[Fiware-demo] Demo ended: success!

Heller, Markus markus.heller at sap.com
Wed Jun 12 18:28:02 CEST 2013

Dear all colleagues who have contributed to the live demonstrator and Fermin,

After having congratulated personally to you two here in Brussels this morning, I think can speak for the WP3 chapter's colleagues and would like to send out our "thank you, well done" to all other colleagues who have not been here but have been active for the demo to make it happen!


Best wishes from us in the WP3 Chapter and thanks for re-using our Apps and Services,

-----Original Message-----
From: fiware-demo-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu [mailto:fiware-demo-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu] On Behalf Of Fermín Galán Márquez
Sent: Mittwoch, 12. Juni 2013 12:55
To: fiware-demo at lists.fi-ware.eu
Cc: Irena Trajkovska; ANA LETICIA HERNANDEZ JORDAN; e.idas1; LESUEUR Alain; Antonio Tapiador del Dujo; Tanguy.Bourgault at thalesaleniaspace.com; Fici Gian Piero; Kennedy, John M; Joaquín Salvachúa; Antonio Fuentes Bermejo; cblanco at conwet.com; CRISTINA PEÑA ALCEGA; Guy Sharon; FRANCISCO ROMERO BUENO; Tomas de Miguel; Alvaro Arranz; Javier Cerviño; Javier Cuesta; Tali Yatzkar-Haham; e.cloud10; Luis Muñoz; Guerra Sabrina; PABLO AROZARENA LLOPIS; DANGERVILLE Cyril; 'Ignacio Elicegui Maestro'
Subject: [Fiware-demo] Demo ended: success!


First of all: to all teams, demo slot in FI-WARE review has ended, you
can relax now :)

All the steps in the demo were successfully shown. Everything worked
fine and smoth... even better than in previous rehearsals :). The rest
of the review is taking place right now and we won't know the final
result until a couple of days, but I think we have done a positive and
significant impact on it with the Live Demo that will help for sure to
get a good mark.

It is a difficult challenge to arrange a demo involving 19 GEis so my
congratulations to all of you for the successful result. Thank you for
your commitment and your effort, specially for the ones of you that has
worked beyond duty late at night or in weekends to make this possible!

Thanks also to Red.es an OutSmart people for their support.

Live Demo task doesn't stop until next review, we will continue working
and evolving. Keep tuned... :)

Best regards,



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