[Fiware-elearning] FIWARE Academy access - CKAN

Davide Dalle Carbonare davide.dallecarbonare at eng.it
Wed May 25 16:50:15 CEST 2016

Dear Jo,
  your account can now create entries in the FIWARE Academy.
Please continue to follow the indications reported in the wiki and from our
side we promote the usage of the Course Creator web application so to
easily create web seminar contents (slides + voice over).


2016-05-25 15:29 GMT+02:00 Jo Barratt <jo.barratt at okfn.org>:

> Dear elearning team.
> I am currently trying to create a academy course for CKAN.
> As directed in the wiki, i am writing to request the right to create and
> publish new courses as part of the Data/Context Management chapter.
> My login is Team@ Open Knowledge
> <https://edu.fiware.org/user/profile.php?id=7886>
> Many thanks,
> --
> *Jo Barratt+44 07845830500 <%2B44%2007795%20176%20976> | skype: jobarratt0
> | @jobarratt <https://twitter.com/rufuspollock>*
> *Open Knowledge International <http://okfn.org/> - A world where knowledge
> creates power for the many, not the few**http://okfn.org/
> <http://okfn.org/> | @okfn <http://twitter.com/OKFN> | Open Knowledge on
> Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/OKFNetwork> |  Blog
> <http://blog.okfn.org/>*

Davide Dalle Carbonare
Senior Researcher - Big Data & Future Internet
Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A. - www.eng.it
Mob: +39-346-3207983
@davdalle <https://twitter.com/davdalle> | linkedin
<https://www.linkedin.com/in/davidedallecarbonare> | about.me
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