[Fiware-comms] Documento reporting de Actividades de FI-WARE en CPBR

Javier de Vicente javier.devicente at futuranetworks.com
Mon Jan 20 18:43:04 CET 2014

Hola Pablo,

Exacto, la idea es repetir lo que hicimos (y que creo que fue muy bien) 
en D12.4.1 (Campus) y D12.2.4 (Comunicación), en los que a veces se 
mencionaba el otro deliverable como una referencia para que el PO o el 
revisor pudiera ampliar datos. Pero sin llegar a repetir texto entre los 
documentos ni a pisarnos contenido.

Si estamos al tanto a través de comms seguro que podemos trabajar en la 
misma línea y que salga todo bien.

Gracias por la puntualización!

El 20/01/14 17:47, Pablo Honrubia escribió:
> Gracias Javier.
> He accedido al documento y podemos editarlo, aparentemente, sin problemas.
> Nosotros por nuestra parte estamos trabajando en el otro deliverable 
> (D12.2.5: Report on Communication, Collaboration and Dissemination 
> Activities) que comprende todas las actividades de comunicación. En 
> este también haremos mención a CPBR7 y a los Challenges, pero 
> centrados en el trabajo de diseño y producción de piezas, como 
> corresponde.
> Es importante que los documentos estén coordinados para evitar 
> referencias cruzadas.
> Estamos en contacto.
> Gracias,
> Saludos,
> Pablo.
> 2014/1/20 Javier de Vicente <javier.devicente at futuranetworks.com 
> <mailto:javier.devicente at futuranetworks.com>>
>     Hola,
>     Comparto con vosotros la template del deliverable D12.4.2. Aquí
>     podemos y debemos ir subiendo la información relevante a las
>     tareas de FI-WARE que se realicen en la Campus de Brasil. Es
>     similar al documento que subió en su día Juanjo para la CPE en
>     Londres.
>     Hay apartados para el stand (3.5) y los materiales de promo (3.6)
>     en los que Ogilvy puede ir incluyendo algunos textos.
>     Hay otros apartados que iremos (FNE) completando nosotros, como
>     por ejemplo los de las sesiones y workshops.
>     https://docs.google.com/a/futuranetworks.com/document/d/1KTQDeaakGiNj0aNkbc9EwfiYo0gojHtR_NY9mIkj_6E/edit?usp=drive_web
>     Como existe otro deliverable exclusivo para retos, recomiendo que
>     en éste no nos centremos en los retos o en acciones de difusión
>     que son exclusivas de retos y que no tienen que ver con CPBR.
>     Está bien mencionar los retos y sí se puede hablar como digo de
>     cosas que les afecten, por ejemplo el stand, porque aunque también
>     sirva para acciones relacionadas con los retos (coaching) pues no
>     deja de ser un elemento que está en la CPBR y que sirve para más
>     cosas - y además es que tenemos que ponerlo en algún sitio - pero
>     vaya que no nos centremos en retos porque hay un deliverable que
>     ya los va a explicar de arriba a abajo (D12.5.1).
>     Por favor comprobad que podéis editar el documento.
>     Podemos cambiar algunos encabezados si identificáis cosas que
>     faltan o si tenéis sugerencias del tipo que sea.
>     Muchas gracias,
>     Javier
>     -------- Mensaje original --------
>     Asunto:         D12.4.2 Report on Campus Party Events (FI-WARE
>     Activities-Actions) 0.1 (javier.devicente at futuranetworks.com
>     <mailto:javier.devicente at futuranetworks.com>)
>     Fecha:  Mon, 20 Jan 2014 16:14:53 +0000
>     De:     Javier de Vicente (Google Drive)
>     <javier.devicente at futuranetworks.com
>     <mailto:javier.devicente at futuranetworks.com>>
>     Para: javier.devicente at futuranetworks.com
>     <mailto:javier.devicente at futuranetworks.com>
>     He compartido un elemento contigo
>     Documento       D12.4.2 Report on Campus Party Events (FI-WARE
>     Activities-Actions) 0.1
>     <https://docs.google.com/a/futuranetworks.com/document/d/1KTQDeaakGiNj0aNkbc9EwfiYo0gojHtR_NY9mIkj_6E/edit?usp=sharing>
>     Instantánea del elemento debajo:
>     D12.4.2 Report on Campus Party Events (FI-WARE Activities-Actions) 0.1
>     Future Internet Core Platform
>     Private Public Partnership Project (PPP)
>     Large-scale Integrated Project (IP)
>             D12.4.2: Report on Campus Party Events (FI-WARE
>     Activities/Actions)
>     Project acronym: FI-WARE
>     Project full title: Future Internet Core Platform
>     Contract No.: 285248
>     Strategic Objective: FI.ICT-2011.1.7 Technology foundation: Future
>     Internet Core Platform
>     Project Document Number: ICT-2011-FI-285248-WP12-D12.4.2
>     Project Document Date: 2014-02-XXXXXXXX
>     Deliverable Type and Security: PU
>     Author: FI-WARE Consortium
>     Contributors: FI-WARE Consortium
>     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     1. Executive Summary
>     This report is part of Dissemination Activities task, as framed in
>     the Communication, Collaboration and Dissemination activities of
>     the FI-WARE project.
>     As part of the dissemination actions proposed by the partners
>     selected during FI-WARE’s third call for new partners, the project
>     is going to be presented in various Campus Party events between
>     2013 and 2014. Periodic reports will be published after these
>     events. More specifically – but also depending on the own Campus
>     Party dates:
>      * The first report was delivered in October 2013, about the Campus
>        Party Europe in London (held during September 2013).
>      * This report had to be delivered in February 2014 since the Campus
>        Party Europe in Sao Paulo ended on the 1st of February 2014.
>      * The final one should be delivered by Summer 2014, again
>     depending on
>        the CP dates
>     This very document is the report that summarizes all the FI-WARE
>     activities that took place at the Campus Party Brazil in Sao
>     Paulo. Its index follows that of the previous report, and will be
>     also followed by the last document. Please note that this document
>     is complemented by, and complements, D12.2.5 “Report on
>     Communication and Dissemination activities”, especially on the
>     chapters about promotional materials and dissemination actions
>     through social networks.
>     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     2. About This Document
>     This report is the second of this task’s series of three documents
>     summarizing the activities carried out in the framework of FI-WARE
>     during the various Campus Party events in which the project is
>     going to be presented. This document focuses on the Campus Party
>     Brazil (CPBR) in Sao Paulo.
>     3. Intended Audience
>     The document targets all types of stakeholders, especially public
>     authorities, sponsors, venture capitalists and entrepreneurs. It
>     is not a technical document, though it is also of interest to the
>     developers community.
>     4. Acknowledgements
>     The current document has been elaborated using a number of
>     collaborative tools, with the help of OG1 and also TID as Project
>     Coordinators.
>     5. Keyword list
>     Campus Party, Campusero, Developer, Web Entrepreneur, Venture
>     Capitalist, SME, Community, Geek, Hackathon, Challenges,
>     End-users, FI-WARE, PPP, Architecture Board, Steering Board,
>     Roadmap, Reference Architecture, Generic Enabler, Open
>     Specifications, Developers Community and Tools, ICT.
>     6. Changes History
>     <#><#>
>     Release
>     Major changes description
>     Date
>     Editor
>     v0.XXX
>     First draft of deliverable, submission to TID
>     2014-02-XXX
>     Javier de Vicente, Esther Paniagua, Iris Rubio, Eduardo Martín,
>     Raúl Sánchez, Fátima Ruiz Clavijo, Belén Ruigómez (FNE), Miguel A.
>     Expósito (AE3), Isabel Rosado (AE3)
>     v0.YYY
>     Improvements in Chapter ZZZZ
>     2014-02-YYY
>     Javier de Vicente (FNE)
>     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     7.
>     8. Table of Contents
>     1.1Executive Summary
>     1.2About This Document
>     1.3Intended Audience
>     1.4Acknowledgements
>     1.5Keyword list
>     1.6Changes History
>     1.8Table of Contents
>     1.9Table of Figures
>     2Campus Party
>     2.1Rationale
>     2.2Venue and location
>     2.3The CPBR in figures
>     3FI-WARE activities at Campus Party Brazil 2014
>     3.1Overview
>     3.2Sessions
>     3.2.1FI-WARE: Open APIs for Open Minds
>     3.2.2Programming with FI-WARE
>     3.2.3M2M, Smart Cities and FI-WARE (Round table)
>     3.2.4Smart Business (Round table)
>     3.2.5FI-WARE Applications in Robotics
>     3.3Workshops
>     3.3.1Developing your first application using FI-WARE
>     3.4Branding: Presence of FI-WARE at the CPBR
>     3.5The FI-WARE stand at the CPBR
>     3.6Promotional materials distributed at the CPBR
>     4Other communication activities
>     5Lessons learnt and conclusions
>     Annex I: add if needed
>     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     9. Table of Figures
>     Figure 1. Campus Party Brazil in Sao Paulo. Logo
>     Figure 2. Anhembi Park
>     Figure 3. Venue Map
>     Figure 4. The Live Quarter
>     Figure 5. The Live Quarter (2)
>     Figure 6. Campuseros’ tents at the CPBR
>     Figure 7. The main stage at the CPBR
>     Figure 8. The FI-WARE Opening at the CPBR
>     Figure 9. The Pythagoras Stage from the audience's perspective
>     Figure 10. The queue for the first FI-WARE workshop
>     Figure 12. The large panel with …….
>     Figure 13. The large banner at the Live Quarter, as seen from the
>     registration booths
>     Figure 14. The large hanging banners at the Live Quarter
>     Figure 15. Preparing the launch of the FI-WARE stand
>     Figure 16. EC representatives at the FI-WARE stand – first-hand
>     experiencing the Campus Party
>     Figure 17. A different perspective of the FI-WARE stand (notice
>     the panel of partners, the Rasperry Pi and the promotional tees)
>     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     1. Campus Party
>     10. Rationale
>     Campus PartyTM is a global and successful growing concept created
>     in 1997 by a group of Spanish entrepreneurs, and today it is one
>     of the most important events in ICT, and a technology & human
>     ecosystem around the biggest geek social network that includes
>     Public Administrations, large companies and SMEs, active internet
>     communities and NGOs that help us to impulse a more digital and
>     cooperative society through the use of technology advances. Check
>     http://www,campus-party.org <http://campus-party.org>
>     The community around Campus Party includes technology heavy users,
>     opinion leaders, researchers, entrepreneurs and creative minds
>     that are ready to identify new opportunities to create daring
>     things for a better society. As of October 2013 this community has
>     exceed 300,000 “campuseros” from 130 different countries. Campus
>     Party is also a meeting point where supply meets demand between
>     private companies, public institutions and ICT experts.
>     Today, Campus Party is reaching 8 different countries: Brazil,
>     Colombia, Ecuador, Spain, Mexico, Peru, UK and Germany; and the
>     next steps for its global internationalization include India,
>     Kazakhstan, China, Russia, Greece and Israel, among others.
>     Campus Party is a unique model with more than 500 hours of
>     lectures, forums, hands-on workshops, debates, ”hackathons” and
>     challenges related to different ICT topics. These take place in
>     several stages around four big-theme areas: Science, Innovation,
>     Creativity and Digital Entertainment. Each edition features
>     experts who share the most innovative trends with the
>     participants. Examples include: Al Gore, Nobel Prize of Peace
>     2007; Sir Tim Berners-Lee and Vinton “Vint” Cerf, fathers of the
>     Internet; Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin; Stephen Hawking; Paulo
>     Coelho; Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple; John “Maddog” Hall,
>     developer of Linux, and Don Tapscott, among many others. All of
>     them maintain a high level of commitment and involvement with the
>     Campus PartyTM project and they are part of our “Campusero” community.
>     Campus Party counts with the maximum institutional and private
>     support in every hosting country, with the presence of Prime
>     Ministers, Presidents and Ministers, local institutions and
>     municipalities, local development agencies and national or
>     multilateral public organizations such as the SEGIB or the
>     European Commission, among others.
>     <<<<<<<<< CPBR7 LOGO HERE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>     Figure 1. Campus Party Brazil in Sao Paulo. Logo
>     It is really an asset for FI-WARE taking active part in several
>     Campus Party events. The project gets a totally revolutionary
>     exposure to the real world of developers out there, who have the
>     opportunity to experience and test the FI-WARE applications and
>     spread the word. Campus Party’s ecosystem is also filled with
>     venture capitalists and entrepreneurs alike, and they also get to
>     know the details of FI-WARE first hand, being able to explore the
>     possibilities that such a technology can deliver.
>     After London (September 2013), Sao Paulo was chosen to be the
>     hosting city for the second public presentation of the FI-WARE
>     results at a Campus Party, and the first in South America. This
>     will include the presentation of the FI-LAB (FI-WARE Open
>     Innovation Lab http://lab.fi-ware.eu/) there. According to
>     (October 2012) official data from the Technology & Innovation
>     Ministry, Brazil’s IT sector has employed about 1.2 million people
>     and is on pace to generate 900,000 new jobs by the year 2022.
>     The reader can visit
>     http://www.campus-party.com.br/2014/index.html and have all the
>     details on the CPBR.
>     11. Venue and location
>     The premises of Anhembi Park (São Paulo in Avenida Olavo Fontoura,
>     1.209) hosted the CPBR event from Monday the 27th of January 2014
>     to Sunday the 2nd of February. Anhembi Park is a ………….. located
>     ……… in Sao Paulo, and it is characterized for being ……….
>     <<<<<<<<< ANHEMBI PARK PIC HERE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>     Figure 2. Anhembi Park
>     As usual, the venue featured several stages, focused on specific
>     themes.
>     The main stage (see
>     http://www.campus-party.com.br/2014/palco-principal.html for more
>     details) is the home and platform for keynote speakers …. <name
>     which FIWARE activities take place here>>>>>>
>     The Pythagoras stage (see
>     http://www.campus-party.com.br/2014/pitagoras.html for more
>     details) is the developers’ stage, and several FI-WARE
>     interventions took place here. Other contents included ……………..
>     Other stages include the Archimedes stage (Open source, Security;
>     see http://www.campus-party.com.br/2014/arquimedes.html), the
>     Hypatia stage (E-Commerce, social media, education 2.0 and big
>     data; see http://www.campus-party.com.br/2014/Hypatia.html), the
>     Galileo stage (robotics, innovative materials; see
>     http://www.campus-party.com.br/2014/galileu.html), the Gutenberg
>     stage for startups (see
>     http://www.campus-party.com.br/2014/gutenberg.html), the
>     Michelangelo stage for multimedia (see
>     http://www.campus-party.com.br/2014/michelangelo.html), and others.
>     <<<<<< VENUE MAP HERE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>     Figure 3. Venue Map
>     The Live Quarter is where all the stands are and the workshops
>     take place. It is also – hence its name – the area that the
>     campuseros occupy, the zone that is bursting with ideas,
>     information exchanges and the heat from the hardware.
>     <<<<<< LIVE QUARTER CPBR HERE  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>     Figure 4. The Live Quarter
>     <<<<<< LIVE QUARTER (2) CPBR HERE  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>     Figure 5. The Live Quarter (2)
>     Just as in the CPE London, late at night and sometimes early in
>     the morning, the campuseros go back to their tents in the camping
>     area and have a quick rest. At least half of the campuseros sleep
>     in the camping area.
>     <<<<<< CAMPING AREA CPBR  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>     Figure 6. Campuseros’ tents at the CPBR
>     12. The CPBR in figures
>     This section is a collection of bullet-pointed key messages,
>     focusing on the facts and figures of the CPBR in Sao Paulo:
>      * One of
>      * …….
>      * ……
>      * …….
>      * …….
>      * …….
>      * …….
>      * …….
>      * …….
>      * …….
>      * …….
>      * …….
>      * …….
>      * …….
>      * …….
>      * …….
>      * …….
>      * …….
>      * …….
>      * …….
>      * ……
>     <<<<<< MAIN STAGE CPBR  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>     Figure 7. The main stage at the CPBR
>     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     2. FI-WARE activities at Campus Party Brazil 2014
>     13. Overview
>     This chapter is broken down into four categories: sessions,
>     workshops, branding and the FI-WARE stand.
>     The sessions were published at …………………………. and the workshops were
>     published at ……………………………………. The main difference between these
>     activities is that sessions were not necessarily technical, but
>     rather conceptual, serving as introductory, institutional and
>     high-level pills for gathering the attention of developers,
>     entrepreneurs and public bodies present at the CPBR. Workshops
>     were very technical, and aimed exclusively at the developer
>     community: the later included workshops on the architecture and
>     building blocks that FI-WARE delivers and that are aimed at
>     Internet of Things, ……………………………. The reader should note that the
>     “Description” paragraph is the text as used internally for
>     creating the CPBR website’s contents that accompanied each
>     conference or workshop; then, “Further Considerations” are given,
>     after our on-the-field experience during the CPBR, and these
>     considerations include updated information like number of
>     attendees, questions asked and overall result. This approach was
>     followed for D12.4.1 as well.
>     The branding activities to visually promote FI-WARE at the CPBR
>     are also listed and this is then linked to the presence of FI-WARE
>     through our project’s stand at the Campus Party.
>     14. Sessions
>     1. FI-WARE: Open APIs for Open Minds
>     Where: Main Stage
>     When: Tuesday, 28th of January, 11:00 AM - 12.00 AM
>     Description^[1] <#ftnt1> : Translate website entry.
>     1. Further considerations^[2] <#ftnt2>
>     To be completed on site.
>     <<<<<<<<<< FIWARE opening at CPBR. Pic >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>     Figure 8. The FI-WARE Opening at the CPBR
>     2. Programming with FI-WARE
>     Where: Pythagoras (Developers’) Stage
>     When: Tuesday, 28th of January, 17:00 PM - 18.00 PM
>     Description:translate website entry
>     <<<<<<<<<<< PIC here >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>     Figure 9. The Pythagoras Stage from the audience's perspective
>     2. Further considerations
>     To be completed onsite
>     3. M2M, Smart Cities and FI-WARE (Round table)
>     Where: Galileo Stage
>     When: Wednesday, 29th of January, 17:00 PM - 18.15 PM
>     Description:Translate website entry
>     3. Further considerations
>     To be completed onsite
>     4. Smart Business (Round table)
>     Where: Hypathia Stage
>     When: Thursday, 30th of January, 17:00 PM - 18.15 PM
>     Description:Translate website entry
>     4. Further considerations
>     To be completed onsite
>     5. FI-WARE Applications in Robotics
>     Where: Galileo Stage
>     When: Saturday, 1st of February, 15:45 PM - 16.45 PM
>     Description:Translate website entry
>     5. Further considerations
>     To be completed onsite
>     15. Workshops
>     6. Developing your first application using FI-WARE
>     Where: “Workshop III” space
>     When: Wednesday, 29th of January and Thursday, 30th of January,
>     16:45 PM – 18:45 PM
>     Description^[3] <#ftnt3> : translate website entry
>     6. Further considerations
>     To be written on site.
>     <<<<<<<< attendees at the workshop >>>>>>>>
>     Figure 10. The queue for the first FI-WARE workshop
>     16. Branding: Presence of FI-WARE at the CPBR
>     FI-WARE had a very strong presence in the latest CPBR in Sao
>     Paulo. The sponsorship was equivalent to one and a half Gold
>     sponsorships. This not only ensures proper branding but also, as
>     seen in the previous chapters, a sufficient number of sessions and
>     workshops. Back to the panels and banners, these included:
>      * Panel #1: where and which dimensions
>      * Same #2
>      * Etc
>      * ….
>     <<<< representative pannel. Pic here >>>>>>>>>>>
>     Figure 12. The large panel with …….
>     With regards to the digital signage:
>      * Partner branding on ……. Where, which screen, dimensions and
>     messages
>      * #2
>      * #3
>      * etc
>      * …
>     Comparison to other sponsors.
>     This was effectively complemented by the fact that around
>     XXXXXXXXXXX members of the consortium – including more than
>     YYYYYYYYYYYY developers from the FI-WARE technical teams – were
>     physically present and ready to help the campuseros. FI-WARE
>     appeared as a reality supporting developers, entrepreneurs and the
>     CPBR infrastructure itself. FI-WARE, again, was there for them.
>     <<<<<<< more banners or pannels >>>>>>>>>>>
>     Figure 13. The large banner at the Live Quarter, as seen from the
>     registration booths
>     <<<<<<< more banners or pannels >>>>>>>>>>>
>     Figure 14. The large hanging banners at the Live Quarter
>     17. The FI-WARE stand at the CPBR
>     The FI-WARE stand was located at ………
>     <<<<<<<<<< stand >>>>>>>>>
>     Figure 15. Preparing the launch of the FI-WARE stand
>     The FI-WARE team of developers was seating next to the stand,
>     willing to help the participants of the FI-WARE Challenges and any
>     other people interested in FI-WARE.
>     <<<<< institutional activities / visit >>>>>>>>>>
>     Figure 16. EC representatives at the FI-WARE stand – first-hand
>     experiencing the Campus Party
>     The stand also acted as a meeting point for institutional
>     activities, like the visit of the EC representatives, and for
>     operational issues like meeting the Challenges teams prior to
>     their presentations to the FI-WARE team, and giving away the
>     FI-WARE promotional materials.
>     At all times, members of the consortium were at the FI-WARE stand,
>     acting as ambassadors of the project and its outcomes.
>     <<<<< more pics of the stand etc >>>>>>>>>
>     Figure 17. A different perspective of the FI-WARE stand (notice
>     the panel of partners, the Rasperry Pi and the promotional tees)
>     18. Promotional materials distributed at the CPBR
>     As stated in D12.2.X (check which deliverable and which chapter)
>     various different promotional materials were produced for
>     FI-WARE’s promotion at the CPBR.
>      * T-Shirts: …
>      * Caps: ….
>      * Mouse pads: …
>      * …
>     The reader is directed to D12.2.X (check which deliverable for
>     finding the details on the design of such promotional materials.
>     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     3. Other communication activities
>     Please be referred to check chapter check deliverable for specific
>     details on the dissemination actions carried out to ensure
>     visibility, interest and participation in all the FI-WARE
>     activities at the CPBR in Sao Paulo.
>     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     4. Lessons learnt and conclusions
>     Fill this in when document is ready. Check D12.4.1 so we show progress
>     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     Annex I: add if needed
>     This section introduces ….
>     D12.4.2: Report on Campus Party Events (FI-WARE Activities/Actions)
>     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     [1] <#ftnt_ref1>As used internally for creating the CPBR website’s
>     texts that accompanied each conference (see ………………………….. <weblink>)
>     [2] <#ftnt_ref2>Updated information (if applicable) and other
>     considerations like number of attendees, questions asked and
>     overall result.
>     [3] <#ftnt_ref3>As used internally for creating the CPBR website’s
>     texts that accompanied each workshop (see ……………………)
>     Google Drive: crea y comparte contenido, y guárdalo todo en un
>     solo lugar.      Logotipo de Google Drive <https://drive.google.com>
>     -- 
>     Javier de Vicente
>     Corporate & Government Affairs
>     Futura Networks, S.L.
>     Av. de Atenas 10
>     28290, Las Rozas, Madrid – Spain
>     phone: +34 910808353 <tel:%2B34%20910808353>
>     skype: fjaviervicente
>     http://www.campus-party.org
> Privileged/Confidential Information may be contained in this message. If
> you are not the addressee indicated in this message, you should destroy
> this message. For more information on WPP's business ethical standards
> and corporate responsibility policies, please refer to WPP's website.

Javier de Vicente
Corporate & Government Affairs
Futura Networks, S.L.
Av. de Atenas 10
28290, Las Rozas, Madrid – Spain
phone: +34 910808353
skype: fjaviervicente

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