[Fiware-fia-fundingbox-integration] SSO integration

Filippo Giuffrida filippo.giuffrida at eng.it
Mon Jul 24 16:11:09 CEST 2017

Dear Jorge,

as Giovanni wrote in a previous mail, one of the first steps of the our 
integration should be:

  * Integration with FundingBox via OAuth 2.0 or CAS (to be finally
    agreed, after information sent by Jorge)

Currently our tool doesn't provide a native module to use OAuth 2.0 as 
SSO system, so we should develop it from scratch.

An alternative route that allows us to reduce the time for putting the 
SSO into operation is the use of CAS. 

Does FundingBox implement the CAS protocol ?

Please, could you let us know ?

Thank you in advance

Best Regards


*Filippo Giuffrida*
Researcher, Member of the Public Administration Innovation Unit
Research and Development Lab.
filippo.giuffrida at eng.it <mailto:filippo.giuffrida at eng.it>

*Engineering Ingegneria Informatica spa*
Viale Regione Siciliana N.O. n.7275
90146, Palermo (Italy)
Direct phone +39 - 091 7511842
Operator +39 - 091 7511711
www.eng.it <http://www.eng.it>
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