[Fiware-feedback] [FI-WARE (Core Platform of the Future Internet)] Contact form

FI-WARE (Core Platform of the Future Internet) fiware-feedback at lists.fi-ware.eu
Fri Jan 25 12:25:09 CET 2013

Phone: +393486550087

Domenico Rotondi wrote: 

Dear Sir,
TXT e-solutions SpA is the coordinator of the FITMAN project, a new FI-PPP project currently in the negotiation phase.
FITMAN plans to start its activities on April 2nd 2013. We are therefore currently performing some initial analyses on the Fi-WARE GEs we plan to use in our trials.
It seems that to get information (e.g., user's/developer's manuals) on GEs we need to register. Additionally many GEs state something like this:
Projects being part of the FI-PPP program can use the XXX product in the free version under the conditions established in the FI-PPP Collaboration Agreement that they should have signed as beneficiaries of the program for the lifetime of FI-Ware.
Could you please provide us more information on the registration and the on terms and conditions of GEs usage in our project.
In case could you please register myself to the FI-WARE catalogue site?

Finally, is there any information about the use of the selected GEs after the end of the FI-WARE project?
Thanks in advance. Regards

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