[Fiware-data] Data chapter weekly calls

SANTIAGO MARTINEZ GARCIA santiago.martinezgarcia at telefonica.com
Tue Jan 24 09:53:42 CET 2017

Dear all,

We will resume our weekly calls at 11h CET today. Current sprint closes on January 31st  (next Tuesday). According to what is reflected in Jira, the only GEs with activity during this month have been Orion and Big Data (both on hardening tasks mainly).  In case Kurento has already started the development activity for FINEXT project, please reflect your Epics/Features/Stories on Jira in the current sprint (6.2.1).

We will also try to identify the areas of contribution for ATOS in T3.1, so that the corresponding features can be included as part of the next sprint planning (6.2.2 - February).  Talk to you at 11CET.


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