[Fiware-developer-experience] Doubts about the architecture/application

Alvaro del Castillo acs at bitergia.com
Thu Jul 16 07:37:43 CEST 2015

Hi all!

El mié, 15-07-2015 a las 20:35 +0200, Alberto Martín Casado escribió:
> Hi!
> 2015-07-15 19:04 GMT+02:00 Pablo Fernández Moniz
> <pablofernandezmoniz at gmail.com>:
>         Hi!
>          We have some development progress, and we want to share it
>         and raise some questions 
>         Architecture overview:
>         Actually we have an implementation like this. 
>               * Represented in white color we have the previous
>                 containers that were in the docker-compose. 
>                       * mongodb: It stores the database of Orion. It
>                         has attached the mogodbdata volume.
>                       * orion: It has the Context Broker installed. It
>                         uses the mogodb image as database.
>                       * devguide: It has implemented the API for
>                         restaurant management. It interacts with orion
>                         and it acts like an abstraction layer.
>               * Blue elements have been added to the docker compose by
>                 the ULPGC group.
>                       * idm: It runs an instance of the Identity
>                         Management. Users and roles must be stored
>                         here.
>                       * authzforce: Image needed by idm.
>               * Finally, elements that have not been added yet to a
>                 container are in yellow.
>                       * initUsers.py: It is a python script that
>                         creates the first users and roles in Identity
>                         Manager.
>                       * flask server: It hosts the web and acts as
>                         intermediate layer between users and the
>                         Identity Manager. 
>         Captura de pantalla 2015-07-15 a las 13.07.42.png

>         Doubts that have arisen
>         We need to initialize the IdM with default values ( for
>         example roles ) so, for the moment, we developed a small
>         python script (initUsers.py) to do that. 
> We've been through this already in the image. Few days ago we've
> updated the documentation of our IdM image with the users, orgs, roles
> and everything that we've provided. You can find here the method we've
> used for that (hope it helps).

I think the best approach is that you don't need to work in this
provision for users, roles, organizations and others. We need to share a
common view here and we can implement the provision as Alberto said.

>         Due to cross domain restriction, we cannot perform petitions
>         directly to the IdM from the front end. We solved this using
>         an intermediate layer in the server that controls the user
>         creation and the login . Another solution could be to use a
>         proxy.

We offer an auth API REST in the same server where you download the
client, so this kind of problems won't appear if you use it in tour

>         Furthermore, in order to allow users to sign up, we need  an
>         administrative credential to create the new user entity. If
>         this credential is used from the front end, it could be a
>         security risk. So, we think that the actual approach of
>         managing the operations related to the IdM from the server
>         side is correct.

Yes, I think so.

> The PEP Proxy could be the intermediate layer to handle this access.
> The approach could be, an administrator that is able to handle users,
> organizations, roles and permissions. Then, create different roles,
> allowing just the administrator to use requests for user
> administration using the Keystone API. We've updated today also the
> PEP Wilma image and
> documentation: https://registry.hub.docker.com/u/bitergia/pep-wilma/
> Doing this, we include another GE to the architecture proposed :)

I am not sure I am understanding right this proposal. IMHO we can:

* Provision initial users, roles, organizations, applications and
* Offer and API REST so already provided users can authenticate and get
the tokens for accessing the service.
* The petitions to the service will be routed through PEP Wilma (we can
do it later) in order to check permissions. 

>         On the other hand, we have started to make some development in
>         the server side. We are using python since we have experience
>         with it and we have had good results using it. We also have
>         good feelings with other languages such as PHP. 
> I personally feel more comfortable with python, but I cannot speak
> from the others.

In my imaged architecture, you don't need any server development. We
will offer you a REST API so you can just work client side consuming it.

Pablo, what do you think? It is the approach followed in chanchan.
Attached a file with chanchan current arch.

>         We don’t know which language are you using at this moment, but
>         we think that the less different languages we use the better
>         for making an easy guide.
> Actually we've been using javascript (node, angular) for the
> application, shell scripts and a bit of python.

All our work as Alberto said is implemented using Javascript to simplify
the environment. Some minor scripts are in Python, but it is not the

>         Finally, we suggest that we should add a new image that
>         contains the web server.
> What do you need for the web server exactly? In the
> fiware-devguide-app we have already an apache2.4 with phusion
> passenger, and it teorically supports node, ruby and python. If
> something like that is enough, we can create a clean container with
> this for start deploying the web server.

In my mind I image you deploying your client in the current devguide
docker image, in the directory:


and it will be served by the same apache server alberto commented above.

>         What do you think?
> Looks good! We will also have to add IDAS, and other components (as
> the PEP proxy mentioned before), but step by step :)

Probably you don't need to play directly with other componentes/GEs. We
can complete the REST API with your client needs.


>         KR, and sorry for the large email :)
>         ULPGC team 
> Cheers,
> Alberto Martín
>         -- 
>         Pablo Fernández Moniz
>         GIT Analyst
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Alvaro del Castillo San Félix
acs at bitergia.com - Chief Technical Officer (CTO)
"Software metrics for your peace of mind"

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