[Fiware-entrepreneurs] Join the "Powered by FIWARE" Programme and achieve the highest visibility for your solution and organization

Maria Suardiaz maria.suardiaz at ogilvy.com
Wed Apr 5 12:45:31 CEST 2017

Dear FIWARE entrepreneur,

  We feel excited to announce the launch of the "Powered by FIWARE" programme which will enable companies offering apps/solutions based on FIWARE to gain a higher visibility in the market as well as in front of potential investors/partners.   The programme will also help organizations trying to offer FIWARE-based services (e.g., consultancy, training, coaching, integration, software development, etc) to advertise their offerings.

  The "Powered by FIWARE" programme is not focused on the "next unicorn" nor the "high-return on investment" company that a Venture Capital firm would invest on in order to multiply ten times its investment.  It is rather focused on organizations/companies who have developed an app/solution that is strongly based on FIWARE and are developing a sustainable business around it.

  A "marketplace" space on the fiware.org website will be soon launched as part of the "Powered by FIWARE" programme.  Companies will be able to advertise their offerings in this marketplace.   It will not intend to become a place where actual commercial trading takes place but a place where truly FIWARE-based apps/solutions/services are advertised and potential customers will be able to search and find info about companies bringing a solution to their needs, including how to contact them.

  Companies identified as first-class reference examples within the "Powered by FIWARE" programme will be invited to showcase their offerings in market events where FIWARE plans to be present.   At this moment, FIWARE plans to be present at least at the Hannover-Messe fair, the IoT World Europe, IoT Solutions World Congress and Smart City Expo World Congress events before the end of the year.

  Companies willing to be part of the "Powered by FIWARE" programme will have to submit their application by means of filling the following form:


  The call for applications will remain always open but we encourage companies willing to join the programme who hadn't submitted yet their application to do so.   The sooner you do, the higher the chances to be selected to be present in one of the events listed before.

  Applicants will be assessed by a group of FIWARE platform experts.  Interviews may need to be organized as part of this assessment process.  FIWARE experts certified to assess applications to join the "Powered by FIWARE" programme will expand over time in order to support scaling the initiative.  All this process is under supervision of the FIWARE Foundation.

  If you have questions, you can formulate them in our Q&A platform (http://ask.fiware.org<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__ask.fiware.org&d=DwMDaQ&c=4JOzdpIlQcN5fHQL_PMhCQ&r=ZPFJtIZsCEDhTn_WbQpFXh8aSt7CyGAoBtatiwz9840&m=WsFb-TuPlE2HgbZyC5J_b0qPMvaNgzxeFByKBkbpIgY&s=KcfuGd04zlnHsO3oc5qu6RpLR2qvywHF9Bqxl2-gdic&e=> ) or by sending an email to fiware-powered-by-programme-info at lists.fiware.org<mailto:fiware-powered-by-programme-info at lists.fiware.org>  (we may respond to you through the Q&A platform for the benefit of others).
  Your help disseminating this announcement is welcome.

María Suardíaz
FIWARE Press Office
OgilvyOne Worldwide Madrid
Office: +34-91-4512266
Mobile: +34-636-642-962
E-mail: maria.suardiaz at ogilvy.com<mailto:maria.suardiaz at ogilvy.com>


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