[Fiware-elearning] Review of PRRS

Davide Dalle Carbonare davide.dallecarbonare at eng.it
Wed Jun 18 15:33:34 CEST 2014

Hi Susana,
     the course on PRRS is very good as the one on SIEM.
Just one strange behavior with the last topics, the webinar video. When 
I click on it, it doesn't start ...
as far as I am the admin of the platform I tried to download it and I 
can play it locally but it has distort ratio,
it's too narrow.

I can't say which is the problem, I have no problems with many other 
videos uploaded in the platform.
If you want, you have also the option to publish the video in YouTube 
(under FI-WARE channel for example)
and publish the it into your course. This way you can take advantage 
from having wider visibility ... but
this is a minor issue.

I can mark your course as OK (green) but please double check the video 
and let me know.


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