[Fiware-entrepreneurs] LINK UPDATE TO ACTIVATE ACCOUNTS - Welcome to the FIWARE StartUps’ ecosystem. Please activate your accounts!!!

Angeles Tejado angeles.tejado at ogilvy.com
Tue Sep 29 13:04:43 CEST 2015

And finally, the missed link!

Angeles Tejado
FIWARE Press Office
OgilvyOne Worldwide Madrid
Office: +34-91-4512179
Cell: +34-608508873
E-mail: angeles.tejado at ogilvy.com

De: Angeles Tejado
Enviado: martes, 29 de septiembre de 2015 13:01
Para: fiware-entrepreneurs at lists.fiware.org
Asunto: LINK UPDATE TO ACTIVATE ACCOUNTS - Welcome to the FIWARE StartUps’ ecosystem. Please activate your accounts!!!

Dear all.

My apologies. The correct link to activate your accounts is the next one http://map.fiware.org/actors/smes/activateaccount<http://fiware-map.geographica.gs/actors/smes/activateaccount>

Thanks for your comprehension.

Angeles Tejado
FIWARE Press Office
OgilvyOne Worldwide Madrid
Office: +34-91-4512179
Cell: +34-608508873
E-mail: angeles.tejado at ogilvy.com

De: Angeles Tejado
Enviado: martes, 29 de septiembre de 2015 12:40
Para: fiware-entrepreneurs at lists.fiware.org
Asunto: Welcome to the FIWARE StartUps’ ecosystem. Please activate your accounts!!!

Dear entrepreneurs,

We are pleased to share with you the new FIWARE ecosystem visualization map http://map.fiware.org/ . The map aims to give a close look into the FIWARE entrepreneurs ecosystem (the main actors now are SMEs, Accelerators and innovation Hubs but we hope to be adding cities in the upcoming weeks).

Our motivation is to connect & activate the growing Community of FIWARE accelerated tech startups and SMEs by giving you all you extra exposure and visibility to potential partners, customers.

The map shows the name of your company, website, logo, brief description, address/location, Social Profiles, accelerator, industry and abstract. This information has been recap during these months with the help of the accelerators.

Now, it is time to activate your accounts on the map, you should click on http://fiware-map.geographica.gs/actors/smes/activateaccount . This will allow you to review the information that has been added and update your profiles.

Please note that the map has been built upon a backup copy of the FIWARE SMEs excel sheet we have been updating during this months with the help of the accelerators (you may find a copy attached). The emails initially provided to your accelerators are the ones that have been used to create the map accounts. These emails are also the ones used to invite you to join this list. As some of the contact asked to be unsubscribed, others asked to be added, please, to avoid problems when activating accounts, remember to check the email related to your startup in the backup copy attached.

Should you have any inconvenience, please contact Marta.Prados at ogilvy.com directly (be careful and do not respond to the list).

Thank you all.

Angeles Tejado
FIWARE Press Office
OgilvyOne Worldwide Madrid
Office: +34-91-4512179
Cell: +34-608508873
E-mail: angeles.tejado at ogilvy.com


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