[Fiware-elearning] Request to obtain "Author" grants

Davide Dalle Carbonare davide.dallecarbonare at eng.it
Fri May 30 12:47:53 CEST 2014

Starting from an avi file, to create a course using the SCORM packager, 
is not the most convenient way.

Is this video recorded from a webinar? or better from a dedicated 
If yes I suggest you to do some post production operations in order to 
obtain a set of good quality
sessions by topic (strongly suggested no longer than 10 minutes each); 
convert them in mp4;
upload them in YouTube (to have more visibility) and embed the videos in 
the training course
or upload the videos directly into the eLearning platform.


PS: I switched the discussion to the _new__email_ (in cc) for support on 
the ELP.

On 30/05/2014 12:00, Pontual Costa-E-Silva, Ana Luiza wrote:
> Hi Davide,
> As you say:
> As E-IIS we're also providing support for creating courses (e.g. we 
> can build the package starting from
> slides and text or audio track ...), so if you think it might help, 
> let me know.
> I would like to ask you if it is possible to you create a package from 
> an .avi? If so, maybe it would be easier to send you the .avi, and ask 
> you kindly to build the package with witch I can create the course later.
> Thank you very much in advance!
> Regards,
> Ana
> *From:*Davide Dalle Carbonare [mailto:davide.dallecarbonare at eng.it]
> *Sent:* Friday, May 30, 2014 11:52 AM
> *To:* Pontual Costa-E-Silva, Ana Luiza
> *Cc:* fiware-edu at res.eng.it
> *Subject:* Re: Request to obtain "Author" grants
> Hi Ana Luiza,
>     welcome to the eLearning platform.
> Now you can create your courses under the "Data/Context Management" 
> category.
> I remind you that the documentation is available here:
> https://forge.fi-ware.eu/plugins/mediawiki/wiki/fiware/index.php/How_to_create_a_SCORM_course
> NOTE: a new version of the SCORM player is available.
> As E-IIS we're also providing support for creating courses (e.g. we 
> can build the package starting from
> slides and text or audio track ...), so if you think it might help, 
> let me know.
> In addition to this, I report you here the link to the shared 
> dashboard I'm using for the contents review:
> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AopQnlLhngy9dHVla1kyTnNXTTdWVTd6WW55LUk4TlE&usp=sharing
> pls, drop a comment there (column G) if you publish/update something 
> so that I can be notified
> (better if you use your google account so that you can be notified as 
> well or at least report also your name
> in the comment).
> thank you and
> kind regards,
> Davide
> On 30/05/2014 11:41, Pontual Costa-E-Silva, Ana Luiza wrote:
>     Hello good morning,
>     I've just registered into the platform, in order to create a new
>     course and to upload needed material. For that, I'd like to
>     request an upgrade from simple "User" to "Author". My user is:
>     apontual, and I need to create a course for SAS (Semantic
>     Application Support).
>     Thank you very much!
>     Ana

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