[Fiware-creatifi-coaching] [CreatiFI] Kurento support needed from CreatiFI FIWARE Accelerator program winner

Andrea Maestrini amaestrini at create-net.org
Mon Mar 2 08:25:37 CET 2015

this is the reply of the CreatiFI winner with the info you requested, with
also attachments


in attach you can find the log you have requested.

For the second issue, we have already read the guidance and we have a
running environment with an example p2p WebRTC using STUN and TURN. The
problem raises using Kurento for mediating the video communication.
In the peer webrtc mini-prototype we figured out the architecture, but we
do not understand how this has to change using Kurento.

I think we all can save time if we can arrange a short CC to discuss the
integration of Kurento in the use case.

Let me know.

Thanks Stefano

On Thu, Feb 26, 2015 at 2:00 PM, Andrea Maestrini <amaestrini at create-net.org
> wrote:

> Dear FIWARE coach,
> as you suggested we collect more info from the CreatiFI winner (moreover
> they attached configuration files) and we forward you the support
> request, we
> are not able to solve.
> Please let us know if you need direct contact with the submitter.
> Thanks.
> **************************************************************
> We are trying to develop an application with Kurento GE as part of
> CREATIFI project.
> The application is quite simple for now, but we are facing some technical
> issues.
> The application uses SignalMaster as signaling server, and Kurento for
> mediating the video communication.
> We started with a peer webrtc mini-prototype, and now we are integrating
> Kurento …
> Our environment is:
> Linux Ubuntu 14.10
> SignalMaster https://github.com/andyet/signalmaster
> Kurento Media Server (5.1.0)
> Kurento Client Nodejs 5.1.0
> The code I have so far does …
> - allows two clients to register to a ‘room’
> - when the second enters the room, SDP offers are exchanged (using signal
> master functionalities)
> - then I try to integrate Kurento in the process to have the media
> exchange handled by Kurento but unfortunately, the whole process does not
> fulfill because even in a loopback case (clients and servers all running in
> same machine)I cannot see the videostream to appear.
> In attachment you find the code excerpts.
> I think in this stage of the project it would be great for us to get your
> inputs.
> A second design problem which is not clear to us - but we are not yet
> there - is the role / configuration of STUN / TURN servers.
> In the peer webrtc mini-prototype we figured out the architecture, but we
> do not understand how this has to change using Kurento.
> Can you help and help us go in the right direction ?
> best regards
> **************************************************************
> On Wed, Feb 18, 2015 at 1:45 PM, Andrea Maestrini <
> amaestrini at create-net.org> wrote:
>> Dear FIWARE coach,
>> we forward you a support request received from a CreatiFI Call1 winner, we
>> are not able to solve.
>> Please let us know if you need direct contact with the submitter.
>> Thanks.
>> ****************************************************************
>> General Support #65: Kurento support needed
>> <http://techsupport.creatifi.eu/issues/65>
>>    - Author: Stefano Scotton
>>    - Status: New
>>    - Priority: High
>>    - Assignee: Trento Tech Support (Italy&Belgium)
>>    - Category: Trento Hub (Italy)
>>    - Support Type: FIWARE Generic Enablers
>> Hi all,
>> we are experiencing the features of Kurento GE but we have trouble
>> understanding the documentation aspects of application integration.
>> We need the availability of support for discussing of some architectural
>> aspects of Kurento GE.
>> can you provide us a technical reference to talk to these issues?
>> Thank You
>> Stefano
>> ****************************************************************
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/* global console */
var yetify = require('yetify'),
    config = require('getconfig'),
    uuid = require('node-uuid'),
    crypto = require('crypto'),
    port = parseInt(process.env.PORT || config.server.port, 10),
    io = require('socket.io').listen(port);

var kurento = require('kurento-client');

/* Kurento */

var kurentoClient = null;
var pipelines = {};
var offers = {};

const ws_uri = config.kurentoms.url;

// recover kurentoClient for the first time

function getKurentoClient(callback) {

	if (kurentoClient !== null) {
		return callback(null, kurentoClient);

    kurento(ws_uri, function(error, _kurentoClient) {
		if (error) {
			var message = 'Coult not find media server at address ' + ws_uri;
			return callback(message + ". Exiting with error " + error);
		kurentoClient = _kurentoClient;
		callback(null, kurentoClient);


//Represents a B2B active call
function CallMediaPipeline() {
	this._pipeline = null;
	this._callerWebRtcEndpoint = null;
	this._calleeWebRtcEndpoint = null;

CallMediaPipeline.prototype.createPipeline = function(callback) {
	var self = this;
	getKurentoClient(function(error, kurentoClient){
			return callback(error);
		kurentoClient.create('MediaPipeline', function(error, pipeline) {
			if (error) {
				return callback(error);
			pipeline.create('WebRtcEndpoint', function(error, callerWebRtcEndpoint) {
				if (error) {
					return callback(error);
				pipeline.create('WebRtcEndpoint', function(error, calleeWebRtcEndpoint) {
					if (error) {
						return callback(error);
					callerWebRtcEndpoint.connect(calleeWebRtcEndpoint, function(error) {
						if (error) {
							return callback(error);
						calleeWebRtcEndpoint.connect(callerWebRtcEndpoint, function(error) {
							if (error) {
								return callback(error);
						self._pipeline = pipeline;
						self._callerWebRtcEndpoint = callerWebRtcEndpoint;
						self._calleeWebRtcEndpoint = calleeWebRtcEndpoint;

CallMediaPipeline.prototype.generateSdpAnswerForCaller = function(sdpOffer, callback) {
	this._callerWebRtcEndpoint.processOffer(sdpOffer, callback);

CallMediaPipeline.prototype.generateSdpAnswerForCallee = function(sdpOffer, callback) {
	this._calleeWebRtcEndpoint.processOffer(sdpOffer, callback);

CallMediaPipeline.prototype.release = function() {
	if(this._pipeline) this._pipeline.release();
	this._pipeline = null;

/* SignalMaster */

if (config.logLevel) {
    // https://github.com/Automattic/socket.io/wiki/Configuring-Socket.IO
    io.set('log level', config.logLevel);

function describeRoom(name) {
    var clients = io.sockets.clients(name);
    var result = {
        clients: {}
    clients.forEach(function (client) {
        result.clients[client.id] = client.resources;
    return result;

function safeCb(cb) {
    if (typeof cb === 'function') {
        return cb;
    } else {
        return function () {};

io.sockets.on('connection', function (client) {
    client.resources = {
        screen: false,
        video: true,
        audio: false
//    // pass a message to another id
//    client.on('message', function (details) {
////        console.info('message ~ ' + JSON.stringify(details));
//        if (!details) return;
//        if (details.type === 'offer') {
////            console.info(client);
////            console.info(describeRoom(client.room));
//            client.resources.details = details;
//            console.info('RES > ' + JSON.stringify(client.resources));
//        }
//        var otherClient = io.sockets.sockets[details.to];
//        console.info('RES > ' + JSON.stringify(otherClient.resources));
//        if (!otherClient) return;
//        if (details.type === 'answer') {
//            var pipeline = new CallMediaPipeline();
//            pipeline.createPipeline(function(error) {
//                if (error) {
////                    return onError(error, error);
//                    console.error(error);
//                    return ;
//                }
//                if (otherClient.resources.details.payload.sdp) {
//                    pipeline.generateSdpAnswerForCaller(otherClient.resources.details.payload.sdp, function(error, callerSdpAnswer) {
//                        if (error) {
////                            return onError(error, error);
//                            console.error(error);
//                            return ;
//                        }
//                        pipeline.generateSdpAnswerForCallee(details.payload.sdp, function(error, calleeSdpAnswer) {
//                            if (error) {
////                                return onError(error, error);
//                                console.error(error);
//                                return ;
//                            }
//                            pipelines[client.id] = pipeline;
//                            pipelines[details.to] = pipeline;
//                            client.emit('message', otherClient.resources.details);
//                            details.from = client.id;
//                            otherClient.emit('message', details);
//                        });
//                    });
//                }
//            });
//        } else {
//            details.from = client.id;
//            otherClient.emit('message', details);
//        }
//    });
    client.on('message', function(message) {
        if (!message) {
            return ; // do nothing
        var other = io.sockets.sockets[message.to];
        if (!other) {
            return ; // do nothing
        if (message.type === 'offer') {
//            console.info('sending offer: ' + JSON.stringify(message));
            offers[client.id] = message.payload.sdp;
            message.from = client.id;
            other.emit('message', message);
        } else if (message.type === 'answer') {
//            console.info('sending answer: ' + JSON.stringify(message));
            var pipeline = new CallMediaPipeline();
            pipeline.createPipeline(function(error) {
                if (error) {
                    return ; // do nothing
                var offer = offers[message.to];
                pipeline.generateSdpAnswerForCaller(offer, function(error, callerSdpAnswer) {
                    if (error) {
                        return ; // do nothing
                    pipeline.generateSdpAnswerForCallee(message.payload.sdp, function(error, calleeSdpAnswer) {
                        if (error) {
                            return ; // do nothing
                        var answer = {
                            'to': message.to,
                            'sid': message.sid,
                            'roomType': message.roomType,
                            'type': 'offer',
                            'payload': {
                                'type': 'offer',
                                'sdp': callerSdpAnswer
                            'prefix': message.prefix,
                            'from': client.id
                        console.info('Kurento generated SDP answer for caller (2nd user): ' + JSON.stringify(answer));
                        other.emit('message', answer);
                        answer = {
                            'to': client.id,
                            'sid': message.sid,
                            'roomType': message.roomType,
                            'type': 'answer',
                            'payload': {
                                'type': 'answer',
                                'sdp': calleeSdpAnswer
                            'prefix': message.prefix,
                            'from': message.to
                        console.info('Kurento generated SDP answer for callee (1st user): ' + JSON.stringify(answer));
                        client.emit('message', answer);
        } else {
            message.from = client.id;
            other.emit('message', message);
    client.on('shareScreen', function () {
        client.resources.screen = true;
    client.on('unshareScreen', function (type) {
        client.resources.screen = false;
    client.on('join', join);
    function removeFeed(type) {
        if (client.room) {
            io.sockets.in(client.room).emit('remove', {
                id: client.id,
                type: type
            if (!type) {
                client.room = undefined;
    function join(name, cb) {
//        console.info('join ~ ' + name + ' ~ ' + cb);
        // sanity check
        if (typeof name !== 'string') return;
//        console.info(describeRoom(name));
        // leave any existing rooms
        safeCb(cb)(null, describeRoom(name));
        client.room = name;
    // we don't want to pass "leave" directly because the
    // event type string of "socket end" gets passed too.
    client.on('disconnect', function () {
    client.on('leave', function () {
    client.on('create', function (name, cb) { // never called...?
//        console.info('create ~ ' + name + ' ~ ' + cb);
        if (arguments.length == 2) {
            cb = (typeof cb == 'function') ? cb : function () {};
            name = name || uuid();
        } else {
            cb = name;
            name = uuid();
        // check if exists
        if (io.sockets.clients(name).length) {
        } else {
            safeCb(cb)(null, name);
    // tell client about stun and turn servers and generate nonces
    client.emit('stunservers', config.stunservers || []);
    // create shared secret nonces for TURN authentication
    // the process is described in draft-uberti-behave-turn-rest
    var credentials = [];
    config.turnservers.forEach(function (server) {
        var hmac = crypto.createHmac('sha1', server.secret);
        // default to 86400 seconds timeout unless specified
        var username = Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / 1000) + (server.expiry || 86400) + "";
            username: username,
            credential: hmac.digest('base64'),
            url: server.url
    client.emit('turnservers', credentials);

if (config.uid) process.setuid(config.uid);
console.info(yetify.logo() + ' -- signal master is running at: http://localhost:' + port);
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