[FIWARE-Evangelist] 1st Marketing Round-up Call - Minutes

Charlotte Kotterman charlotte.kotterman at fiware.org
Wed Dec 11 17:31:29 CET 2019

Dear all,

Great to see some of you in the 1st Marketing Round-up Call today!

If you were not able to make it then fear not because the call will be
happening on a monthly basis. In addition, we would like to share with you
the minutes of the first meeting, as well as the presentation that was
presented by our CMO, Cristina Brandtstetter, to make sure everyone is

   - Please find the meeting minutes here
   - Cristina's presentation can be found here
   (and also in the minutes).

A Marketing Round-up Email will be sent out in the near future with a
round-up of the first opportunities for you, as well as materials and other
news that we hope will be of interest and use to you. We look forward to
fruitful collaborations in 2020 and making it a year where we can support
each other even more and grow stronger together!


Charlotte Kotterman
Community Manager
charlotte.kotterman at fiware.org
Skype: charlotte.kotterman

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