[Fiware-comms] Fwd: Fwd: [FI-Guardian] Nova Friburgo Agreement

JUAN JOSE HIERRO SUREDA juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com
Sun Jul 27 01:58:25 CEST 2014


  Mirad a ver si podéis actualizar el vídeo de FI-Guardian en nuestro canal YouTube.


-- Juanjo

-------- Original Message --------
Subject:        Fwd: [FI-Guardian] Nova Friburgo Agreement
Date:   26/07/14 22:22
From:   Marcos Marinho Marconi <marconibox at gmail.com><mailto:marconibox at gmail.com>
To:     JUAN JOSE HIERRO SUREDA <juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com><mailto:juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com>

Dear Juan,

         The video has been edited and the word "european" has been dropped.
          It´s been the fastest way to have it fixed without recording it again.

          In order to update FI-WARE Youtube Channel, please use this link to download the video:


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: marconi <marconibox at gmail.com<mailto:marconibox at gmail.com>>
Date: 2014-07-26 12:59 GMT-03:00
Subject: Re: [FI-Guardian] Nova Friburgo Agreement
To: JUAN JOSE HIERRO SUREDA <juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com<mailto:juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com>>

Ok. It's totally understood. We'll  send the new version of the video until the end of the day. Thanks for your approval about the Nova Friburgo agreement.

Enviado por Samsung Mobile

-------- Mensagem original --------
Data:26/07/2014 1h37 (GMT-03:00)
Para: Marcos Marinho Marconi
Assunto: Re: [FI-Guardian] Nova Friburgo Agreement

I believe it's Ok ... congratulations !!!

BTW, if you plan to display a video like http://youtu.be/ehqPXeYOHaA during your presentantion, I believe that it would worth to drop the part at the beginning that FI-WARE is a "european platform".  We rather bet for it to be global and we bet that companies and goverments beyond Europe can not only use it but also contribute to it.  We want the platform to grow in an open community where everyone can join !!   I don't know if you have time but it may be worth as I have said (we would update it in our YouTube channel as soon as you send it)

Please make this point (the fact that FI-WARE is not european) in your presentation.

Thanks and, again, congratulations !!!

Enviado desde mi iPad

El 26/07/2014, a las 03:52, "Marcos Marinho Marconi" <marconibox at gmail.com<mailto:marconibox at gmail.com>> escribió:

> Dear Juan,
>      Today (July 25th) we had a meeting with the responsibles for the Civil Defense of Nova Friburgo City, which agreed to test FI-Guardian in the next rain period (Summer 2015 - for real situations).
>      It means that Nova Friburgo-RJ can be the first city in Brazil to embrace solutions developed with FI-WARE technologies.
>      Due to the importance of this real testing environment for the project, use case generation and publicity, there are no payments for us in this agreement.
>      So, I would like to know if you agree with this approach on your side and if I could  disclose this information during my speech at CSBC.
> Best regards and have a good trip to Brazil,
> Marcos Marconi


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