[Fiware-creatifi-coaching] [CreatiFI Benelux Hub] WStore create offering with yearly recurring payment and monthly pay per use billing

Silvio Cretti silvio.cretti at create-net.org
Tue Mar 17 13:44:02 CET 2015

Please see the answer on ticket 495 from the developer.

On Mon, Mar 16, 2015 at 11:50 AM, Andrea Maestrini <
amaestrini at create-net.org> wrote:

> Dear FIWARE coach,
> we forward you a support request received from a CreatiFI applicant we are
> not able to solve.
> Please let us know if you need direct contact with the submitter.
> Thanks.
> *************************************************
> One of our pricing models is the following:
> A yearly license fee is purchased, which allows for a fixed number of
> usages of our product, for example 1,000,000 uses.
> When the allowed usages are depleted, the client will be charged each
> month for the additional usage of our product (which is a fixed amount for
> each usage).
> According to the pricing basis document (
> http://edu.fiware.org/mod/resource/view.php?id=531), we will have to
> create a custom USDL, which contains multiple pricing plans:
> - A subscription pricing plan with a yearly interval
> - A pay-per-use plan (component based as we have only one parameter and a
> very easy pricing function usage*FIXED_AMOUNT)
> However, this document states the following:
> *It is important to note thatthe aggregation of accounting information and
> charging to the customer is made monthly bydefault, being the first charge
> a month after the purchase. This default timing only applies whenthe price
> models only contains pay-per-use and single payments; however, if the price
> modelincludes subscriptions, the pay-per-use is resolved every time a
> subscription is renovated.*
> We however require a monthly charge of additional usage
> How can this payment profile be included in WStore? Currently the only
> alternative we see is to set up two separate pricing plans and request our
> user to make two purchases. This is not acceptable as it severely impacts
> client experience.
> *************************************************
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