséptica. El mensaje sería:
> 8.000 campuseros han pasado por Campus y 37 equipos de FI-WARE que han dado
> una valoración muy positiva de su experiencia. Sentimos que su experiencia
> no haya sido positiva pero...
> 3) Pasamos de responderles.
> Cuando vuelvas de Bruselas lo hablamos porfa. Como ya habíamos comentado,
> esperábamos algún acción similar a esta. Afortunadamente no la liaron en la
> entrega de premios pero nunca se sabe el ruido que quieren hacer y a quíen
> han copiado...
> Un abrazo,
> Raúl
>  *Raúl Sánchez*
> Futura Networks & Campus Party
> Madrid, Spain
> +34-659311383
> *The information in this e-mail (including attachments) is confidential
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>  ------------------------------
> *De:* fiware-comms-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu [
> mailto:fiware-comms-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu<fiware-comms-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu>]
> *En nombre de *Juanjo Hierro
> *Enviado el:* lunes, 03 de febrero de 2014 21:15
> *CC:* Paco Ragageles; Ángel Hernández; fiware-comms at lists.fi-ware.eu
> *Asunto:* [Fiware-comms] Mail de los rusos ... no tiene desperdicio
>   Me lo ha pasado Stefano, que lo ha recibido (la lista de destinatarios
> está oculta, así que algunos tal vez lo hayais recibido).    No debían de
> tener mi dirección de correo, así que yo no lo he recibido.   Sin palabras.
> -------- Original Message --------  Subject: Fwd: Problems of Telefonica
> I+D  Date: Mon, 3 Feb 2014 16:25:46 +0100  From: stefano de panfilis
> <stefano.depanfilis at eng.it> <stefano.depanfilis at eng.it>  To: Juanjo
> Hierro <jhierro at tid.es> <jhierro at tid.es>
> enjoy the reading :-)
> ciao,
> stefano
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Ignat Ignatov <ignat99 at gmail.com> <ignat99 at gmail.com>
> Date: 2014-02-02
> Subject: Fwd: Problems of Telefonica I+D
> To:
> Hello,
> As it was in fact :-)
> Regards,
> ignat
> P.S. Wi-Fi not working
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Ignat Ignatov <ignat99 at gmail.com> <ignat99 at gmail.com>
> Date: 2014-01-30
> Subject: Fwd: Problems of Telefonica I+D
> To: Eduardo Martín <eduardo.martin at futuranetworks.com> <eduardo.martin at futuranetworks.com>, JAVIER DE
> PEDRO SANCHEZ <jdps at tid.es> <jdps at tid.es>
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Kestutis Januskevicius <infohata at gmail.com> <infohata at gmail.com>
> Date: 2014-01-30
> Subject: Re: Problems of Telefonica I+D
> To: Ignat Ignatov <ignat99 at gmail.com> <ignat99 at gmail.com>
> Hello Dear Sirs,
> We have arrived by plane to the Sao Paulo 1 day earlier that would
> catch the senseless rally at 18.30 on 27th evening. Our daily flight
> option via Amsterdam lands ~19:00 in Brazil. We have paid more
> expensive flight tickets and night in hotel as extra just to
> participate in that introduction rally, which as we found out was not
> really necessary. From the email we received 1 week before the campus
> party event, it looked like it is necessary.
> We were not told that in Sao Paulo we may get stuck with such problems
> like getting money out of our cards, as not all bank machines accept
> european cards. We have spent over 3 hours to change money for the
> ticket to metro to Tiete station as we left our hotel. A simple
> message in advance that we can get money in CityBank would have solved
> the problem.
> Information about directions to the CPBR hangar did not exist until
> the last night before our flight. It came only in Portuguese language
> and only directions to the street where to find a free shuttle bus.
> The shuttle service from Portuguesa-Tiete was 500 meters away from the
> exit of the Tiete station, opposite of the CPBR hangar, which, as we
> found out, was not more than 1km away from Tiete.
> We did not get any directions how to get to the CPBR from the airport.
> That information was very difficult to find, as all the information
> available was only in Portuguese.
> As we have arrived to the campus area, we have found a complete chaos.
> We spent like 2 hours to get into the camp, going round and round the
> camp with all our heavy luggage, leading by confused campus party
> staff, to get our tent without a mattress (we have almost learned
> necessary portuguese by then), and to find a surprise that we will
> have to pay for food the price like in a 4 star hotel. We were not
> advised that we will not get a mattess in our tent, we did not had a
> chance to buy it. The two nights we have spent in the camp made us to
> seek medical assistance and almost made us crazy. We expected
> Telefonica to provide us a normal sleeper, normal living and working
> conditions and acceptable food for the fact that we have to work for
> their benefit. Furthermore, nobody has issued a sticker on our
> equipment, though I have registered it on the site in advance. We had
> issues with the security staff on the exit about that. The tent
> provided was too intimate for two adult man. We could not agree to
> sleep in that together. Because of that, there were a lot of people
> sleeping all around the campus - armchairs, chairs, tables, even floor
> where carpet was softer than a concrete under the tent. The day before
> the presentation on the FiWare stand there was no internet or network
> operational. Part of our prototype required pre-configuration of
> network to demonstrate it. So we could not prepare our prototype to
> show it even if we were ready to do that. As we have found out later,
> nobody had a live hardware or software prototype demo.
> We were told of big opportunities to meet investors, possible
> partners, present our project, press coverage. All we got is a horde
> of children playing games and using Facebook and making noise 24h/day.
> We did not get a single investor contact, not a single possible
> partner contact, and our "competitors" had a hostile look on us. We
> have presented our project in an unbearable noisy environment in the
> dark with zero audience. We had to use flash lights to see our
> surroundings during the presentation session, which also took place
> about 1 hour late on schedule. The parallel presentations of separate
> two categories took place at the same area and were disturbing each
> other, additionally to the unbearable noise from the surroundings. We
> were also told that working language of the event will be English, but
> the only moments where we had English were the encounters with
> Fi-Ware/Telefonica. We also have found out that Telefonica experts are
> not interested in technical subtleties of our solution, all they care
> is how to tie our project to as much as possible of their products.
> Most of the technology we showed they saw for the first time, and it
> looked like they do not know the technical side of the hardware for
> Smart Home and Smart City. However, they were very arrogant and
> incorrect - as for example, we went to the jury group who were
> evaluating software projects and informed that our presentation in the
> business group is technically well developed and we believe that it
> would be useful for them. We were offensively rejected and told that
> we might show it to them later. It was about the most advanced and
> expensive sensors, which are widely used for home automation. None of
> the members of the technical group did not show the slightest
> ineteresa to this topic.
> After the presentation we have got a few disconnected questions, no
> feedback on our project, without clear instructions what exactly we
> should present on the Firday 31st/January session. They did not ask to
> get the material about our project, did not take even a copy of the
> presentation. We did not also receive the recommendations on what we
> should do next in the written form (email or paper). We were also told
> that Fi-Ware staff will be present at their stand at all times and if
> we have questions we are free to come there and work with them. We
> came back 2 hours after our presentation (~23:00 29th Jan) and waited
> for over 12 hours to find anybody who could answer our questions.
> During that waiting time we were sweeping the camp for possibilities
> and found only under 10 people who could use a unix console or a
> compiler, and only two who could speak any of our languages, and those
> two were under influence of alcohol. We still do not understand why
> were we brought to Brazil such a long distance to present our project
> to no audience and in a concentration camp conditions. We did not have
> allocated conference rooms for peaceful work and meetings, we were not
> provided even with a minimum public stand to place our presentation.
> We did not exist as a registered project for public in the Campus
> Party at all.
> As we were completely exhausted, at ~11AM in the morning, we contacted
> one of the finally found FiWare representatives. When we asked him
> about the working hours of their staff at the pavilion, we were told
> back that this information was not our business, and that we have no
> right in asking such questions. He exaggerated nervously that their
> work schedule is free. After a few calls he made, he told us that one
> representative of the jury of our category could be available earliest
> in 1 hour. Such "anytime" presence and horrible camp conditions are
> not acceptable to us, as we were not sleeping normally for over 60
> hours, and we have had already arranged the retreat to a hotel in the
> city to rehabilitate ourselves and try to do some work there later.
> As we observed, all the participants have had the same issues -
> working without sleep all 2 days, at their own expense, for free. We
> all had to pay our food, and for all of us money provided as a price
> were taxed and were just enough for the flight tickets. The conclusion
> is, that this story which is happening with this competition is a
> clear abuse of power and position.
> For the sake of avoiding a conflict with Telefonica we did not call
> the insurance company, covered our medical expenses (one of us had got
> cold while trying to sleep on a concrete in the tent, a strong
> headache, etc.) and moved to a normal hotel. Another of us were trying
> to sleep on a sofa in the party area, by holding the bags with
> expensive hardware to prevent it from going missing.
> In the morning on the second day all the toilets and showers were
> flooded with at least 2cm layer of waste water.
> Considering all the above conditions, it is impossible to work
> productively on the project in the territory of Campus Party.
> --
> Best regards,
> Kestutis Januskevicius
> Mob.#: +358453115151
> --
> Stefano De Panfilis
> Chief Innovation Officer
> Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A.
> via Riccardo Morandi 32
> 00148 Roma
> Italy
> tel (direct): +39-068307-4295
> tel (secr.): +39-068307-4513
> fax: +39-068307-4200
> cell: +39-335-7542-567
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Fátima Ruiz-Clavijo
Directora de Comunicación
fatima.rclavijo at futuranetworks.com <yolanda.benedito at futuranetworks.com>
0034 618 652 471
skype: fatima.ruiz.clavijo

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