Óscar López oscar.lopez at futuranetworks.com
Fri Jan 17 16:37:08 CET 2014

Hola Nines,
Aquí va el logo de Futura.

2014/1/17 Raúl Sánchez <raul.sanchez at futuranetworks.com>

>  Ese es el válido. Oscar te pasará en el formato megaguay de FUTURA
> NETWORKS que necesitais...
> *Raúl Sánchez*
> Futura Networks & Campus Party
> Madrid, Spain
> +34-659311383
> *The information in this e-mail (including attachments) is confidential
> and may be legally privileged. If you are not an intended recipient, please
> immediately inform the sender and delete this e-mail and any
> attachments. Futura Networks and Asociación E3 Futura do their part to
> protect our world: please consider the environment before printing this
> message.*
>  ------------------------------
> *De:* Angeles Tejado [mailto:angeles.tejado at ogilvy.com]
> *Enviado el:* viernes, 17 de enero de 2014 13:03
> *Para:* Raúl Sánchez
> *CC:* Esther Paniagua; fiware-comms at lists.fi-ware.eu
> 40!!
>  Raúl, el logo que tengo de Futura es éste... No tengo otro
> 2014/1/17 Raúl Sánchez <raul.sanchez at futuranetworks.com>
>>  de meter alguno metería el logo de FI-WARE y futura networks + campus
>> party... Ninguno más...  IMPORTANTE: Creo que debe poner FUTURA NETWORKS,
>> SL..  y poner al final el logo de Futura, como si fuera una firma. Esto es
>> un certificado que no sabemos el uso que harán de él...
>> *Raúl Sánchez*
>> Futura Networks & Campus Party
>> Madrid, Spain
>> +34-659311383
>> *The information in this e-mail (including attachments) is confidential
>> and may be legally privileged. If you are not an intended recipient, please
>> immediately inform the sender and delete this e-mail and any
>> attachments. Futura Networks and Asociación E3 Futura do their part to
>> protect our world: please consider the environment before printing this
>> message.*
>>  ------------------------------
>> *De:* Angeles Tejado [mailto:angeles.tejado at ogilvy.com]
>> *Enviado el:* viernes, 17 de enero de 2014 12:54
>> *Para:* Esther Paniagua
>> *CC:* Raúl Sánchez; fiware-comms at lists.fi-ware.eu
>> 40!!
>>  Me tenéis mareada con los logos, unos me dicen que lo ponga y otros no
>> o_O
>> Ya hemos visto lo de la "r", e lo he comentado a Juanjo, solo queda el
>> por aportar... Ya que estamos ¿no estaría bien meter el logo Futura? Raúl y
>> Juanjo, cerradme el tema logos please que sois los expertos.
>> 2014/1/17 Esther Paniagua <esther.paniagua at futuranetworks.com>
>>> Jajaja OK, gracias Raúl!
>>> 2014/1/17 Raúl Sánchez <raul.sanchez at futuranetworks.com>
>>>>  Otra cosa... no sé si se puede utilizar el logo de la Comisión
>>>> Europea en este certificado. Yo lo quitaría. Nadie nos ha autorizado a
>>>> incluirlo.. Con estas cosas son muy touchballs (tocapelotas...)....;)
>>>> *Raúl Sánchez*
>>>> Futura Networks & Campus Party
>>>> Madrid, Spain
>>>> +34-659311383
>>>> *The information in this e-mail (including attachments) is confidential
>>>> and may be legally privileged. If you are not an intended recipient, please
>>>> immediately inform the sender and delete this e-mail and any
>>>> attachments. Futura Networks and Asociación E3 Futura do their part to
>>>> protect our world: please consider the environment before printing this
>>>> message.*
>>>>  ------------------------------
>>>> *De:* fiware-comms-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu [mailto:
>>>> fiware-comms-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu] *En nombre de *Angeles Tejado
>>>> *Enviado el:* viernes, 17 de enero de 2014 12:36
>>>> *Para:* Esther Paniagua
>>>> *CC:* fiware-comms at lists.fi-ware.eu
>>>> 40!!
>>>>   Lo siento Esther, ya tengo hechos los certificados con los dos
>>>> párrafos, así que si hay que quitarlo lo quito después :-).
>>>> Anyway, please, *echad un vistazo a ambos certificados y con el OK
>>>> tiro los 40 hoy mismo pero decidme algo ya!!* Si hay que quitar el
>>>> párrafo lo quito pero como no queda mal pues lo he dejado. Por cierto...
>>>> creo que Futura Networks debería linkar también a su página por eso aparece
>>>> resaltado. Ahora no hay links. Tan pronto me aprobéis esto linko los 40 que
>>>> es un trabajo un poco cansino así que lo hago cuando esté todo aprobado.
>>>> Quedo a la espera.
>>>> 2014/1/17 Esther Paniagua <esther.paniagua at futuranetworks.com>
>>>>> Jeje sí, efectivamente ese párrafo lo saqué de la home de fi-ware.eu,
>>>>> espero que eso me exonere de correr con la ronda de caipirinhas =P
>>>>> Para los certificados mejor poner solo el primer párrafo. Quedarían
>>>>> así:
>>>>> On behalf of Futura Networks, this document certifies that XXX have
>>>>> been selected as one of the finalists of the FI-WARE Smart Cities
>>>>> challenge.
>>>>> This challenge aims to be an important step towards more efficient
>>>>> city management and delivery of new innovative services for citizens. Ideas
>>>>> on how to improve traffic or services management that save costs while
>>>>> increasing service quality that will be implemented through applications
>>>>> using FI-WARE technologies.
>>>>> FI-WARE (http://www.fi-ware.org) is an innovative, open cloud-based
>>>>> infrastructure for cost-effective creation and delivery of Future Internet
>>>>> applications and services, at a scale not seen before.   FI-WARE API
>>>>> specifications are public and royalty-free, driven by the development of an
>>>>> open source reference implementation which accelerates the availability of
>>>>> commercial products and services based on FI-WARE technologies.
>>>>> On behalf of Futura Networks, this document certifies that XXX have
>>>>> been selected as one of the finalists of the FI-WARE Smart Business &
>>>>> Industry challenge.
>>>>> This challenge aims to build applications to help companies, with
>>>>> particular attention to SMEs, manage their business more efficiently and
>>>>> offer innovative services to their customers. This includes applications
>>>>> based on FI-WARE technologies that help run more effective industrial
>>>>> processes or automate industrial processes in a radically innovative way.
>>>>> FI-WARE (http://www.fi-ware.org) is an innovative, open cloud-based
>>>>> infrastructure for cost-effective creation and delivery of Future Internet
>>>>> applications and services, at a scale not seen before.   FI-WARE API
>>>>> specifications are public and royalty-free, driven by the development of an
>>>>> open source reference implementation which accelerates the availability of
>>>>> commercial products and services based on FI-WARE technologies.
>>>>> 2014/1/17 Juanjo Hierro <jhierro at tid.es>
>>>>>>  Hola,
>>>>>>   El siguiente párrafo de los textos que se proponían para los
>>>>>> certificados de finalistas de los FI-WARE Challenges no cumple los
>>>>>> guidelines que hemos ido intercambiando reciéntemente.   Esther, entiendo
>>>>>> que ha sido fruto de copiar y pegar rápido de textos antiguos y del site,
>>>>>> pero nos debes una ronda de caipirinhas en la CPBR por esto:
>>>>>> FI-WARE is the cornerstone project of the Future Internet
>>>>>> Public-Private Partnership (FI-PPP) the European programme for
>>>>>> Internet-enabled innovation. The FI-PPP accelerates the development and
>>>>>> adoption of Future Internet technologies in Europe, advancing the
>>>>>> European market for smart infrastructures and increasing the
>>>>>> effectiveness of business processes through the Internet.
>>>>>>   Los siguientes párrafo son más adecuado (si es muy largo, para los
>>>>>> certificados se puede dejar sólo el primero):
>>>>>> FI-WARE (http://www.fi-ware.org) is an innovative, open cloud-based
>>>>>> infrastructure for cost-effective creation and delivery of Future Internet
>>>>>> applications and services, at a scale not seen before.   FI-WARE API
>>>>>> specifications are public and royalty-free, driven by the development of an
>>>>>> open source reference implementation which accelerates the availability of
>>>>>> commercial products and services based on FI-WARE technologies.
>>>>>> Creation of a sustainable innovation ecosystem around FI-WARE is
>>>>>> materialized through FI-Lab (http://lab.fi-ware.org), a working
>>>>>> instance of FI-WARE enabling free experimentation with the technology.
>>>>>> FI-Lab is a place where application sponsors (application customers, public
>>>>>> administrations, investors) and application developers and web
>>>>>> entrepreneurs (individuals, SMEs and other companies) can meet each other.
>>>>>> A genuine meeting point for innovation on the Internet.
>>>>>>   Aprovecho para pedir que metamos este párrafo en el website, que es
>>>>>> más adecuado que el actual (el párrafo más arriba lo había sacado Esther
>>>>>> directa o indirectamente de la web, porque lo he detectado justo debajo de
>>>>>> los bloques de "Developers & Entrepreneurs" y "Companies & Public
>>>>>> Administrations").   Obviamente, la URL del sitio fi-ware habría que
>>>>>> eliminarla de este texto cuando lo subamos allí (porque es la página donde
>>>>>> se supone que estamos :-).   La URL a FI-Lab hay que también eliminarlo ya
>>>>>> que el texto "FI-Lab" debería tener asociado esa URL como hyperlink.
>>>>>>   Observaréis que he puesto URLs con .org vs .eu y es que éste es un
>>>>>> movimiento que quiero implementar antes de la CPBR (a ver si llegamos).
>>>>>> Entraría dentro de la política de expansión beyond Europe que queremos
>>>>>> acometer y con la que estamos colaborando con la EC, comenzando con Brasil.
>>>>>>   Saludos,
>>>>>> -- Juanjo
>>>>>> -------------
>>>>>> Product Development and Innovation (PDI) - Telefonica Digital
>>>>>> website: www.tid.es
>>>>>> email: jhierro at tid.es
>>>>>> twitter: twitter.com/JuanjoHierro
>>>>>> FI-WARE (European Future Internet Core Platform) Coordinator
>>>>>> and Chief Architect
>>>>>> FI-PPP Architecture Board chairman
>>>>>> You can follow FI-WARE at:
>>>>>>   website:  http://www.fi-ware.eu
>>>>>>   facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/FI-WARE/251366491587242
>>>>>>   twitter:  http://twitter.com/FIware
>>>>>>   linkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/groups/FIWARE-4239932
>>>>>> On 16/01/14 12:41, Esther Paniagua wrote:
>>>>>> Hola!
>>>>>> Algunos finalistas de los retos nos están pidiendo un certificado de
>>>>>> que lo son.
>>>>>> Supongo que el equipo de Ogilvy querréis haceros cargo del diseño. Si
>>>>>> no, lo asumimos desde Futura, pero por favor decidnos algo asap, ya que el
>>>>>> equipo está hasta arriba de trabajo estos días.
>>>>>> No creo que sea necesario imprimirlos, con enviárselo por e-mail
>>>>>> sería suficiente.
>>>>>> Os paso un texto base como ejemplo:
>>>>>> On behalf of Futura Networks, this document certifies that XXX have
>>>>>> been selected as one of the finalists of the FI-WARE Smart
>>>>>> Cities challenge.
>>>>>> This challenge aims to be an important step towards more efficient
>>>>>> city management and delivery of new innovative services for citizens. Ideas
>>>>>> on how to improve traffic or services management that save costs while
>>>>>> increasing service quality that will be implemented through applications
>>>>>> using FI-WARE technologies.
>>>>>> FI-WARE is the cornerstone project of the Future Internet
>>>>>> Public-Private Partnership (FI-PPP) the European programme for
>>>>>> Internet-enabled innovation. The FI-PPP accelerates the development and
>>>>>> adoption of Future Internet technologies in Europe, advancing the European
>>>>>> market for smart infrastructures and increasing the effectiveness of
>>>>>> business processes through the Internet.
>>>>>> On behalf of Futura Networks, this document certifies that XXX have
>>>>>> been selected as one of the finalists of the FI-WARE Smart Business &
>>>>>> Industry challenge.
>>>>>> This challenge aims to build applications to help companies, with
>>>>>> particular attention to SMEs, manage their business more efficiently and
>>>>>> offer innovative services to their customers. This includes applications
>>>>>> based on FI-WARE technologies that help run more effective industrial
>>>>>> processes or automate industrial processes in a radically innovative way.
>>>>>> FI-WARE is the cornerstone project of the Future Internet
>>>>>> Public-Private Partnership (FI-PPP) the European programme for
>>>>>> Internet-enabled innovation. The FI-PPP accelerates the development and
>>>>>> adoption of Future Internet technologies in Europe, advancing the European
>>>>>> market for smart infrastructures and increasing the effectiveness of
>>>>>> business processes through the Internet
>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>> Fiware-comms mailing listFiware-comms at lists.fi-ware.euhttps://lists.fi-ware.eu/listinfo/fiware-comms
>>>>>> ------------------------------
>>>>>> Este mensaje se dirige exclusivamente a su destinatario. Puede
>>>>>> consultar nuestra política de envío y recepción de correo electrónico en el
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>>>>>> This message is intended exclusively for its addressee. We only send
>>>>>> and receive email on the basis of the terms set out at:
>>>>>> http://www.tid.es/ES/PAGINAS/disclaimer.aspx
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>>>>> Fiware-comms mailing list
>>>>> Fiware-comms at lists.fi-ware.eu
>>>>> https://lists.fi-ware.eu/listinfo/fiware-comms
>>>> --
>>>> Saludos/Regards,
>>>> Angeles Tejado
>>>> Account Supervisor
>>>> OgilvyOne Worldwide Madrid
>>>> Office: +34-91-4512179
>>>> Cell: +34-608508873
>>>> E-mail: angeles.tejado at ogilvy.com
>>>> Privileged/Confidential Information may be contained in this message. If
>>>> you are not the addressee indicated in this message, you should destroy
>>>> this message. For more information on WPP's business ethical standards
>>>> and corporate responsibility policies, please refer to WPP's website.
>> --
>> Saludos/Regards,
>> Angeles Tejado
>> Account Supervisor
>> OgilvyOne Worldwide Madrid
>> Office: +34-91-4512179
>> Cell: +34-608508873
>> E-mail: angeles.tejado at ogilvy.com
>> Privileged/Confidential Information may be contained in this message. If
>> you are not the addressee indicated in this message, you should destroy
>> this message. For more information on WPP's business ethical standards
>> and corporate responsibility policies, please refer to WPP's website.
> --
> Saludos/Regards,
> Angeles Tejado
> Account Supervisor
> OgilvyOne Worldwide Madrid
> Office: +34-91-4512179
> Cell: +34-608508873
> E-mail: angeles.tejado at ogilvy.com
> Privileged/Confidential Information may be contained in this message. If
> you are not the addressee indicated in this message, you should destroy
> this message. For more information on WPP's business ethical standards
> and corporate responsibility policies, please refer to WPP's website.
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