[Fiware-creatifi-coaching] [creatiFI Benelux Hub] http://edu.fiware.org/ is down / forbidden

Andrea Maestrini amaestrini at create-net.org
Tue Jul 14 08:46:56 CEST 2015

Dear FIWARE coach,
we received an updated from a CreatiFI applicants who is asking for news
about his issue.
CreatiFI phase 1 finishes on 15th of July.
The developer needs an answer asap.
Could you provide some hints?
Thanks in advance.

On Mon, Jul 13, 2015 at 1:55 PM, Andrea Maestrini <amaestrini at create-net.org
> wrote:

> Dear FIWARE coach,
> we forward you a support request received from a CreatiFI applicant we are
> not able to solve.
> Please let us know if you need direct contact with the submitter.
> Thanks.
> ****************************
> Hi,
> it seems http://edu.fiware.org/ is currently not available. Can you fix
> the issue?
> Best,
> Clemens
> ****************************
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