[Fiware-dev-bounty-programme] Update Bounty Program

Mirko Ross m.ross at digital-worx.de
Thu May 5 10:17:19 CEST 2016

Hi Juanjo,

cool! Thanks for bringing that to the road! @Nuno pleaselet me know if
we can support.



Am 05.05.16 um 10:06 schrieb Juanjo Hierro:
> Hi,
>   I have confirmed that the transfer of the pre-funding was ordered so
> the funding will be about to arrive if not arrived already.
>   @Nuno: I understand that, once you confirm availability of the
> funds, you will connect to the FIWARE Press Office to deal with the
> official launching of the programme.   Can you also deal with the
> announcement in mobilize.io when it gets ready?
>   Please note that the amount transferred has to do with the
> pre-funding ... so make sure that the bounty programme phase that is
> launched now is covered by available fundings and does not go to the
> total amount ... otherwise, I guess you may enter into cash-flow
> problems.
>   Best regards,
> -- Juanjo
> On 02/05/16 00:55, Juanjo Hierro wrote:
>> Dear Mirko,
>>   I understand that, as a result of the FI-Core 1st amendment,
>> pre-funding was assigned to iHub.eu that would allow to start the
>> execution of the bounty programme.
>>   However, I will double-check whether my understanding is correct. 
>> Maybe we are experiencing some delay in any of the admin steps
>> required for the implementation.
>>   The list is active (otherwise, I haven't responded :-)
>>   Best regards,
>> -- Juanjo
>> On 01/05/16 21:52, Mirko Ross wrote:
>>> Dear all,
>>> as I still get no respond to this issue, some questions:
>>> - is this list still active?
>>> - Is the bounty program still active?
>>> - Whats the time table of FICORE, when can Nuno start?
>>> I have serious doubt that Elon Musk will find probably more life out
>>> at Mars in 2018 than on this FIWARE bounty list. So please, take
>>> your time and provide a feedback.
>>> Thanks in advanced
>>> Mirko
>>> Am 28.04.16 um 10:44 schrieb Mirko Ross:
>>>> Juanjo,
>>>> as Nuno is ready to operate, can you forecast when the budget is
>>>> ready to spent on the bounty program? It really a pitty of
>>>> engagement is going to the land of nod because of administration
>>>> and operational delays!
>>>> It seems like a couple of weeks past without keeping action on the
>>>> bounties.
>>>> Please provide a feedback and how we can support.
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Mirko
>>>> Am 14.04.16 um 14:32 schrieb Nuno Varandas (ipn.pt):
>>>>> Last weeks have been difficult with H2020. Will update by monday
>>>>> latest
>>>>> Em 14/04/2016 1:23 da tarde, "Mirko Ross" <m.ross at digital-worx.de
>>>>> <mailto:m.ross at digital-worx.de>> escreveu:
>>>>>     Hi,
>>>>>     as times goes by and we all didn't get much younger: any news and
>>>>>     updates from the start of the bounty program?
>>>>>     Feedback welcome
>>>>>     Mirko
>>>>>     --
>>>>>     -------------------------------------
>>>>>     digital worx GmbH
>>>>>     Schulze-Delitzsch-Str. 16
>>>>>     70565 Stuttgart
>>>>>     Tel. 0711 220 40 93 0
>>>>>     Fax. 0711 220 40 93 44
>>>>>     m.ross at digital-worx.de <mailto:m.ross at digital-worx.de>
>>>>>     http://www.digital-worx.de
>>>>>     http://www.facebook.com/digital.worx.de
>>>>>     -------------------------------------
>>>>>     Geschaeftsfuehrer:
>>>>>     Sven Rahlfs
>>>>>     Mirko Ross
>>>>>     HRB 22 5281 Amtsgericht Stuttgart
>>>>>     USt.-Id. Nr.: DE218401190
>>>>>     -------------------------------------
>>>>>     _______________________________________________
>>>>>     Fiware-dev-bounty-programme mailing list
>>>>>     Fiware-dev-bounty-programme at lists.fiware.org
>>>>>     <mailto:Fiware-dev-bounty-programme at lists.fiware.org>
>>>>>     https://lists.fiware.org/listinfo/fiware-dev-bounty-programme
>>>> -- 
>>>> -------------------------------------
>>>> digital worx GmbH
>>>> Schulze-Delitzsch-Str. 16
>>>> 70565 Stuttgart
>>>> Tel. 0711 220 40 93 0
>>>> Fax. 0711 220 40 93 44
>>>> m.ross at digital-worx.de
>>>> http://www.digital-worx.de
>>>> http://www.facebook.com/digital.worx.de
>>>> -------------------------------------
>>>> Geschaeftsfuehrer:
>>>> Sven Rahlfs
>>>> Mirko Ross
>>>> HRB 22 5281 Amtsgericht Stuttgart
>>>> USt.-Id. Nr.: DE218401190
>>>> ------------------------------------- 
>>> -- 
>>> -------------------------------------
>>> digital worx GmbH
>>> Schulze-Delitzsch-Str. 16
>>> 70565 Stuttgart
>>> Tel. 0711 220 40 93 0
>>> Fax. 0711 220 40 93 44
>>> m.ross at digital-worx.de
>>> http://www.digital-worx.de
>>> http://www.facebook.com/digital.worx.de
>>> -------------------------------------
>>> Geschaeftsfuehrer:
>>> Sven Rahlfs
>>> Mirko Ross
>>> HRB 22 5281 Amtsgericht Stuttgart
>>> USt.-Id. Nr.: DE218401190
>>> ------------------------------------- 
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Fiware-dev-bounty-programme mailing list
>>> Fiware-dev-bounty-programme at lists.fiware.org
>>> https://lists.fiware.org/listinfo/fiware-dev-bounty-programme
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digital worx GmbH
Schulze-Delitzsch-Str. 16
70565 Stuttgart

Tel. 0711 220 40 93 0
Fax. 0711 220 40 93 44

m.ross at digital-worx.de



Sven Rahlfs
Mirko Ross

HRB 22 5281 Amtsgericht Stuttgart
USt.-Id. Nr.: DE218401190


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