[Fiware-developer-experience] Doubts with authorization management

Alberto Martín Casado alberto.martin at bitergia.com
Tue Oct 27 16:20:17 CET 2015

Hi Pablo,

You are right. The app.js now redirects to site.js, and that change was
made for testing purposes as you said.

I've made the main route point to /client (as it was before), so you can
continue the front-end development there, as we did in the beggining.

Then, to retrieve the access token, as you said is via
http://compose_devguide_1/auth and when logged, the token will be
accessible in the session. You will not need the actual view to enter any
user or password in the application, it should be just a button showing
something like "Log in with FIWARE account" and it will redirects to the
idm, where the user should write the credentials.

After that, the user will be redirected to the app again and the
information of that user will be provided as a JSON un a route,
/client/user (if you want to change it just let me know).

I've just commited the changes. Let me know if you need anything else.


Alberto Martín

On Tue, Oct 27, 2015 at 2:30 PM, Pablo Fernández Moniz <
pablofernandezmoniz at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> We have been playing around with the app log in and user authorization.
> Right now we confirm that the log in seems to works as it was described in
> previous mails but we are stuck in how to further deal with the
> authorization from the front end side.
> Currently, the entry point to authorize users is via
> http://compose_devguide_1/auth URL. As it can be seen in the site.js
> file, the result of the backend processing is an HTML page which does not
> allow for interaction from the front end side.
> As the current site.js code was made to test the log in process, our
> questions is:
> How should we proceed now from the front end side to retrieve the
> authorization token and the logged user?
> Kind regards,
> <http://www.twitter.com/monizpablo>
> ULPGC team
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