Hello again! I've been doing changes in the feeder and changing the way we were retrieving the geo-coordinates. On Wed, Oct 28, 2015 at 12:19 PM, Alberto Martín Casado < alberto.martin at bitergia.com> wrote: > Hi! > > On Wed, Oct 28, 2015 at 11:17 AM, Pablo Fernández Moniz < > pablofernandezmoniz at gmail.com> wrote: > >> Hello, >> >> We have being detected some problems with the images and the datasets >> provided and wanted to ask in we are doing something wrong or just notify >> about them: >> >> *Issue about restaurants without coordinates* >> >> We have detected some errors related the failure at retrieving the >> coordinate of some restaurants (approximately 165). We have analyzed some >> of them and they miss the “geo” attribute. >> > > Thanks for reporting it. I'll check it and give you an answer ASAP. I knew > there were some restaurants that the geocoder couldn't locate, but 165 are > too much. > With the changes now 688 restaurants are added and all of them with the geo-location element. A new image has been pushed to docker-hub, and changes are already available at Github. Pulling the changes and running the docker-compose should be enough (it will pull the new data image automatically). > > >> >> An example of one of this entities is the restaurant "Otatza Bekoa": >> >> {"@context":"http://schema.org","@type":"Restaurant","address":{"streetAddress":"Otatza >> etxea, >> 5","addressRegion":"GIPUZKOA","addressLocality":"ZERAIN","postalCode":"200026","@type":"postalAddress"},"aggregateRating":{"ratingValue":5,"reviewCount":86},"department":"Franchise1","description":"La >> sidrería Otatza Bekoa está rodeada de manzanos, y cuenta con maquinaria >> moderna para hacer su propia sidra. Dispone de dos comedores, y en ellos, >> podremos disfrutar del típico menú de sidrería y degustar la sidra al >> txotx.","priceRange":"24.0","telephone":"943 801 757","name":"Otatza >> Bekoa"}, >> > > The missing attribute is due to the reason explained below, the geocoder > couldn't locate the address and returns an empty response, and that's why > the "geo" entity is not being returned. > > >> *Issue with incorrect geographical references* >> >> Some restaurants have been located outside País Vasco (even outside >> Europe). >> >> We suspect that it occurs due to a geocoding problem.We have attached an >> screenshot of the clusters to show this discrepancy in the >> misplaced-geographical-reference.png file. >> > > Thanks a lot! I'll check this also. > The geocoding issue is now fixed. All the restaurants are now placed inside País Vasco. What I've found is, some of the restaurants doesn't have a convenient address, and due to that, the geocoder couldn't locate the restaurant perfectly. Still, now it adds the Locality geolocation, which is the finest point the geocoder can find. Thanks for reporting all the issues! Best, Alberto Martín -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <https://lists.fiware.org/private/fiware-developer-experience/attachments/20151028/581d57c6/attachment.html>
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