[Fiware-fia-fundingbox-integration] [FIGLOBAL] oAuth API down

Filippo Giuffrida filippo.giuffrida at eng.it
Wed Oct 18 10:57:35 CEST 2017

Unfortunately, it's not working yet.


Il 18/10/2017 10:49, Jorge Fernandez ha scritto:
> Hi Filippo, thanks for telling me.
> Could you please try again and tell me if it's working again for you?
> Regards,
> Jorge
> On Wed, Oct 18, 2017 at 10:22 AM, Filippo Giuffrida 
> <filippo.giuffrida at eng.it <mailto:filippo.giuffrida at eng.it>> wrote:
>     Dear FundingBox Team,
>     since this morning the server of
>     http://api.fundingbox.com/users/me
>     <http://api.fundingbox.com/users/me> doesn't seem to work.
>     The Ajax call returns a pending status that ends with a 502 error
>     Yesterday evening it was working fine.
>     I've also tried by Rest Client.
>     Please, could you take a look and give me  a feedback ?
>     Thank you in advance
>     Best Regards
>     /Filippo/
>     -- 
>     *Filippo Giuffrida*
>     Researcher, Member of the Public Administration Innovation Unit
>     Research and Development Lab.
>     filippo.giuffrida at eng.it <mailto:filippo.giuffrida at eng.it>
>     *Engineering Ingegneria Informatica spa*
>     Viale Regione Siciliana N.O. n.7275
>     90146, Palermo (Italy)
>     Direct phone +39 - 091 7511842 <tel:+39%20091%20751%201842>
>     Operator +39 - 091 7511711 <tel:+39%20091%20751%201711>
>     www.eng.it <http://www.eng.it>

*Filippo Giuffrida*
Researcher, Member of the Public Administration Innovation Unit
Research and Development Lab.
filippo.giuffrida at eng.it <mailto:filippo.giuffrida at eng.it>

*Engineering Ingegneria Informatica spa*
Viale Regione Siciliana N.O. n.7275
90146, Palermo (Italy)
Direct phone +39 - 091 7511842
Operator +39 - 091 7511711
www.eng.it <http://www.eng.it>
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