[Fiware-fia-fundingbox-integration] [FIGLOBAL] Re: SSO integration

Jose Alonso jose.alonso at fundingbox.com
Thu Aug 31 13:47:58 CEST 2017

Hi Filippo,

I think yes, you're right, we should add a "Remember me on this computer
(only for private computer)" checkbox. Unless Jorge has other point of view

Thanks for the observation!



On Wed, Aug 30, 2017 at 12:40 PM, Filippo Giuffrida <
filippo.giuffrida at eng.it> wrote:

> Hi Jose,
> I agree with you about your requirements on tab closing. IMHO it may also
> be acceptable, considering same browser istance = same user.
> IMHO the security issue is that an user closes the browser (not only one
> tab, but totally the browser) and the fundingbox session remains active. Do
> you agree ?
> Usually some web applications work in this way only if the user gives the
> OK by a specific field as "Remember me on this computer (only for private
> computer)".
> Regards
> *Filippo*
> Il 30/08/2017 11:38, Jose Alonso ha scritto:
> Hi Filippo,
> In our case, we have different applications that would be opened at the
> same time (in different tabs for example) and all of them can share the
> same login. Closing a tab (an application) we don't want to logout the user
> because the logout will occur in all applications that the user has opened.
> So, for us, I don't see it as security issue, but I understand in your case
> will be.
> About closing a tab and logout the user, I see it differently as you. I
> think logout should be done on the client (of course we have to provide the
> methods for that :), but it just my opinion, maybe Jorge has a different
> opinion :)
> Regards,
> Jose
> On Tue, Aug 29, 2017 at 3:09 PM, Filippo Giuffrida <
> filippo.giuffrida at eng.it> wrote:
>> Hi Jose,
>> ok, if you want, we can wait for the Jorge's opinion, though for us it
>> would be simpler if the accounts.fundingbox.com session is cleaned when
>> the user closes the browser. This is a general security issue of
>> accounts.fundingbox.com, isn't it?
>> I'm thinking that, in any case, if an user closes the browser without
>> clicking on logout, the Liferay session should be cleaned but the
>> accounts.fundingbox.com session would remain active. Do you agree?
>> Regards
>> *Filippo*
>> Il 29/08/2017 14:50, Jose Alonso ha scritto:
>> Hi Filippo,
>> Not actually.
>> I think we can add a second parameter (for instance
>> ?doLogout=true&redirect_url=http://figlobal.eng.it) but I would like to
>> know about Jorge's opinion :)
>> Regards,
>> Jose
>> On Tue, Aug 29, 2017 at 2:39 PM, Filippo Giuffrida <
>> filippo.giuffrida at eng.it> wrote:
>>> Hi Jose,
>>> the URL http://accounts.fundingbox.com/?doLogout=true redirects to
>>> http://accounts.fundingbox.com/login, I think that an user that logouts
>>> on FIA should be redirected on the FIA login page, not on FundingBox Login.
>>> Is there a way to set the redirect page ?
>>> Please, let me know.
>>> Best Regards
>>> *Filippo*
>>> Il 29/08/2017 13:24, Jose Alonso ha scritto:
>>> Hi Filippo,
>>> Yes, you're right. The sessions remains active. I think the best way to
>>> handle this is that client could call a logout method and sessions will be
>>> closed.
>>> Actually you can invoke the http://accounts.fundingbox.com
>>> /?doLogout=true URL to logout the user via accounts. Could you call
>>> this URL when user logouts FIA (if logged with funding box account of
>>> course)?
>>> Regards,
>>> Jose
>>> On Tue, Aug 29, 2017 at 11:47 AM, Filippo Giuffrida <
>>> filippo.giuffrida at eng.it> wrote:
>>>> Hi Jose,
>>>> ok, this new client_id works fine for figlobal.eng.it. If you want,
>>>> you can test it by the following link
>>>> I've noticed that the session of accounts.fundingbox.com remains
>>>> active when the user close the tab/browser.
>>>> This means that:
>>>>    1. User A clicks to sign in on FIA by FundingBox account
>>>>    2. User A inserts the own credentials on accounts.fundingbox.com
>>>>    3. User A logins and uses FIA
>>>>    4. User A clicks on FIA logout. The Liferay session is cleaned, but
>>>>    (not having the Single Log out) the fundingbox session remains active.
>>>>    5. User A closes the browser. *Here the **fundingbox session should
>>>>    be cleaned, but instead it remains active.*
>>>>    6. User B clicks to sign in on FIA by FundingBox account
>>>>    7. *User B is logged by the  **FundingBox account of the user A*.
>>>> It's an issue.
>>>> Please, could you take a look ?
>>>> It would be enough to clean the accounts.fundingbox.comm session when
>>>> the user close the tab/browser.
>>>> Thank you in advance
>>>> Best Regards
>>>> *Filippo*
>>>> Il 29/08/2017 10:39, Jose Alonso ha scritto:
>>>> Hi Filippo,
>>>> I added a new client_id=59a52664e6c736834bd0cd2a that redirects to
>>>> http://figlobal.eng.it/authorize.html
>>>> Could you please try that?
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Jose
>>>> On Mon, Aug 28, 2017 at 4:17 PM, Filippo Giuffrida <
>>>> filippo.giuffrida at eng.it> wrote:
>>>>> Hi FundingBox team,
>>>>> I ended up developing the SSO with FundingBox oAuth on my local
>>>>> environment by the client_id=597867a6e6c736834bd0cd1a that redirects
>>>>> to localhost:3000/authorize.html.
>>>>> Please could you provide an additional  client_id that redirects to *http://figlobal.eng.it
>>>>> <http://figlobal.eng.it>**/authorize.html*  ?
>>>>> Thank you in advance
>>>>> Best Regards
>>>>> *Filippo*
>>>>> Il 24/08/2017 13:34, Jose Alonso ha scritto:
>>>>> Hi Filippo,
>>>>> Could you try now? Since this morning seems the api didn't  respond in
>>>>> some situations.
>>>>> Sorry for the inconvenience!
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Jose
>>>>> On Thu, Aug 24, 2017 at 11:07 AM, Filippo Giuffrida <
>>>>> filippo.giuffrida at eng.it> wrote:
>>>>>> Dear FundingBox Team,
>>>>>> since this morning the server of http://api.fundingbox.com/users/me
>>>>>> doesn't seem to work.
>>>>>> The Ajax call returns a pending status that ends with a 502 error
>>>>>> Yesterday evening it was working fine.
>>>>>> Please, could you take a look and give me  a feedback ?
>>>>>> Thank you in advance
>>>>>> Best Regards
>>>>>> *Filippo*
>>>>>> Il 24/08/2017 01:43, Jorge Fernandez ha scritto:
>>>>>> Hi Filippo, thanks for reporting this. It's quite strange, I didn't
>>>>>> had time to check it properly, but looks like the two systems are using
>>>>>> different cost parameters in their hashing functions, but not always, and
>>>>>> this is the strange thing, because at least my account is working exactly
>>>>>> the same in both systems.
>>>>>> Anyway, thanks for telling us ;) , we'll investigate it and fix it
>>>>>> asap.
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Jorge
>>>>>> On Wed, Aug 23, 2017 at 10:51 AM, Filippo Giuffrida <
>>>>>> filippo.giuffrida at eng.it> wrote:
>>>>>>> Dear FundingBox Team,
>>>>>>> I followed the Jorge's suggestions, getting these results:
>>>>>>>    - I cannot reset my password for the account
>>>>>>>    filippo.giuffrida at eng.it
>>>>>>>    - I clicked on the link shown in the following image
>>>>>>>    - I tried to use the same email address (filippo.giuffrida at eng.it)
>>>>>>>    and the system (rightly) gave my an error
>>>>>>>    - I changed the email address in filgiuffrida at outlook.it, the
>>>>>>>    account was created successfully and the login works fine, redirecting to
>>>>>>>    http://localhost:3000/authorize.html#access_token=599d3fc4af
>>>>>>>    59fc84788b4567&token_type=Bearer&expires=1504773700&expires_
>>>>>>>    in=1296000
>>>>>>>    <http://localhost:3000/authorize.html#access_token=599d3fc4af59fc84788b4567&token_type=Bearer&expires=1504773700&expires_in=1296000>
>>>>>>>    - I tried to create an other account by the page
>>>>>>>    https://fundingbox.com/signin
>>>>>>> and the account l346261 at mvrht.net gave me the same problems of
>>>>>>> filippo.giuffrida at eng.it (I cannot use it on
>>>>>>> http://accounts.fundingbox.com/login)
>>>>>>> I got the following conclusions:
>>>>>>>    1. If you create the account by https://fundingbox.com/signin,
>>>>>>>    - it works fine  on https://fundingbox.com/signin
>>>>>>>    - it doesn't work on http://accounts.fundingbox.com/login
>>>>>>>    1. If you create the account by http://accounts.fundingbox.com
>>>>>>>    /login,
>>>>>>>    - it works fine  on http://accounts.fundingbox.com/login
>>>>>>>    - it works fine  on https://fundingbox.com/signin
>>>>>>> In this way I'm able to proceed with my development, but we should
>>>>>>> keep in mind that this account management isn't working fine and
>>>>>>> with these bugs  it cannot be used in a production context. We need
>>>>>>> to solve these problems, do you agree ?
>>>>>>> Best Regards
>>>>>>> *Filippo*
>>>>>>> Il 22/08/2017 23:21, Jorge Fernandez ha scritto:
>>>>>>> Hi Filippo, please try again, reseting your password here:
>>>>>>> http://accounts.fundingbox.com/login
>>>>>>> I'll be out till Sept. 1, but I'll try to check the email from time
>>>>>>> to time, so you can contact me or try to contact my colleague Jose:
>>>>>>> jose.alonso at fundingbox.com
>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>> Jorge
>>>>>>> On Tue, Aug 22, 2017 at 3:16 PM, Filippo Giuffrida <
>>>>>>> filippo.giuffrida at eng.it> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Jorge,
>>>>>>>> I'm trying to use the example provided by you.
>>>>>>>> I've created an account on https://fundingbox.com/ with email
>>>>>>>> filippo.giuffrida at eng.it, I've verified the email and I access
>>>>>>>> fine on https://fundingbox.com/
>>>>>>>> I've tried to access by a blank browser to
>>>>>>>> http://accounts.fundingbox.com/authorize?client_id=597867a6e
>>>>>>>> 6c736834bd0cd1a&response_type=token , it redirects to
>>>>>>>> http://accounts.fundingbox.com/login where the following form
>>>>>>>> appears
>>>>>>>> I've tried to access by the account filippo.giuffrida at eng.it, but
>>>>>>>> it doesn't work, I got the message "*Your username or password are
>>>>>>>> incorrect, please try again."*
>>>>>>>> I've also tried to create an account by the link "Create an
>>>>>>>> account" but it links to #
>>>>>>>> Please, could you take a look ?
>>>>>>>> Thank you in advance
>>>>>>>> Best Regards
>>>>>>>> *Filippo*
>>>>>>>> Il 26/07/2017 18:15, Jorge Fernandez ha scritto:
>>>>>>>> Hi Filippo,
>>>>>>>> I've prepared a brief document and a very basic example using the
>>>>>>>> "implicit grant" flow.
>>>>>>>> Example: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B29v6b3mGXyUUllZcz
>>>>>>>> NYRmsyZ1k/view?usp=sharing
>>>>>>>> Document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/14Bjn6ibrOgmq1P
>>>>>>>> 0sx5hDh_U98f5ypLOqUniy7Vpunvg/edit?usp=sharing
>>>>>>>> This is probably the easier one to implement, but if you prefer to
>>>>>>>> use a different grant type just tell me and we can prepare a different
>>>>>>>> example.
>>>>>>>> The example is very basic, using only javascript.
>>>>>>>> If you use php in your laptop you can run it with this command: php
>>>>>>>> -S localhost:3000
>>>>>>>> If not, you'll need to upload the files to a web server or run it
>>>>>>>> with node, etc...
>>>>>>>> Here are the credentials you'll need to use our Accounts service:
>>>>>>>> *authorization_url*: http://accounts.fundingbox.com/authorize
>>>>>>>> *client_id*: 597867a6e6c736834bd0cd1a
>>>>>>>> *client_secret (not needed if using the implicit grant type)*:
>>>>>>>> mac974348wncw084309du7tcnw084tcw846tndw86tbw
>>>>>>>> The URI to redirect to after the user grants/denies permission is : *http://localhost:3000/authorize
>>>>>>>> <http://localhost:3000/authorize>*
>>>>>>>> If you need to change it you'll have to ask me to do it.
>>>>>>>> After the user granted permission you'll receive and access_token
>>>>>>>> and you should use it to call our API to get the user details like the
>>>>>>>> email, username, etc...
>>>>>>>> This can be done calling this REST method: *(GET)
>>>>>>>> http://api.fundingbox.com/users/me <http://api.fundingbox.com/users/me>*
>>>>>>>> (including a header "Authorization": access_token)
>>>>>>>> If you need any help or examples to implement this just tell me :)
>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>> Jorge
>>>>>>>> On Wed, Jul 26, 2017 at 10:59 AM, Jorge Fernandez <
>>>>>>>> jorge at fundingbox.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Filippo, sorry for my late response, I'm been out since friday.
>>>>>>>>> We have and OAuth2 authentication service with the following grant
>>>>>>>>> types:
>>>>>>>>> Authorization code grant
>>>>>>>>> Implicit grant
>>>>>>>>> Resource owner credentials grant
>>>>>>>>> Client credentials grant
>>>>>>>>> Refresh token grant
>>>>>>>>> I guess the simplest implementation would be use the "implicit
>>>>>>>>> grant" option, since it's quite simple to implement from scratch.
>>>>>>>>> We are now preparing some documentation and examples, and I hope
>>>>>>>>> to sent them to you during the day.
>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>> Jorge
>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Jul 25, 2017 at 7:03 PM, Filippo Giuffrida <
>>>>>>>>> filippo.giuffrida at eng.it> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Dear Jorge,
>>>>>>>>>> did you receive the following email, that I sent to
>>>>>>>>>> fiware-fia-fundingbox-integration at lists.fiware.org ?
>>>>>>>>>> Please, could you let us know ?
>>>>>>>>>> Thank you in advance
>>>>>>>>>> Best Regards
>>>>>>>>>> *Filippo*
>>>>>>>>>> -------- Messaggio Inoltrato --------
>>>>>>>>>> Oggetto: SSO integration
>>>>>>>>>> Data: Mon, 24 Jul 2017 16:11:09 +0200
>>>>>>>>>> Mittente: Filippo Giuffrida <filippo.giuffrida at eng.it>
>>>>>>>>>> <filippo.giuffrida at eng.it>
>>>>>>>>>> A: fiware-fia-fundingbox-integration at lists.fiware.org
>>>>>>>>>> Dear Jorge,
>>>>>>>>>> as Giovanni wrote in a previous mail, one of the first steps of
>>>>>>>>>> the our integration should be:
>>>>>>>>>>    - Integration with FundingBox via OAuth 2.0 or CAS (to be
>>>>>>>>>>    finally agreed, after information sent by Jorge)
>>>>>>>>>> Currently our tool doesn't provide a native module to use OAuth
>>>>>>>>>> 2.0 as SSO system, so we should develop it from scratch.
>>>>>>>>>> An alternative route that allows us to reduce the time for
>>>>>>>>>> putting the SSO into operation is the use of CAS.
>>>>>>>>>> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Authentication_Service>
>>>>>>>>>> Does FundingBox implement the CAS protocol ?
>>>>>>>>>> Please, could you let us know ?
>>>>>>>>>> Thank you in advance
>>>>>>>>>> Best Regards
>>>>>>>>>> *Filippo*
>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>> *Filippo Giuffrida*
>>>>>>>>>> Researcher, Member of the Public Administration Innovation Unit
>>>>>>>>>> Research and Development Lab.
>>>>>>>>>> filippo.giuffrida at eng.it
>>>>>>>>>> *Engineering Ingegneria Informatica spa*
>>>>>>>>>> Viale Regione Siciliana N.O. n.7275
>>>>>>>>>> 90146, Palermo (Italy)
>>>>>>>>>> Direct phone +39 - 091 7511842 <+39%20091%20751%201842>
>>>>>>>>>> Operator +39 - 091 7511711 <+39%20091%20751%201711>
>>>>>>>>>> www.eng.it
>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>> *Filippo Giuffrida*
>>>>>>>>>> Researcher, Member of the Public Administration Innovation Unit
>>>>>>>>>> Research and Development Lab.
>>>>>>>>>> filippo.giuffrida at eng.it
>>>>>>>>>> *Engineering Ingegneria Informatica spa*
>>>>>>>>>> Viale Regione Siciliana N.O. n.7275
>>>>>>>>>> 90146, Palermo (Italy)
>>>>>>>>>> Direct phone +39 - 091 7511842 <+39%20091%20751%201842>
>>>>>>>>>> Operator +39 - 091 7511711 <+39%20091%20751%201711>
>>>>>>>>>> www.eng.it
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> *Filippo Giuffrida*
>>>>>>>> Researcher, Member of the Public Administration Innovation Unit
>>>>>>>> Research and Development Lab.
>>>>>>>> filippo.giuffrida at eng.it
>>>>>>>> *Engineering Ingegneria Informatica spa*
>>>>>>>> Viale Regione Siciliana N.O. n.7275
>>>>>>>> 90146, Palermo (Italy)
>>>>>>>> Direct phone +39 - 091 7511842 <+39%20091%20751%201842>
>>>>>>>> Operator +39 - 091 7511711 <+39%20091%20751%201711>
>>>>>>>> www.eng.it
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> *Filippo Giuffrida*
>>>>>>> Researcher, Member of the Public Administration Innovation Unit
>>>>>>> Research and Development Lab.
>>>>>>> filippo.giuffrida at eng.it
>>>>>>> *Engineering Ingegneria Informatica spa*
>>>>>>> Viale Regione Siciliana N.O. n.7275
>>>>>>> 90146, Palermo (Italy)
>>>>>>> Direct phone +39 - 091 7511842 <+39%20091%20751%201842>
>>>>>>> Operator +39 - 091 7511711 <+39%20091%20751%201711>
>>>>>>> www.eng.it
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> *Filippo Giuffrida*
>>>>>> Researcher, Member of the Public Administration Innovation Unit
>>>>>> Research and Development Lab.
>>>>>> filippo.giuffrida at eng.it
>>>>>> *Engineering Ingegneria Informatica spa*
>>>>>> Viale Regione Siciliana N.O. n.7275
>>>>>> 90146, Palermo (Italy)
>>>>>> Direct phone +39 - 091 7511842 <+39%20091%20751%201842>
>>>>>> Operator +39 - 091 7511711 <+39%20091%20751%201711>
>>>>>> www.eng.it
>>>>> --
>>>>> *Filippo Giuffrida*
>>>>> Researcher, Member of the Public Administration Innovation Unit
>>>>> Research and Development Lab.
>>>>> filippo.giuffrida at eng.it
>>>>> *Engineering Ingegneria Informatica spa*
>>>>> Viale Regione Siciliana N.O. n.7275
>>>>> 90146, Palermo (Italy)
>>>>> Direct phone +39 - 091 7511842 <+39%20091%20751%201842>
>>>>> Operator +39 - 091 7511711 <+39%20091%20751%201711>
>>>>> www.eng.it
>>>> --
>>>> *Filippo Giuffrida*
>>>> Researcher, Member of the Public Administration Innovation Unit
>>>> Research and Development Lab.
>>>> filippo.giuffrida at eng.it
>>>> *Engineering Ingegneria Informatica spa*
>>>> Viale Regione Siciliana N.O. n.7275
>>>> 90146, Palermo (Italy)
>>>> Direct phone +39 - 091 7511842 <+39%20091%20751%201842>
>>>> Operator +39 - 091 7511711 <+39%20091%20751%201711>
>>>> www.eng.it
>>> --
>>> *Filippo Giuffrida*
>>> Researcher, Member of the Public Administration Innovation Unit
>>> Research and Development Lab.
>>> filippo.giuffrida at eng.it
>>> *Engineering Ingegneria Informatica spa*
>>> Viale Regione Siciliana N.O. n.7275
>>> 90146, Palermo (Italy)
>>> Direct phone +39 - 091 7511842 <+39%20091%20751%201842>
>>> Operator +39 - 091 7511711 <+39%20091%20751%201711>
>>> www.eng.it
>> --
>> *Filippo Giuffrida*
>> Researcher, Member of the Public Administration Innovation Unit
>> Research and Development Lab.
>> filippo.giuffrida at eng.it
>> *Engineering Ingegneria Informatica spa*
>> Viale Regione Siciliana N.O. n.7275
>> 90146, Palermo (Italy)
>> Direct phone +39 - 091 7511842 <+39%20091%20751%201842>
>> Operator +39 - 091 7511711 <+39%20091%20751%201711>
>> www.eng.it
> --
> *Filippo Giuffrida*
> Researcher, Member of the Public Administration Innovation Unit
> Research and Development Lab.
> filippo.giuffrida at eng.it
> *Engineering Ingegneria Informatica spa*
> Viale Regione Siciliana N.O. n.7275
> 90146, Palermo (Italy)
> Direct phone +39 - 091 7511842 <+39%20091%20751%201842>
> Operator +39 - 091 7511711 <+39%20091%20751%201711>
> www.eng.it
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