[Fiware-elearning] New courses on FIWARE Academy for Data Visualization GE - SpagoBI

Davide Dalle Carbonare davide.dallecarbonare at eng.it
Tue Nov 10 12:00:02 CET 2015

Dear Davide,
  now you can create courses in the FIWARE Academy and you can update only
the courses you created.

I remind you the main user guide at:

It would be nice if you can try to create your training material using the
Course Builder (see the user guide above) and let us know you comments.

Kind Regards,

2015-11-09 18:27 GMT+01:00 Davide Zerbetto <davide.zerbetto at eng.it>:

> Hi
> I'm Davide Zerbetto, Data Visualization GE (SpagoBI) owner, from
> Engineering group.
> My team is ready to publish some courses on the academy regarding Data
> Visualization GE (SpagoBI).
> Please provide me grants to publish courses within the "Applications and
> Services Ecosystem and Delivery Framework" chapter.
> Thanks and best regards
> Davide
> --
> *Davide Zerbetto*
> SpagoBI Consultant
> *SpagoBI Labs Engineering Group*
> Corso Stati Uniti, 23/C - 35127 Padua - Italy
> Phone: +39 049 8283411
> Fax: +39-049.8700272
> www.spagobi.org - www.eng.it <http://www.eng.it/web/eng_en/home>
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Davide Dalle Carbonare
Senior Researcher - Big Data & Future Internet
Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A. - www.eng.it
Mob: +39-346-3207983
@davdalle <https://twitter.com/davdalle> | linkedin
<https://www.linkedin.com/in/davidedallecarbonare> | about.me
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