Hi, Please find below an issue from a developer. Thanks. Problems starting tiers in FIWARE lab Added by Tarquinio Mota <http://techsupport.creatifi.eu/users/70> about 21 hours <http://techsupport.creatifi.eu/projects/visualino/activity?from=2015-02-17> ago. Status:NewPriority:NormalAssignee:Barcelona Tech Support (Spain&Finland) Category:Barcelona Hub (Spain)Support Type:FIWARE Lab InfrastructureFIWARE Jira ID: ------------------------------ Quote <http://techsupport.creatifi.eu/issues/64/quoted> *Description* I'm having problems trying to start up a custom blueprint with 2 tiers (mysql 1.2.4 and apache2 4.0). Already tried installing different versions of Ubuntu and CentOS. The virtual machines are created properly, as far as I know. I can use ssh to connect to them. But I always get errors in the log related to apache instalation: Error: Error installing a product. Description:com.telefonica.euro_iaas.paasmanager.exception.ProductInstallatorException: Error installing product apache2-4.0 Error invokg SDC to Install Productapache2-4.0 4.0 SDCException. com.telefonica.euro_iaas.sdc.exception.NodeExecutionException: Recipe apache2 coub not be executed in test-webserver-1-011268: com.telefonica.euro_iaas.sdc.exception.NodeExecutionException: Recipe apache2 coub not be executed in test-webserver-1-011268. The product apache2-4.0 can not be installed in[[VM][ip =][hostname = test-webserver-1-011268][domain = ][fqn = 78871408-5b25-4976-9f55-fcf847c635c5][osType = ]] due to a problem when executing in node -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <https://lists.fiware.org/private/fiware-creatifi-coaching/attachments/20150218/faf7e50e/attachment.html>
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