Hola, Comparto con vosotros la template del deliverable D12.4.2. Aquí podemos y debemos ir subiendo la información relevante a las tareas de FI-WARE que se realicen en la Campus de Brasil. Es similar al documento que subió en su día Juanjo para la CPE en Londres. Hay apartados para el stand (3.5) y los materiales de promo (3.6) en los que Ogilvy puede ir incluyendo algunos textos. Hay otros apartados que iremos (FNE) completando nosotros, como por ejemplo los de las sesiones y workshops. https://docs.google.com/a/futuranetworks.com/document/d/1KTQDeaakGiNj0aNkbc9EwfiYo0gojHtR_NY9mIkj_6E/edit?usp=drive_web Como existe otro deliverable exclusivo para retos, recomiendo que en éste no nos centremos en los retos o en acciones de difusión que son exclusivas de retos y que no tienen que ver con CPBR. Está bien mencionar los retos y sí se puede hablar como digo de cosas que les afecten, por ejemplo el stand, porque aunque también sirva para acciones relacionadas con los retos (coaching) pues no deja de ser un elemento que está en la CPBR y que sirve para más cosas - y además es que tenemos que ponerlo en algún sitio - pero vaya que no nos centremos en retos porque hay un deliverable que ya los va a explicar de arriba a abajo (D12.5.1). Por favor comprobad que podéis editar el documento. Podemos cambiar algunos encabezados si identificáis cosas que faltan o si tenéis sugerencias del tipo que sea. Muchas gracias, Javier -------- Mensaje original -------- Asunto: D12.4.2 Report on Campus Party Events (FI-WARE Activities-Actions) 0.1 (javier.devicente at futuranetworks.com) Fecha: Mon, 20 Jan 2014 16:14:53 +0000 De: Javier de Vicente (Google Drive) <javier.devicente at futuranetworks.com> Para: javier.devicente at futuranetworks.com He compartido un elemento contigo Documento D12.4.2 Report on Campus Party Events (FI-WARE Activities-Actions) 0.1 <https://docs.google.com/a/futuranetworks.com/document/d/1KTQDeaakGiNj0aNkbc9EwfiYo0gojHtR_NY9mIkj_6E/edit?usp=sharing> Instantánea del elemento debajo: D12.4.2 Report on Campus Party Events (FI-WARE Activities-Actions) 0.1 Future Internet Core Platform Private Public Partnership Project (PPP) Large-scale Integrated Project (IP) D12.4.2: Report on Campus Party Events (FI-WARE Activities/Actions) Project acronym: FI-WARE Project full title: Future Internet Core Platform Contract No.: 285248 Strategic Objective: FI.ICT-2011.1.7 Technology foundation: Future Internet Core Platform Project Document Number: ICT-2011-FI-285248-WP12-D12.4.2 Project Document Date: 2014-02-XXXXXXXX Deliverable Type and Security: PU Author: FI-WARE Consortium Contributors: FI-WARE Consortium ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Executive Summary This report is part of Dissemination Activities task, as framed in the Communication, Collaboration and Dissemination activities of the FI-WARE project. As part of the dissemination actions proposed by the partners selected during FI-WARE’s third call for new partners, the project is going to be presented in various Campus Party events between 2013 and 2014. Periodic reports will be published after these events. More specifically – but also depending on the own Campus Party dates: * The first report was delivered in October 2013, about the Campus Party Europe in London (held during September 2013). * This report had to be delivered in February 2014 since the Campus Party Europe in Sao Paulo ended on the 1st of February 2014. * The final one should be delivered by Summer 2014, again depending on the CP dates This very document is the report that summarizes all the FI-WARE activities that took place at the Campus Party Brazil in Sao Paulo. Its index follows that of the previous report, and will be also followed by the last document. Please note that this document is complemented by, and complements, D12.2.5 “Report on Communication and Dissemination activities”, especially on the chapters about promotional materials and dissemination actions through social networks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. About This Document This report is the second of this task’s series of three documents summarizing the activities carried out in the framework of FI-WARE during the various Campus Party events in which the project is going to be presented. This document focuses on the Campus Party Brazil (CPBR) in Sao Paulo. 3. Intended Audience The document targets all types of stakeholders, especially public authorities, sponsors, venture capitalists and entrepreneurs. It is not a technical document, though it is also of interest to the developers community. 4. Acknowledgements The current document has been elaborated using a number of collaborative tools, with the help of OG1 and also TID as Project Coordinators. 5. Keyword list Campus Party, Campusero, Developer, Web Entrepreneur, Venture Capitalist, SME, Community, Geek, Hackathon, Challenges, End-users, FI-WARE, PPP, Architecture Board, Steering Board, Roadmap, Reference Architecture, Generic Enabler, Open Specifications, Developers Community and Tools, ICT. 6. Changes History <#><#> Release Major changes description Date Editor v0.XXX First draft of deliverable, submission to TID 2014-02-XXX Javier de Vicente, Esther Paniagua, Iris Rubio, Eduardo Martín, Raúl Sánchez, Fátima Ruiz Clavijo, Belén Ruigómez (FNE), Miguel A. Expósito (AE3), Isabel Rosado (AE3) v0.YYY Improvements in Chapter ZZZZ 2014-02-YYY Javier de Vicente (FNE) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7. 8. Table of Contents 1.1Executive Summary 1.2About This Document 1.3Intended Audience 1.4Acknowledgements 1.5Keyword list 1.6Changes History 1.8Table of Contents 1.9Table of Figures 2Campus Party 2.1Rationale 2.2Venue and location 2.3The CPBR in figures 3FI-WARE activities at Campus Party Brazil 2014 3.1Overview 3.2Sessions 3.2.1FI-WARE: Open APIs for Open Minds 3.2.2Programming with FI-WARE 3.2.3M2M, Smart Cities and FI-WARE (Round table) 3.2.4Smart Business (Round table) 3.2.5FI-WARE Applications in Robotics 3.3Workshops 3.3.1Developing your first application using FI-WARE 3.4Branding: Presence of FI-WARE at the CPBR 3.5The FI-WARE stand at the CPBR 3.6Promotional materials distributed at the CPBR 4Other communication activities 5Lessons learnt and conclusions Annex I: add if needed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9. Table of Figures Figure 1. Campus Party Brazil in Sao Paulo. Logo Figure 2. Anhembi Park Figure 3. Venue Map Figure 4. The Live Quarter Figure 5. The Live Quarter (2) Figure 6. Campuseros’ tents at the CPBR Figure 7. The main stage at the CPBR Figure 8. The FI-WARE Opening at the CPBR Figure 9. The Pythagoras Stage from the audience's perspective Figure 10. The queue for the first FI-WARE workshop Figure 12. The large panel with ……. Figure 13. The large banner at the Live Quarter, as seen from the registration booths Figure 14. The large hanging banners at the Live Quarter Figure 15. Preparing the launch of the FI-WARE stand Figure 16. EC representatives at the FI-WARE stand – first-hand experiencing the Campus Party Figure 17. A different perspective of the FI-WARE stand (notice the panel of partners, the Rasperry Pi and the promotional tees) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Campus Party 10. Rationale Campus PartyTM is a global and successful growing concept created in 1997 by a group of Spanish entrepreneurs, and today it is one of the most important events in ICT, and a technology & human ecosystem around the biggest geek social network that includes Public Administrations, large companies and SMEs, active internet communities and NGOs that help us to impulse a more digital and cooperative society through the use of technology advances. Check http://www,campus-party.org The community around Campus Party includes technology heavy users, opinion leaders, researchers, entrepreneurs and creative minds that are ready to identify new opportunities to create daring things for a better society. As of October 2013 this community has exceed 300,000 “campuseros” from 130 different countries. Campus Party is also a meeting point where supply meets demand between private companies, public institutions and ICT experts. Today, Campus Party is reaching 8 different countries: Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Spain, Mexico, Peru, UK and Germany; and the next steps for its global internationalization include India, Kazakhstan, China, Russia, Greece and Israel, among others. Campus Party is a unique model with more than 500 hours of lectures, forums, hands-on workshops, debates, ”hackathons” and challenges related to different ICT topics. These take place in several stages around four big-theme areas: Science, Innovation, Creativity and Digital Entertainment. Each edition features experts who share the most innovative trends with the participants. Examples include: Al Gore, Nobel Prize of Peace 2007; Sir Tim Berners-Lee and Vinton “Vint” Cerf, fathers of the Internet; Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin; Stephen Hawking; Paulo Coelho; Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple; John “Maddog” Hall, developer of Linux, and Don Tapscott, among many others. All of them maintain a high level of commitment and involvement with the Campus PartyTM project and they are part of our “Campusero” community. Campus Party counts with the maximum institutional and private support in every hosting country, with the presence of Prime Ministers, Presidents and Ministers, local institutions and municipalities, local development agencies and national or multilateral public organizations such as the SEGIB or the European Commission, among others. <<<<<<<<< CPBR7 LOGO HERE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Figure 1. Campus Party Brazil in Sao Paulo. Logo It is really an asset for FI-WARE taking active part in several Campus Party events. The project gets a totally revolutionary exposure to the real world of developers out there, who have the opportunity to experience and test the FI-WARE applications and spread the word. Campus Party’s ecosystem is also filled with venture capitalists and entrepreneurs alike, and they also get to know the details of FI-WARE first hand, being able to explore the possibilities that such a technology can deliver. After London (September 2013), Sao Paulo was chosen to be the hosting city for the second public presentation of the FI-WARE results at a Campus Party, and the first in South America. This will include the presentation of the FI-LAB (FI-WARE Open Innovation Lab http://lab.fi-ware.eu/) there. According to (October 2012) official data from the Technology & Innovation Ministry, Brazil’s IT sector has employed about 1.2 million people and is on pace to generate 900,000 new jobs by the year 2022. The reader can visit http://www.campus-party.com.br/2014/index.html and have all the details on the CPBR. 11. Venue and location The premises of Anhembi Park (São Paulo in Avenida Olavo Fontoura, 1.209) hosted the CPBR event from Monday the 27th of January 2014 to Sunday the 2nd of February. Anhembi Park is a ………….. located ……… in Sao Paulo, and it is characterized for being ………. <<<<<<<<< ANHEMBI PARK PIC HERE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Figure 2. Anhembi Park As usual, the venue featured several stages, focused on specific themes. The main stage (see http://www.campus-party.com.br/2014/palco-principal.html for more details) is the home and platform for keynote speakers …. <name which FIWARE activities take place here>>>>>> The Pythagoras stage (see http://www.campus-party.com.br/2014/pitagoras.html for more details) is the developers’ stage, and several FI-WARE interventions took place here. Other contents included …………….. Other stages include the Archimedes stage (Open source, Security; see http://www.campus-party.com.br/2014/arquimedes.html), the Hypatia stage (E-Commerce, social media, education 2.0 and big data; see http://www.campus-party.com.br/2014/Hypatia.html), the Galileo stage (robotics, innovative materials; see http://www.campus-party.com.br/2014/galileu.html), the Gutenberg stage for startups (see http://www.campus-party.com.br/2014/gutenberg.html), the Michelangelo stage for multimedia (see http://www.campus-party.com.br/2014/michelangelo.html), and others. <<<<<< VENUE MAP HERE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Figure 3. Venue Map The Live Quarter is where all the stands are and the workshops take place. It is also – hence its name – the area that the campuseros occupy, the zone that is bursting with ideas, information exchanges and the heat from the hardware. <<<<<< LIVE QUARTER CPBR HERE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Figure 4. The Live Quarter <<<<<< LIVE QUARTER (2) CPBR HERE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Figure 5. The Live Quarter (2) Just as in the CPE London, late at night and sometimes early in the morning, the campuseros go back to their tents in the camping area and have a quick rest. At least half of the campuseros sleep in the camping area. <<<<<< CAMPING AREA CPBR >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Figure 6. Campuseros’ tents at the CPBR 12. The CPBR in figures This section is a collection of bullet-pointed key messages, focusing on the facts and figures of the CPBR in Sao Paulo: * One of * ……. * …… * ……. * ……. * ……. * ……. * ……. * ……. * ……. * ……. * ……. * ……. * ……. * ……. * ……. * ……. * ……. * ……. * ……. * …… <<<<<< MAIN STAGE CPBR >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Figure 7. The main stage at the CPBR ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. FI-WARE activities at Campus Party Brazil 2014 13. Overview This chapter is broken down into four categories: sessions, workshops, branding and the FI-WARE stand. The sessions were published at …………………………. and the workshops were published at ……………………………………. The main difference between these activities is that sessions were not necessarily technical, but rather conceptual, serving as introductory, institutional and high-level pills for gathering the attention of developers, entrepreneurs and public bodies present at the CPBR. Workshops were very technical, and aimed exclusively at the developer community: the later included workshops on the architecture and building blocks that FI-WARE delivers and that are aimed at Internet of Things, ……………………………. The reader should note that the “Description” paragraph is the text as used internally for creating the CPBR website’s contents that accompanied each conference or workshop; then, “Further Considerations” are given, after our on-the-field experience during the CPBR, and these considerations include updated information like number of attendees, questions asked and overall result. This approach was followed for D12.4.1 as well. The branding activities to visually promote FI-WARE at the CPBR are also listed and this is then linked to the presence of FI-WARE through our project’s stand at the Campus Party. 14. Sessions 1. FI-WARE: Open APIs for Open Minds Where: Main Stage When: Tuesday, 28th of January, 11:00 AM - 12.00 AM Description^[1] <#ftnt1> : Translate website entry. 1. Further considerations^[2] <#ftnt2> To be completed on site. <<<<<<<<<< FIWARE opening at CPBR. Pic >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Figure 8. The FI-WARE Opening at the CPBR 2. Programming with FI-WARE Where: Pythagoras (Developers’) Stage When: Tuesday, 28th of January, 17:00 PM - 18.00 PM Description:translate website entry <<<<<<<<<<< PIC here >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Figure 9. The Pythagoras Stage from the audience's perspective 2. Further considerations To be completed onsite 3. M2M, Smart Cities and FI-WARE (Round table) Where: Galileo Stage When: Wednesday, 29th of January, 17:00 PM - 18.15 PM Description:Translate website entry 3. Further considerations To be completed onsite 4. Smart Business (Round table) Where: Hypathia Stage When: Thursday, 30th of January, 17:00 PM - 18.15 PM Description:Translate website entry 4. Further considerations To be completed onsite 5. FI-WARE Applications in Robotics Where: Galileo Stage When: Saturday, 1st of February, 15:45 PM - 16.45 PM Description:Translate website entry 5. Further considerations To be completed onsite 15. Workshops 6. Developing your first application using FI-WARE Where: “Workshop III” space When: Wednesday, 29th of January and Thursday, 30th of January, 16:45 PM – 18:45 PM Description^[3] <#ftnt3> : translate website entry 6. Further considerations To be written on site. <<<<<<<< attendees at the workshop >>>>>>>> Figure 10. The queue for the first FI-WARE workshop 16. Branding: Presence of FI-WARE at the CPBR FI-WARE had a very strong presence in the latest CPBR in Sao Paulo. The sponsorship was equivalent to one and a half Gold sponsorships. This not only ensures proper branding but also, as seen in the previous chapters, a sufficient number of sessions and workshops. Back to the panels and banners, these included: * Panel #1: where and which dimensions * Same #2 * Etc * …. <<<< representative pannel. Pic here >>>>>>>>>>> Figure 12. The large panel with ……. With regards to the digital signage: * Partner branding on ……. Where, which screen, dimensions and messages * #2 * #3 * etc * … Comparison to other sponsors. This was effectively complemented by the fact that around XXXXXXXXXXX members of the consortium – including more than YYYYYYYYYYYY developers from the FI-WARE technical teams – were physically present and ready to help the campuseros. FI-WARE appeared as a reality supporting developers, entrepreneurs and the CPBR infrastructure itself. FI-WARE, again, was there for them. <<<<<<< more banners or pannels >>>>>>>>>>> Figure 13. The large banner at the Live Quarter, as seen from the registration booths <<<<<<< more banners or pannels >>>>>>>>>>> Figure 14. The large hanging banners at the Live Quarter 17. The FI-WARE stand at the CPBR The FI-WARE stand was located at ……… <<<<<<<<<< stand >>>>>>>>> Figure 15. Preparing the launch of the FI-WARE stand The FI-WARE team of developers was seating next to the stand, willing to help the participants of the FI-WARE Challenges and any other people interested in FI-WARE. <<<<< institutional activities / visit >>>>>>>>>> Figure 16. EC representatives at the FI-WARE stand – first-hand experiencing the Campus Party The stand also acted as a meeting point for institutional activities, like the visit of the EC representatives, and for operational issues like meeting the Challenges teams prior to their presentations to the FI-WARE team, and giving away the FI-WARE promotional materials. At all times, members of the consortium were at the FI-WARE stand, acting as ambassadors of the project and its outcomes. <<<<< more pics of the stand etc >>>>>>>>> Figure 17. A different perspective of the FI-WARE stand (notice the panel of partners, the Rasperry Pi and the promotional tees) 18. Promotional materials distributed at the CPBR As stated in D12.2.X (check which deliverable and which chapter) various different promotional materials were produced for FI-WARE’s promotion at the CPBR. * T-Shirts: … * Caps: …. * Mouse pads: … * … The reader is directed to D12.2.X (check which deliverable for finding the details on the design of such promotional materials. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. Other communication activities Please be referred to check chapter check deliverable for specific details on the dissemination actions carried out to ensure visibility, interest and participation in all the FI-WARE activities at the CPBR in Sao Paulo. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. Lessons learnt and conclusions Fill this in when document is ready. Check D12.4.1 so we show progress ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Annex I: add if needed This section introduces …. D12.4.2: Report on Campus Party Events (FI-WARE Activities/Actions) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1] <#ftnt_ref1>As used internally for creating the CPBR website’s texts that accompanied each conference (see ………………………….. <weblink>) [2] <#ftnt_ref2>Updated information (if applicable) and other considerations like number of attendees, questions asked and overall result. [3] <#ftnt_ref3>As used internally for creating the CPBR website’s texts that accompanied each workshop (see ……………………) Google Drive: crea y comparte contenido, y guárdalo todo en un solo lugar. Logotipo de Google Drive <https://drive.google.com> -- Javier de Vicente Corporate & Government Affairs Futura Networks, S.L. Av. de Atenas 10 28290, Las Rozas, Madrid – Spain phone: +34 910808353 skype: fjaviervicente http://www.campus-party.org
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